4. All drafts on the charter fund shall be made on the president of the said fund, by order of the annual conference, signed by the president, and countersigned by the secretary of the said conference. 5. The money subscribed for the chartered fund, may be lodged on proper securities, in the states respectively in which it has been subscribed, under the direction of deputies living in such states respectively; provided, such securities and such deputies be proposed, as shall be approved of by the trustees in Philadelphia; and the stock in which it is proposed to lodge the money, be sufficiently productive to give satisfaction to the trustees. SECTION VIII. Of the Printing and Circulating of Books, and of the Profits arising therefrom 1. The principal establishment of the book business shall be in the city of New-York; and there shall be such subordinate establishments, in other places, as the general conference may deem expedient. 2. There shall be one editor appointed to take charge of the Methodist Magazine and Quarterly Review, and all the editorial busi ness of the book concern, not included in the department of our other periodical works. There shall be another editor to whose superintendency shall be assigned the Christian Advocate and Journal and Zion's Herald, Youth's Instructer and Sabbath School and Bible Class Assistant, Child's Magazine, Sunday school books and tracts; and in this department 'there shall be an assistant editor. 3. There shall be an agent or general book steward, and an assistant, who shall act as chief clerk, both of whom, together with the editors and assistant editor, shall be chosen from among the travelling preachers; and by virtue of their appointments they shall all be members of the New-York annual conference, to which, in the interval of the general conference, they shall be responsible for their conduct in office. And the NewYork conference, in the interval of the general conference, shall have power, if they deem it necessary, by and with the advice and consent of the bishops and book committee, to remove any of them from office; and in case of removal, death, or resignation, to provide for the vacancy until the next ensuing general conference. No book steward, agent, or editor, shall be continued in office for a longer term than eight years successively; and this régulation shall apply to those who are appointed as assistants. 4. The agent or general book steward shall have authority to regulate the publications, and all other parts of the business of the concern, except what belongs to the editorial departments, as the state of the finances will admit and the demands may require. It shall be his duty to inform the annual conferences, if any of the preachers or members of the society neglect to make payment. He shall also send a copy of the annual exhibit to each of the annual conferences, so that such exhibit may be laid before the conferences as early as possible after it shall have been prepared. He shall publish such books and tracts as are recommended by the general conference, and such as may be recommended by an annual conference; and he may reprint any book or tract which has been once approved and published by us, when in hist judgment and in the judgment of the editors, the same ought to be reprinted or he may publish any new work not before published by us, which may be approved by the editors, and by the book committee at New-York. 5. The book committee shall consist of seven members, to be chosen annually by the New-York annual conference and the three editors as herein before provided for. It shali be their duty to examine annually into the state of the book concern, to inspect the accounts of the agents, to make a report thereof annually to the New-York conference, and to the general conference at its regular sessions. They shall also attend to such matters as may be referred to them by the editors or agents, in reference to editing, printing, or publishing, and also to co-operate with the editor of the Christian Advocate in the selection of Sunday school books and tracts. 6. There shall be a book agent, and an assistant agent, who shall reside at Cincinnati, and manage the concern in the western country, under the direction of the editor, and of the book steward at New-York: both of whom shall be chosen from among the travelling preachers and who by virtue of their appointment shall be members of the Ohio annual conference, under the same regulations by which the book steward and editors at New-York are members of the New-York annual conference: and the Ohio annual conference shall appoint a standing book committee to consist of five members, whose duty it shall be to examine the accounts of said agents, and report to the said conference annually and to the general conference at its session and to give advice in any matters in reference to the branch in the west. And in case of the removal, death, or resignation of the agent or assistant, the Ohio conference shall have authority to appoint a successor until the ensuing general conference. 7. There shall also be a general depository for our books, Sunday school books and tracts, at New-Orleans, under the charge of an agent elected by the general conference which shall bear the same relation to thegeneral agency in New-York as the branch establishment at Cincinnati does, and be under the same responsibilities; and the same to the Mississippi conference, which that at Cincinnati does to the Ohio conference. 8. No books shall hereafter be issued on commission, either from New-York, Cincinnati, or any other depository or establishment under our direction. 9. Every annual conference shall appoint a committee, or committees, to examine the accounts of the presiding elders, preachers, and book stewards, in their respective districts and circuits. Every presiding elder, minister, and preacher, shall do every thing in his power to recover all debts due to the concern, and also all books belonging to it, within the bounds of his charge. If any person, preacher, or member, be indebted to the book concern, and refuse, or neglect, to make payment, or to come to a just settlement, |