Imatges de pàgina

What became of the former landlord?

He had no children; he was extravagant, and sold the estate to Cromwell. Then he went to London, and I hear that he died since.

What lawsuit had M'Carthy?

Cromwell went to law with him, endeavouring to break the lease of this place and to get it to himself.

What right had Cromwell to shew?

Right! If he had not right he had might of money. And surely that was enough for M'Carthy, if he had been as wise as he ought to be, or if he had taken the money that Cromwell offered him at first..

Did he want to buy it from M'Carthy?

He offered him two thousand pounds for it; but M'Carthy was not willing to part with it.

Did he think the two thousand pounds too little? He did certainly; for he had near three hundred a year of clear income from it. There was no place under the sun, nor above it, I suppose, that Cromwell coveted more, than to have the lands of the Cross in his own possession. No wonder that he thought it a vexation, that a charming spot as it· is, should be in the middle of his estate, without his having any claim to it.

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There are no lands in the province more fertile and charming than the lands of the Cross; where there are all conveniences, bog and meadow, choice timber, fire and water. See the beautiful trees, that are growing about these hedges; oak, ash and elm; yew, fir, and quick-beam; alder, hazel and sallow; and green holly in abundance.

There are lime-stone and slates enough under ground here; and great, broad, smooth flags, square and well formed like tomb-stones, in the bank of the river along here below.


D' feudaid siad cuid de cuingbeal, gan amras; aċd niar mait leo beit faoi ċumaċta namaid.

An è Cromsuil a ceannaig an fearann?

Niar b' è. Acd 'sè baramuil gaċ duine, gur do a ceannaċad è; agus ta mise dearbta go mbiad se aige, andiaig gac cuingsleo bi eattorra.

Agus dibir se Brian gaba boċt, amaċ as a 'tir; 's gur raib se da bliadain air bord luinge, sa gcablac an rig; agus bliadain eile, na braigde, sa Frainc. Go de bi anagaid Bhrian aige?

Feadmanac Chromsuil, a tug mi-mod do maiġistreas Ni Carta, aon la amain naċ raib Bhrian fa baile; agus dubairt Brian, da mbiad se fèin a latair, go mbuailead se an feadmanaċ.

Casas Cromsuil, 's a giolla, air Bhrian, na diaig sin, air an botar, ann so tall; agus tug siad araon acmusan ro geur do, fa na bagairt. Bhi Brian indiaig bolgam òl; agus gradas a dorn, trom, cruaid, mar ord urlaig, agus buaileas an feadmanaċ a mbun na cluaise, gur leag se, na cosar cro, os comair a maigistir.

Ionnsaigeas an maigistir Brian ann sin, le eaċlaisg; agus bi ga lasgad go teann, no go dtug Brian aon leim, lugbar, fair an Chromsuil, gur tarraing se anuas on gearran è; agus sniomas an lasg as a laim; agus a leitid da rusgad, is da leadrad, tug Brian do air an mball sin, nać bfuair se riam a Toime. No go gcualas an dtorman, a dtaob tall don cnuic; 's go dtainic buidean mòr, do giollanruib, agus luct oibre Chromsuil fan gcomair.

Anuair a connairc Brian an neart biodbuig da ionnsaig, lingeas tar diog, on mbotar amaċ, agus sginnios mar seidead gaoite, tre coilltib, is curraigib, 's gac aimreidtig; 's a toir na diaig, mar conairt an diaig geirfiaid. Acd ce be àit air bfuair se didion, no fosgad dearmain, sgolb de sgeul a bfuair siad, o sin amac.

Gidead fuair maiġistreas Ni Carta faisneis ca ṛaib se; agus cuir si duine airigte fa na dèin, le tri


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They could hold part of it, no doubt; but they would not wish to be under the power of an enemy. Was it Cromwell that bought the land?

It was not. But every one thinks that it was bought for him: and I am sure that he will have it, after all the quarrels that were between them.

And he banished poor Bryan out of the country; so that he was two years on board the King's fleet; and another year a prisoner in France.

IVhat ailed him at Bryan?

A footman of Cromwell's insulted Mrs. M'Carthy, one day that Bryan was not at home; and Bryan said, if he were present, that he would strike the footman.

Cromwell and his servant met Bryan, on the road beyond here, afterwards; and they both rebuked him sharply for his threat. Bryan had taken a sup; and he clenches his fist, heavy and hard as a battering hammer, and strikes the waiting man behind the ear, till he stretched him, with his feet up, before his master.

Then the master attacks Bryan, with the horsewhip, and was cutting him up smartly, until Bryan gave one quick leap at Cromwell, and pulled him down off his horse; he twists the whip out of his hand, and such a beating and flogging, as Bryan gave him there, he never got before. So that the noise was heard on the farther side of the hill; and a great number of servants and labourers of Cromwell came lo his relief.

When Bryan saw the force of the enemy approaching him, he leaped over the ditch, out of the road, and darts off, like a blast of wind, through woods and bogs, and every difficult place; and the pursuers after him, like hounds after a hare. But wheresoever he got protection or shelter, not a syllable of information they received, from that forth.

However Mrs. M'Carthy learned where he was; and she sent a certain person to him, with three

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nginige; agus litir, ag iarraid air dol go Luimneać, fa dèin a mic, agus a comairle a glacad. Do bi maigistir Seamus na fear bratac, san am sin; acd nior mait leis Brian a cur san arm; oir ni raib dùil go mbiad Cromsuil beo. Agus cuaid Seamus fèin le Brian, a gcois isioll, go Corcaig, gur fag se air bord luinge è.

Agus, go deimin, ni dearna Brian boċd dearmud d'esean, na diaiġ sin. Oir do bi ag air fairge air, a nuair a gab na Francaig an long, corrad agus cèad ponta a raib ceart aige fagail, idir airgiod buada, agus tuarasdal. Anuair a bi se sa bFrainc, sgriob se litir fa dèin caiptin Boulter, agus cuaid se go Longdùn, agus fuair se tri fitċead ponta do. Dordaig Brian fitċe ponta a tabairt do fear brataig, agus fitce ponta da baincliamuin, agus an treas fitċead da mnaoi fèin.

Anois, a duine uasail, dairis me duit cail do imteaċta Brian, agus a muintir. Acd cluinim fuaim na nord; mar sin ta Brian, no cuid da gaibinib oga, san gcearda anois. Agus muna bfuil se ann, raċa me na ċuinne; oir ni deanam aon do na buaċaillib gnotaig duitse, com mait leis fein.


IX. Teac oideaċta tuaidte.

Ca meud mile uaim an baile is neasa dam? Ta deić mìle, maite, go hairigte; agus nil an botar ro mait ann àiteacuib.

Is gann dam beit ann a noċt. Naċ aon ionad oideaċta, eadruim agus è?

Ta brug oideaċta ro gleasta, a dtimcioll eùig mile romad, ionn a bfuigir gac comgair go sàsta; agus beid tu agcontabairt cuideaċta fagail ann, mar is è so an bealać go haonać Bhaile na sloga.

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guineas; and a letter desiring him to go to Limerick, to her son. Master James was an ensign at that time, but he did not wish to put Bryan into the army; for there was no hope that Cromwell would live. And James himself went with Bryan, privately, to Cork, until he left him on board a ship.

And, indeed, poor Bryan did not forget him. afterwards. For he had the fortune on sea, when the French took the ship, to get at least one hundred pounds, between prize money and wages. When he was in France, he wrote to Captain Boulter, and he went to London, and received sixty pounds for him. Bryan ordered twenty pounds to be given to the ensign, twenty to his mother-in-law, and the remaining twenty to his own wife.

Now, Sir, I have told you some of the adventures of Bryan and his people. But I hear the sound of the hammers; so that Bryan, or some of his young lads, are in the shop now. If he is not there himself, I will go for him; for none of his men will do your business so well as himself.

IX. The Country Inn.

How many miles am I from the next town? At least ten long miles; and the road is not very good in some places.

I can hardly reach it to night. Is there no place of entertainment between this and it?

There is a very decent inn, about five miles forward, where you can be well accommodated;" and you will be apt to find company there, as this is the way to the fair of Balinasloe.


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