THE EXCELLENCY OF THE LITURGY: FOUR DISCOURSES, PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, ALSO A UNIVERSITY SERMON, CONTAINING THE CHURCHMAN'S CONFESSION, OR AN APPEAL TO THE LITURGY. BY THE REV. CHARLES SIMEON, M. A SECOND AMERICAN EDITION, COLUMBUS, OHIO: C9758.12.5 42 +17.15° ✓ HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY 1867, Mar. 26. 12y Exch.of By Dupl. given by the Amer. tat Slav. Sel. H SERMON I. -0000 DEUT. V. 28, 29, They have well said all they have spoken: that there were such an keart in them. The historical parts of the Old Testament are more worthy of our attention than men generally imagine. A multitude of facts recorded in them are replete with spiritual instruction, being intended by God to serve as emblems of those deep mysteries which were afterwards to be revealed. For instance: What is related of our first parent, his creation, his marriage, his sabbatic rest, was emblematic of that new creation which God will produce in us, and of that union with Christ whereby it shall be effected, and of the glorious rest to which it shall introduce us, as well in this world as in the world to come. In like manner the promises made to Adam, to Abraham, and to David, whatever reference they might have to the particular circumstances of those illustrious individuals, had a farther and more important accomplishment in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the second Adam, the promised seed, the King of Israel. The whole of the Mosaic dispensation was altogether figurative, as we see from the Epistle to the Hebrews, în which the figures themselves are illustrated and explained. But there are some facts which appear too trifling to afford any instruction of this kind. We might expect indeed that so remarkable a fact as the promulgation of the law from Mount Sinai should have in it something mysterious; but that the fears of the people on that occasion, and the request dictated by those fears, should be intended by God to convey any particular instruction, we should not have readily supposed; yet by these did God intend to shadow forth the whole mystery of redemption, We are sure that there was somewhat remarkable in the people's speech, by the commendation which God himself bestowed upon it; still however, unless we have turned our minds particularly to this subject, we shall searcely conceive how much is contained in it. The point for our consideration is, the request which the Israelites made in consequence of the terror with which the display of the divine Majesty had inspired them. The explication and improvement of that point is all that properly belongs to the passage before us. But we have a further view in taking this text: we propose, after considering it in its true and proper sense, to take it in an improper and accommodated sense; and, after making some observations upon it in reference to the request which the Israelites then offered, to notice it in reference to the requests which we from time to time make unto God in the Liturgy of our Established Church. The former view of the text is that which |