Imatges de pàgina

charges, erect and uphold all their religious edifices, and support their ministers, and yet contribute equally with their countrymen to tithes, church-rates, and all the charges of the Established Church; and as Episcopalians, would freely erect such edifices if the privilege of presenting their own Ministers was not withheld. This Society now specially instruct their Committee to oppose any further grants for those purposes, and pledge themselves strenuously to co-operate for the prevention of the increase of burdens which ought not to be imposed.

VIII. That the judicious, energetic, and well-directed exertions of the Committee for this Society, during the past year, merit continued confidence and unabating praise, and that they be requested to form the Committee for the ensuing year.

IX. That to Robert Steven, Esq. their Treasurer, the meeting present their sincere as well as accustomed thanks, and that he be requested to continue his efforts 'for religious freedom, by those useful labours for the improvement of Ireland, which tend to the greatest usefulness, and have been rewarded by great success.

X. That this Meeting cannot adequately express their high estimation of the indefatigable, intelligent, and disinterested labours of Thomas Pellatt, Esq. and John Wilks, Esq. the Honorary Secretaries to this Society, and that they be respectfully invited to continue their labours through another year.

XI. That this meeting cannot separate without renewing their warmest assurances of sincere attachment to the Right Hon. Lord Holland, their noble Chairman, and that they rejoice in another opportunity to declare, that his uniform attachment to civil and religious liberty, and his wise, liberal, and consistent conduct have obtained, as they have well deserved, their grateful confidence and profound respect. LORD HOLLAND rose, and spoke nearly to the following effect:-Gentlemen, the Reverend Gentleman who moved the last resolution, of which you have been pleased thus to signify your approval, assured you that he did not propose it merely pro forma. I do not take, let me hope, too much vanity to myself, in believing that, from the manner in which you received it, you wish to convey not a mere ordinary acknowledgment, but the expression of your sincere satisfaction. Permit me to assure you in return, that the satisfaction and gratification with which I preside here to-day are not mere words of course. It is not in words of course I express delight at the sentiments I have this day heard, and in the association of the men who now surround me. I am not so insensible of taste, of the display of genius, and of the beauties of composition, as not to have heard with pleasure and delight the speech which he delivered, and to have felt the force and justice of the principles which he inculcated on the minds of the meeting; but, Gentlemen, whilst I express my delight at what I have seen and heard, it was not,

let me assure you, either the prospect of good speeches, or the gratifying expression of your good opinion towards me, that induced my attendance here to-day. No; it is because I feel this Society to be of the greatest importance-it is because, as the friend of civil and religious liberty, I approve of the principle of its foundation. It is more particularly from the signs of the times, from what is passing abroad and at home, as well as both in and out of Parliament, that it strikes me as peculiarly incumbent on the friends of civil and religious liberty, to unite in firm aray, and form into compact and resolute combination. I will not detain you long. I will then proceed, and advert to the objections which I have elsewhere heard against meetings such as the present. It has been objected to such a meeting as the present, that although it induces pathetic statements-although it developes interesting facts, yet for what purpose are those facts and statements made and adduced? They are treated as petty vexations, as little arrogances, as jealousies arising from the suspicion and envy of one sect against another, and not as real cases of persecution. It is said that they are not sufficient causes for us to unite; but to those who speak thus I say, in the first instance, "let them come here and hear." Secondly, I say that they who are not persecuted themselves, nor in a situation to suffer persecution, are not the most competent judges to determine how far the persecution of opinion is or is not persecution. True it is, that we do not now, as formerly, hear of imprisonments, and burnings, and torture, in punishment of opinions. And why is it not so? Because Englishmen meet and discuss. It is to our vigilance in little things that we owe our exemption from persecution in great; from our resistance to oppression in every form, that we are not visited with it in its worst and most formidable shapes. This Society had its origin in an attempt to interfere with the Toleration Act. That Act is liable to many objections; it was not founded on the broad basis of the code · laid down by Bishop Wilkins. However, it attempted some good; it conferred at least some practical benefit; and a successful opposition to the interference with that Act is among the good consequences that flowed from the institution of this Society. Though that Act gave something, it did not give sufficient; it was said to confer practical religious liberty, but that was a term of which I do profess I do not understand the exact import. By practical liberty, I presume, is meant not the full possession of freedom, but the enjoyment of liberty by sufferance, and that is a liberty with which, I am sure, no man will be content and satisfied. Liberty is that which a man possesses by his own right: he does not claim it from, or owe it to the indulgence of another; and of all species of liberty, the right of private judgment is that to which a man is most entitled, and with which it is most a crime to interfere;


it is, of all points of public and political
consideration, the peculiar one in which
each individual in society should enjoy
that full and perfect freedom which Mr.
Locke oppropriately terms "Just, equal,
and absolute liberty." We should con-
tinue to persevere in the course in which
we are now engaged, until the triumph of
that principle be achieved; until the re-
cognition of it be attained; all is not
attained with which you ought to rest
satisfied, It is not that I would recommend
you to be insensible to the advantages
which you have already arrived at. They
are many, and the Toleration Act which
secures them is not an Act with which we
should be too anxious and ready in picking
and taking exceptions to; on the contrary,
it is my opinion, that much gratitude is
due for that Act, and to the men who
succeeded in carrying it, for it was carried
at a time when the difficulties were great
and numerous, and at a time too not very
favourable to acts of liberal policy. But
though the Toleration Act did much, yet it
did not accomplish all, and the freedom of
opinion was not yet complete. It was
necessary to pass an Act of Indemnity for
those who differed in opinion from the
doctrines of the Established Church; this
made free opinion, not the enjoyment of
a right, but the exemption from punish-
ment. The cases of the churchman (I am
a churchman myself) and the Dissenter
were widely different. The churchman
had his opinions protected and defended
by law; he had a positive right to entertain
them not so the Dissenter, he did not hold
and avow his principles by the right of
opinion, but by a pardon in his pocket; he
was told he was disentitled to think for
himself, and that he owed the privilege of
entertaining his own conscientious con-
viction to the clemency and the kindness
of the churchman, and that to him he was
indebted for exemption from condign
punishment. Was it nothing that a man
should be thus taunted for his opinions?
Was it nothing that a man should be thus
degraded for believing and entertaining
those doctrines and principles from which
his mind could not but revolt? Was it nothing
that a man should be lowered in the scale
of national estimation, for a line of conduct
which deserved not the dis-esteem, but
which claimed the admiration, the honour,
and the praise of mankind. It was not a
sufficient excuse to say, that acts of out-
rageous oppression are not now
mitted. It should be remembered how
nearly oppression was allied to insult.
Shakspeare, the great master of human
passions, next to

"The oppressor's wrong,"



am anxions for the security of the Church of England, that I think this degradation of others most impolitic and unwise. It is with these sentiments that I readily accepted the invitation which I received at the end of last week, to attend this meeting, with a view of testifying my approval of its principles; principles which I feel to be honourable to the best sympathies, and inseparable from the dearest rights of Englishmen. I agree with my honourable friend, Mr. Wilks, that there is a power somewhere which overcomes the opinions of Right Reverend Prelates, and of Ministers, and even of leaving the Prime Minister (Lord Liverpool,) even where a Prime Minister is very seldom to be found-in a minority. For the Prime Minister of England I have a very sincere and high respect; I stand with him on terms of private friendship; and although at variance with him on political questions, I must admit that he brings great abilities, great information, and great force of argument to the description of the question. Perhaps, on the occasion to which I allude, I may be of opinion that he was more eminent in the contribution of these resources than he usually is from the very rare and singular circumstance of my agreeing with him. I valued his co-operation much, not only on account of the talent he possesses, but also on account of the majority which usually declares in favour of the side on which they are exercised; and without meaning any thing unhandsome of the Noble Lord, I must say, that on a national benefit I would prefer to have the majority on my side than even his talents. However, on the question of Unitarian Marriages, it was my fortune to have my preference reversed, and to have lost the former, although I had the advantage and support of the latter. Let not, however, a partial discomfiture induce this Society to abate in their efforts for the accomplishment of the wise and useful purposes they have in view; and I repeat, that there are in the aspect of affairs, both abroad and at home, renewed and augmented inducements for the steady maintenance and support of the principles which distinguish and characterize this Institution. Men will and ought only be contented with the full enjoyment of freedom of opinion in religious matters. I do not approve of the fine-drawn distinctions which some persons make between political power and persecution; the absolute and unrestricted possession of political power is not to be recognised; the real possession of power alone is to be valuedbut circumscribed with conditions, and encumbered with restriction, it degenerates into persecution. If the persecution be

in the classification of words, ills, and hu- for religion, it is aggravated in a tenfold man calamities, had placed

"The proud man's contumely." -And sorry am 1 to perceive the Church of England seek, as a means of defence, to place Dissenters in a degraded situation, or adopt as a mode of security, against those who may differ from her doctrines, a denial of natural rights. It is because I


degree, for it becomes a persecution of conscience. I will advert to one topic more into which I am the more induced to enter, as none of the Reverend Gentlemen who preceded me dwelt upon it-the stability of the Established Church. This, to be sure, is a topic to which I am not at all surprised they have not adverted, for it is

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not their business to look after it. But as I am myself deeply interested and anxious for its stability, I may be permitted to say, that in my opinion its stability is best guaranteed and provided for by the diminution of the restrictions which it places on other communities-for in proportion as those restrictions are found necessary, in the same proportion will people be persuaded that an endowed Church is altogether unnecessary. For 'tis clear to a demonstration, that inasmuch as any institution relies not on its own merits and services, but fences itself round with penalties, and restrictions, and exclusive privileges, in the same degree will the support of public opinion be withdrawn from it, in the same degree will its claims to respect be questioned and doubted; and as the hardships it imposes for its security increase, so will a confidence in its benefits diminish. In supporting this Institution, I am not, and cannot be understood to be the espouser of any particular opinions, or the approver of the tenets of one set of men or another, but simply to be the advocate of the broad principle of the right of every person to judge for himself in matters of religion. The extent to which I may carry this principle may exceed that to which others go-at least we would all extend it to all classes of professing Christians, and by Christians I would understand all those who make the Sacred Writings the rule of their faith, and the regulation of their conduct. How those should be dealt with who denied the Sacred Writings altogether, is a question beside the purposes of the present meeting, and one into the consideration of which I shall not therefore enter. But all those who believe and acknowledge the Sacred Writings should be embraced and regarded within the pale of Christianity. It is not religion, nor charity, but blasphemy against the very nature of religion, for man to persecute his fellow man for worshipping his God according to the suggestions of his heart, and the dictates of his understanding. It is not piety, but presumptuous arrogance, that prompts those who interfere between man, and the dispensation of his Creator's mercy towards him. I see many here today who differ with me, and who differ from each other on very important points of religious belief; and if such difference should be the cause of mortal enmity between us, what security can there be for human happiness? If a want of accordance in opinion constitute a ground of persecution of nature, the best and dearest bond of society must be dissolved and rent asunder. What right has any State to control the opinions of its subjects? The State unquestionably possesses a right to judge of men by their conduct, and of opinions by their fruits; but it has no rational right to infer criminality, or impose penalties, for the mere entertainment of opinions which are locked up in the breast of a man, and cannot be forced from thence, because those opinions may or may not happen to be in exact accordance with the

majority who compose the State itself This is a state of freedom which we should have long since reached, but to which we' have not yet arrived. Until we shall have arrived at this perfection of freedom, every means should be resorted to, and every constitutional combination be encouraged, that can contribute to the accomplishment of an object so just, politic, and needful.-The Noble Lord then bowed to the meeting, and retired.

made. By the request of the Committee At these meetings no collections are we state, that donations are needed, and may be transmitted by post to the Treasurer, Robert Steven, Esq. Upper Thames Thomas Pellatt, Esq. Ironmonger Hall, or Street, or to either of the Secretaries, John Wilks, Esq. Finsbury Square, to the latter of whom applications should be addressed. From each congregation in England the annual contribution expected is two pounds, and from each in Wales one pound. The subscription became due at Lady-day last. Country ministers or their friends will always be received with pleasure by the Committee at their meetings, half-past six in the evening precisely, on at Batson's Coffee House, Cornhill, at the last Monday in every month.


The Anniversary Meeting of this Institution was held at the Crown and Anchor. Before twelve o'clock the Great Room was completely filled, chiefly with Ladies. At a few minutes after twelve Sir THOMAS BARING, M.P. was called to the Chair. The Hon. Baronet said, that before he called upon the Secretary to read the Report, he would take the liberty of saying a few words with respect to the character and nature of this Society. He was happy to see so numerous and respectable an assembly, because it was a most convincing proof of the augmentation of the cause, and the increasing good opinion of Christians at large. In this Metropolis there was more of happiness and misery, more of real vital religion, and vice and profligacy, than in any other city in the world. It was therefore, natural, that those who were on the Lord's side, should feel excited to promote spiritual welfare among others: it was owing to this feeling that various Institutions had been formed for the promulgation of the Gospel at home and abroad; but among them all, there were but few of more importance than the present-none had had more difficulties than this Society, and none had done more in so short a period and with such slender means. It had been originally formed by a small band of followers of Christ, who, though of different denominations, yet were enlisted under one commander, the Chief Captain of our salvation. If it be praiseworthy to follow the foe into the most distant regions, they should take care not to leave the enemy in the rear, but to attack the great


enemy of mankind in this strong hold on the Continent, where human learning was at its height, while spiritual knowledge had nearly sunk to its lowest, ebb. It had been the object of the Society to do this, and the Report would relate to the Meeting how satisfactorily.

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abroad. We amazingly overstate the comparative amount of good effected by our Societies; the world is dead in trespasses and sins-vast tracts of barren Protestantism, or untilled and fruitless Popery stretch all around us." In speaking of Zurich, he says, I am quite grieved to say that my The Sixth Annual Report was then read impression of the present state of real reto the Assembly. It stated that they were ligion in this Canton is not so favourable universally successful on the Continent-in as its former celebrity would lead one to the Netherlands their teacher was succeed-expect. The clergy of the town, meeting ing in his efforts, and the Peasants were the magistrates and gentlemen at a club thankful to this Institution for its exertions once a week to smoke and talk politics; -in the North of France likewise they these are not promising symptoms." With were going on prosperously-in Paris, respect to Guers, an agent of this society, though there were no public preaching, he observes, "with immense difficulty I yet the Society had it in contemplation to have found a translator well skilled in purchase a house for an evangelical rally. English, accustomed to literary occupaing point-at Bayonne the Gospel had been tiod, master of a good style, and of the preached both to French and Spaniards, same sentiments with my author." And and several works had been translated into further on of the same person," I have been the Spanish language-in Germany there three or four hours with my chief translahad been an extensive success, particularly tor. He is eminently an amiable, pious, in Berlin and along the Northern frontiers sensible, scholar-like young man; but deof Upper Germany-at Geneva and Berne, jected, feeble in health, and of a tender in Switzerland, in spite of the persecution and perhaps somewhat scrupulous mind." established, there were some hopes of Of the necessity of Continental Societies prosperity. The Society employed on the he thus speaks," Speaking of Van Ess, let Continent 26 Ministers and Agents, and us pray that many, many such Catholic at Hamburgh, where one of their Agents professors may be raised up in every part was placed, he informed them, that though of the Continent, and the traditions of men his audience at first had been but six, it will fall away of themselves-" There is now amounted to 250, and he had not room one class of persons in Catholic countries for all that were willing to come. Their whom I compassionate from my heart. expenditure had unfortunately exceeded They are not sunk in superstition, nor have their income, but they did not despair of they imbibed the piety of true disciples of not only clearing themselves, but of being Christ; but having been educated during enabled, by the subscriptions offered in a the Revolution, having acquired a general good cause, to carry on their exertions. boldness and liberality of sentiment, see Mr. SCOTT, the Treasurer, then proceeded through much of the mummery of Popery, to read a statement of the accounts: from detest the spirit and aims of a worldlyEngland had been received £881 5s. 9d.; minded priesthood, are disgusted at the from Scotland, £761.8s.7d.; from Ireland, revival of the Jesuits, the opposition to the £100; from Spencer Percival, Esq. £25., Bible Society, the resistance to education, making a total of £1,767 14s. 4ds., while the disturbance and removal of the most their expenditure had been £1,962 Ís. 4d. pious and worthy pastors and professors, Mr. Drummond had been requested to the persecution of the Protestants, &c. move-" That the Report now read be re-. And yet they are not in earnest enough ceived, adopted and printed under the di- about religion to take a decided part; the rection of the Committee." He was hap- objections of infidels dwell upon their pily enabled to bring forward the testimony minds, the fear of reproach prevents their of a Gentleman, more informed than him- quitting the Roman communion; there is self, in witness of the accurracy of the Re- nothing in the Protestanism they are acport. The Gentleman to whom he alluded quainted with to shew them a more excelwas Mr. Daniel Wilson, in whose published lent way. Thus they gilde down the fatal letters he had been struck with the follow-stream with others, dissatisfied and unconing accounts. Previous to reading which he would beg to observe, that Protestantism and Catholicism on the Continent were very different from the same terms here. In the course of this work he observes, that" A human philosophy applied rashly and presumptuously to religion is the poison of German Divinity among the Protestants; endless refinements, imaginations, corruptions of the faith, tending to Scepticism or athesim. Things are mending, but it is incredible what daring impieties are currently received: thus unbelief stands more fatally opposed to the Faith of Christ than even superstition." And further on, he continues, "I am sure we have little idea in England of the state of things

verted. These are persons to be won by the friendly conversations of true Christians, to be invited to read suitable books on the evidences and nature of true Christianity, and to follow and obey the truth." With respect to the agents of the Society, he knew that many of them had been blamed for their imprudence, but it should be remembered under what very difficult circumstances they were placed: we sent Missionaries indeed further; but even in those distant countries they did not meet with half the difficulties that were to be found on the Continent: the agents, he had no doubt, were most strenuous in their exertions for the interests of the Society, and it was not for the Meeting to cavil at

every little accident that occurred. them might be applied

"Verum ubi plura nitent-non ego paucis "Offendar maculis."


Dr. THORP, in seconding this motion, observed that this Society could not pos sibly interfere with the Bible Society, though it had often been alleged that it did. He granted that it was a parallel Society, but then it likewise partook of the property of a parallel, that it never met or crossed its opposing line.

The Rev. HUGH M'NEILE, knowing from his private intercourse that many had come to the Meeting that day to have their scruples satisfied, under these circumstances he would beg to follow up the same Dr. BOGUE moved "That the unabated line of argument that the last speaker had zeal and liberality of this Society's Auxdone. Last year he had known compara-iliaries in Scotland and Ireland, and the tively little of the affairs of the Society, formation of several new ones in England but he had been enabled this year to judge during the past year, furnish the pleasing more decisively of its merits, by the perusal hope that associations will soon be formed of many of the detailed accounts that had in aid of its operations throughout every arrived from their agents abroad; and as part of the United Kingdom." He was an individual he did not hesitate to say, glad to find the Society going on so prosthat the Society had been carried on on the perously; he remembered, that two or three principle of primitive dependance on God; testifying that God had given us eternal years before, he had attended at the Aniversary, when there were very few people life through his Son Jesus Christ. But it in comparison to the present numbers that had been said that this was not necessary attended them, but even then he had in a Christian country, than which unfortuventured to prophecy what was now come nately there could not be a greater mistake, to pass, that the Society's friends must and for even in England there was an igno- would increase. rance and a bigoted obstinacy with respect to the true religion, that was deeply affecting to his heart: he had endeavoured to impress a man with his salvation through Jesus Christ, but in vain, for scarcely were the words out of his mouth, than he insisted that it would be owing to his good behaviour that he would be saved: on the Continent it was still worse-Socinianism and Popery carried the day there, so that great difficulty was found in gathering the lambs of God together out of the clutches of two such ravenous wolves, but still there could be no doubt that the Lord would work the

truth into their hearts.

Mr. CUNNINGHAM seconded the motion in a short speech.

Rev. Mr. EVANSON moved, That the thanks of this Meeting be presented to the Rev. H. M'Neile, A.M. and the Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D.D., for their excellent Sermons on behalf of the Society, and that they be requested to permit them to be printed; and that the thanks of the Meetlug be presented to the Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee of the past year, and that the Officers be requested to continue their valuable services. Much had been said of English benevolence, but he could not help being amused at seeing them jump Mr. SPENCER PERCIVAL moved "That right into the Atlantic and skip poor Irethis Meeting is highly gratified in behold-land; and so on the other side they jumped ing the continued success which has attended the Continental Society, both by the increase of its resources at home, and the enlargement of its field of usefulness abroad; and trusts, that no long time will elapse, ere its present expenditure, and the urgent calls that have been made upon it to employ new agents, will be fully met by the liberality of the Christian public." If he had the power he did not lack the inclination to stir up the minds of the present Meeting to support the Society, but on occasions like these, the presence of God always faded from his sight, and those of his fellow-creatures presented themselves; though there was one able to curb his pride, he loosens his tongue and his will is done. The Continent had certainly been overlooked, perhaps from the difficulty of turning civilized men from one line into another; or, perhaps, because they did not like to meddle with a place that bore the Sir C. S. HUNTER shortly seconded this name of Christendom; but now that it had pleased God to employ the wealthiest and motion, which was carried unanimously. Thanks were then voted to the Honourmost enlightened country as his instrument to pour forth the tide of his faith through-able Chairman, and the Meeting separated out the other nations of the earth, it became at half-past three. them to take care that the reservoir that they offered for its reception was not too small, but to enlarge the cistern till it was sufficiently extensive to contain the whole of his divine grace.

into the Mediterranean, skipping over France and Spain. It had been a usual trio to talk of Irish wit, Scotch prudence, and English sincerity; but in the place of these, for the use of this Society, he would beg leave to substitute the apostolic trio of faith, hope, and charity. With respect to agents, they should be children in worldly thus he knew was a sort of paradox, but matters, but giants in the cause of God: he wished to see them as innocents in the world, but when placed before the Pagan or the Jew he liked to see them in argument irresistible; let them be as a lamb before the face of the godly, but lion-like in the face of the unholy. It had been said, that in sending our Missionaries to but was it not nearly the same when on the Sierra Leone, we were burying them alive Continent they were fined and imprisoned in the service of the Almighty,

IRISH SOCIETY OF LONDON. THE Second Anniversary of the Irish Society of London, for instructing the native Irish through the medium of their own

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