1 The Means of redressing, and the Duty of for- giving Injuries confider'd. A SERMON Preached at the ASSIZES, Held for the County of Bucks, at Buckingham, Before the HONOURABLE Mr. JUSTICE CLIVE, AND Mr. JUSTICE BIRCH, By GEORGE PERIAM, M.A. Student Publish'd at the Request of the High-Sheriff, OXFORD, Printed at the THEATRE for JAMES FLETCHER in the 994..!. d 490 To the Worshipful HENRY UTHWAT, Esq. High-Sheriff, AND TO The Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury of the County of Bucks; Viz. The Right Honourable Earl VERNEY. Richard Lowndes, Mathew Knapp, George Wrighte, John Pollard, John Wilkes, Thomas Hill, William Guy, Esquires. Thomas Huckle, Robert Perrot, Thomas Cooke, James Perkins, William Prior, Gentlemen. The following Discourse publish'd at their Request, is with all Refpect inscrib'd by Their most obedient Humble Servant, GEO. PERIAM. МАТТ. V. 39. But I say unto You, that Ye refift not Evil. T HOUGH it is certainly an Argument of the best, because the most Christian Temper, to pass by an Injury, yet so far are the Generality of Mankind from endeavouring to restrain their Resentments on any flight Offence given them, that they feem dispos'd to resist whatever carries the least Appearance of Evil. A Word inconfiderately, and in a Passion thrown out, shall be term'd a Reflection on their Honour, and it frequently happens, that they cannot be perfwaded to think any Thing sufficient to wash out the Stain, but the Blood of the Offender. The Precept therefore in the Text, they judge accommodated to Such only as either are not fenfible of an Affront, or dare not resent it. But Men, who have the least Regard to their Reputation, will not put up Affronts, which, they think, A |