with prejudice, or turn their backs on his min. istry, may possibly be only more hardened by the means he uses for their conversion: and circumstances may arise, where those who would once have plucked out their own eyes for him, may become for awhile his enemies; but still there are many that will arise and call him blessed; many will acknowledge him as their spiritual father; many will bless God for him, and shew in their respective circles the happy effects of his ministry. They will love his person; they will enjoy his preaching: they will tread in his steps; and they will shine as lights in a dark world. What then might not be hoped for if all who have undertaken the sacred office of the ministry, fulfilled their engagements in the way we have before described? What if all prayed the prayers instead of reading them; and laboured out of the pulpit as well as in it: striving to bring all their people, " not only to the knowledge and love of Christ, but to such ripeness and perfectness of age in Christ, as to leave no room among them either for error in religion, or for viciousness of life?" If there were such exertions made in every parish, we should hear no more complaints about the increase of Dissenters. The people's prejudices in general are in favour of the Establishment: and the more any persons have considered the excellence of the Liturgy, the more are they attached to the Established Church. Some indeed would entertain prejudices against it, even if all the twelve Apostles were members of it, and ministered in it; but, in general, it is a want of zeal in its ministers, and notany want of purity in its institutions, that gives such an advantage to Dissenters. Let me not be misunder stood, as though by these observations I meant to suggest any thing disrespectful of the Dissenters; (for I honour all that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, of whatever church they be; and I wish them from my heart every blessing that their souls can desire:) but, whilst I see such abundant means of edification in the Church of England, I cannot but regret, that any occasion should be given to men to seek for that in other places, which is so richly provided for them in their own church. Only let us be faithful to our engagements, and our churches will be crowded, our Sacraments thronged, our hearers edified: good institutions will be set on foot; liberality will be exercised, the poor benefitted, the ignorant enlightened, the distressed comforted; yea and our "wilderness world will rejoice and blossom as the rose." O that we might see this happy day; which, I would fondly hope, has begun to dawn! O that God would arise and "take to him his great power, and reign amongst us!" O that he might no longer have to express a wish, "that there were in us such an heart;" but rather have to rejoice over us as possessed of such an heart; and that he would magnify himself in us as instruments of good to a ruined world! The Apostle to the Hebrews represents all the saints of former ages as witnesses of the conduct of those who were then alive; and fre urges it as an argument with them to exert themselves to the uttermost: "Having then, says he, so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Thus let us consider the Reformers of our Church as now looking down upon us, and filled with anxiety for the success of their labours: let us hear them saying, "We did all that human foresight could do: We shewed to ministers what they ought to be: we bound them by the most solemn ties toTM walk in the steps of Christ and his Apostles: if any shall be luke-warm in their office, we shall have to appear in judgment against them, and shall be the means of aggravating their eternal condemnation." Let us, I say, consider them as spectators of our conduct; and endeavour to emulate their pious examples. Let us consider likewise, that the Liturgy itself will appear against us in judgment, if we labour not to the utmost of our power to fulfil the engagements which we have voluntarily entered into: Yea, God himself will say to us, "Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant." May God enable us all to lay these things to heart: that, whether we have already contracted, or are intending at a future period to contract, this fearful responsibility, we may duły consider what account we shall have to give of it in the day of judgment. THE CHURCHMAN'S CONFESSION OR AN APPEAL TO THE LITURGY. We write none other things unto you than what you read or acknowledge....2 Cor. i. 13. AS the testimony of one's own conscience is the strongest support under false accusations, so an appeal to the consciences of others is the most effectual means of refuting the charges that are brought against us. To this species. of argument God himself condescended to have recourse, in order to convince his people, that the evils which they imputed to him, originated wholly in their own folly and wickedness: "O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? and wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?"*...... "Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? a land of darkness? wherefore say my people, We are Lords, we will come no more unto thee?"† "Ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. Hear now, O house of Israel, Is not my way equa? are not your ways unequal?" The inspired writers also not unfrequently vindicate themselves in a similar manner. St. Paul, for *Isaiah v. 3, 4. †Jer. ii. 5.31. Ezek. xvii. 25. instance, had been represented by some at Corinth as fickle and inconstant, because he had not come to them at the time they had expected him. To clear himself from this imputation, he informs them, that he had met with insuperable obstacles in Asia, which had prevented him from prosecuting his intended journey; and that in the whole of his conduct towards them he had been actuated, not by temporizing motives and carnal policy, but by the most strict unblemished integrity, He declares, that he had "the testimony of his own conscience" respecting this;* and that he had a further testimony in their consciences also, respecting the truth of what he said; that, in asserting these things, "he wrote no other things than what they had read in his former epistle, and were constrained to acknowledge; and he trusted they should acknowledge even to the end." The faithful Minister of Christ derives great advantage from being able to appeal to records the authority of which is acknowedged by his hearers. By referring them to the holy Scriptures in proof of all that he advances, he establishes his word upon the most unquestionable authority, and fixes conviction upon their minds. The ministers of the Church of England have a yet further advantage, because, in addition to the Scriptures, they have other authorities to which they may refer in confirmation of the truths they utter. It is true, we are not to put *2 Cor. i. 12. B |