Imatges de pàgina
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For the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference
Office, 14 Crosby-street.


J. Collord, Printer

"Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1832, by B. Waugh and T. Mason, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York."


NOV 20 1907



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We think it expedient to give you a brief account of the rise of Methodism, both in Europe and America. "In 1729, two young men, in England, reading the Bible, saw they could not be saved without holiness: followed after it, and incited others so to do. In 1737, they saw likewise, that men are justified before they are sanctified: but still holiness was their object. God then thrust them out to raise a holy people."*

In the year 1766, Philip Embury, a local preacher of our society, from Ireland, began to preach in the city of New-York, and formed a society of his own countrymen and the citizens; and the same year, Thomas Webb preached in a hired room near the barracks. About the same time, Robert Strawbridge, a local preacher from Ireland, settled in Frederic county, in the state of Maryland, and preaching there formed some societies. The first Methodist church was built in New-York in 1768 er 1769; and in 1769 Richard Boardman and Joseph Pilmoor came to New-York; who were the first regular Methodist preachers on the continent. In the latter end of the year 1771, Francis Asbury and Richard Wright, of the same order, came over.

We believe that God's design in raising up the preachers called Methodists, in America, was to

* These are the words of Messrs. Wesleys themselves.

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