Imatges de pàgina

7-15-1924 2 rol,



HE Ufefulness, or the Neceffity ra ther, of a Work of this Nature, (if it be executed with proper Judgment and Diligence) can never be difputed by fuch as profefs any Regard for Claffic Learning, or for thofe mighty and celebrated Names, who have been tranfmitted to us, with Honour, thro' So many Ages, as the great and venerable Founders of it. The mere Reading and Grammatical Understanding of thefe Writers must be dry and unaffecting, without you are in fome measure made acquainted with their Characters, their Lives, their Hiftories, their feveral Beauties and Imperfections, the Times in which they lived.

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the Figure they have made in the Republic of Letters, the Sentiments and Judgment of the Learned in all Ages upon their Works and Compofitions. Thefe, and many more Circumstances, are so necessary to be known by a young Student, (who begins to tread upon Claffic Ground) in order to conduct him with Pleafure and Advantage through the Course of his Studies, that without these Helps, he must walk with Doubt and Diffidence, must be led aftray by falfe Lights, and be deprived of many wonderful and agreeable Difcoveries, which a Collection of this fort muft unavoidably hold out to him.

I would have it understood, that the following Volumes are chiefly defign'd for the Ufe and Inftruction of younger Scholars, tho' perhaps they may be of real Benefit to Gentlemen, who have for fome Years neglected the Advantages of their Education, and have a mind to refume thofe pleasant and ufeful Studies, in which they formerly made a Progress at the Schools or Univerfities. Every thing contained in them is fubmitted, with great Deference, to the profeffed Masters in Claffic Knowledge, who will find no greater Faults, than I hope may be atoned for by the Diligence they will fee I have used in collecting proper Materials, and the Care I have taken to difpofe them in a clear and


ufeful Method. In short, I prefume I have in this Defign come pretty near to what the Title promifes, and therefore fhall not plead want of Time or Abilities, the mean and common Refuge of little Authors; fince those must be forry Excufes for a Man's Writing but indifferently, which are strong Reafons why he should not have written at all.

I am not aware of any notable Objection that can be offer'd against the Method I have obferved in the Digefting of this Work, tho' it intirely differs from the Scheme that has been followed by those who have gone before me. The Lives of the Grecian Poets have been written many Years ago by a very learned Hand, and lately (and at a great Diftance indeed) have appear'd the Lives of the Roman Poets, attended with Remarks and Criticifms. But thefe Writers feem to have ftudied more to display their own Accomplishments, and the Quaintness of their own Skill, than to inform the young Student that wants Help; they entertain you with their own Obfervations, and rest wholly upon them, without vouchfaving to call to their Aid the Judgment and Senje of the many Learned that went before them, and have acquired Immortality by their laborious Commentaries, and Difquifitions; they overpower you with pompous and long Quota

tions, that cover above half their Paper. Befides that their Thoughts lie loofe and feattered, and unconnected, they are generally flat and tedious, and therefore trouble and perplex you in the Reading: This Fault I have endeavoured carefully to avoid; the Lives, and principal Incidents that relate to thefe Claffic Authors, you will find in a clofe and compact View, and the Opinion of the beft Critics upon their Writings follow after in a regular Order: With great Caution I offer any thing of my own Judgment, which I have the Modefty to think would fhew vain, forward, and perhaps impertinent, among a Number of fo great and undif puted Authorities.

THIS Work must be confeffed to have another Advantage fuperior to any thing that has been yet published, by the Addition of a whole Volume, containing the Lives and Characters of the Grecian and Roman Hiftorians, and Biographers; which 1 am confident no Man will fay, were ever yet collected together to any purpofe in the English Language.

I believe I am the first that ever compiled a Work of this Nature, without a Multitude of Quotations; and fince I did not fee the Neceffity of it, I was willing to avoid all Shew


and Oftentation of Learning. I have indeed introduced the Tranflation of fome few Latin and Greek Paffages, which the judicious Reader will excufe, because he will fee the Ufe of it. And when there is Occafion, 'tis as much Conceit and Pedantry, fuperftitiously to avoid citing Greek or Latin, as it is to be pompous and profufe in thofe Citations when there is no Occafion.


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