Imatges de pàgina

the people by any thing but idle curiofity and the liberality of their fupporters to pervert them from the true reli gion. In vain are the opinions of cer

fire mentioned in our vol. LXVII. p. 877, which confumed upwards of 3000 buildings, and almost entirely destroyed the finest and largeft fuburb of Conftantinople. Eight miles beyond Chou-tain of the Proteftant clergy, though

roc, in Romelia, he crossed a river by a bridge of 50 arches, all built with hewn one, and neatly turned; but they did not appear neceflary, as there was not a great body of water in the river. (p. 243) The peafantry in general tie all their treafure round their necks, and fome wear 3 or 4000 Venetian fequins, perforated, and fattened by filken firings. This cuftom, how. ever, is confined to the unmarried part of the fex, wives having no ornament whatever on that part of their perfons. Many of the houfes at Idas are built within a compound fimilar to thofe of the Bramins and Nairs in India, which makes the town, at a distance, appear much larger than it really is. (pp. 247, 248.) The general-commandant of Tranfylvania had a very high opinion of the English, by whofe troops he had been taken prifoner in Flanders (p. 268.) Baron Brukenthal, civil governor of this province, and near 80 years old, has a very extenfive collection of paintings, coins, and books, and a beautiful garden, laid out after the English taste. (p. 270.) On the French entering Italy, many of the belt paintings were conveyed to Drefden, whofe gallery is fuppofed to contain the largest and beft collection of paintings in Europe. Mr. J. reached Hamburgh 08. 28. He has not fummed up the number of miles which he travelled; but we may pronounce his journal a very ufeful and inftructive guide.

dignitaries of the Church of England, held up in favour of Popery. The or thodoxy of Bishop Hoadly was never highly thought of; and if he has, or had, any difciples, let their writings or profeffions fpeak for themfelves. The. lives even of English faints will not al ways recommend them. Alfred's memory will be dear to Englishmen on account of his political and military at chievements more than his religious ones; and we can never forget the com. mutation of the crimes of our Saxon princes by their monaftic foundations. Whether this motive be avowed in their charters, or only afferted by a concurrence of hiftorians, recrimination will not ferve as argument for that caufe of which Mr. M. has declared himfelf the champion, and which he defends, as he afferts the damage done by Bp. Hoadly's monument to the church of Winchefter, inch by inch. It is with regret we fee a local history made a vehicle of religious controversy.

20. Remarks on fome Passages in Mr. Bryant's Publication refpecting the War of Troy. By the Editor of the "Voyage of Hanno."

THE object of thefe remarks is to obviate the wrong impreffions which Mr. Bryant, we would hope uninten tionally, will awaken by his "Differ tation on the War of Troy," which this writer "regards as nothing lefs than the fchoolboy's guide to Infidelity. I do not fay that Mr. B. proposed this as the end of his publication; but it is an effect fo certain in my opinion, that he thould not appear to belong to that infamous band of men, who would in. fure the fuccefs of Infidelity by laying its foundation in the nursery, Scepti cilm may have triumphs on former occafions; but he never before faw the day when she had an opportunity (un. der the protecting sufpices of an avow

19. Letters to a Prebendary, being an Anfaver to Reflections on Popery, by the Rev. J. Starges, LL. D. Prebendary and Chancellor of Winchester, and Chaplain to bis Majefty; with Remarks on the Opposition of Hoadlyism to the Doctrines of the Church of England, and on various Publications occafioned by the late Civil and Ecclefiafiical Hiflory of Winchefter. By the Rev. John Milner, M. A. F. S. A. THE caufe of expiring Popery mufted believer) of collecting infant fol. be in a rapid decline when fuch tale arguments are repeated in its defence. Credulity and bold allertion, with all the arts of fophiftry and Jefui ilm, will Scarce concur to keep it alive; nor will even the many religious eftablishments, which the lenity of Government per mits to be reinftated in this Protefiant And tolerant country, recommend it to

lowers from every feminary in the State." (Pref p. vi-vii.) "In at tempting to account for the appearance of Mr. B's fingular paradox refpecting the war of Troy, I once fuppofed that riment, to determine what abfurdities they were intended merely as an ́expeperfons in general would receive with out examination, on the authority of a


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Dame. I would have affigned any motive that was innocent; but the ferious reply to Mr. Morritt obliges me to recur to any other folution than a love of truth. I have, therefore, confidered not fo much the queftion of Homer's veracity, as Mr. B's manner of difputing, almost the only topick not exhaufted by the learning and acutenefs of Mr. M. and Mr. Wakefield." (p. 60.) Mr. B's mifreprefentations are in his account of Paris and Heien; the rape of Helen by Thefeus; the number of fighting men compared with the extent of country; the repair of fhips *; the intercourfe between rhe army and the ftates from which it was affembled; the army not recruited; the Grecian fortification; Egyptian cuftom (6h prohibited to the priests only, and not to the people, as Mr. B.); the wild fig tree (gvior, a grove of wild fig. trees); the account of Iphigenia (and Agefilaus's imitation of it); the gene. alogies of Homer's heroes; Agamemnon Jupiter (or Agamemnon not borrowed from Jupiter Agamemnon); at what time the Greeks advanced beyond Delos, pointically not timidly; the caule of the Troim war (Providence for the inftruction of mankind, that the gods proportioned punishments to crimes, Herodot. II. c. 120); the fituation of Troy (fettled by Strabo); the evidence of Virgil concerning Troy (Antandros not a hill, but a city); concerning Ha maxitus (a port); a peculiarity in the plain of Troy not noticed by Chevalier and Morritt, but obferved by Strabo (determining the two plains, and fhewing that Hector could not be dragged round the city exifling in his time). The piratical character of the nations at that time is the best motive for the Trojan war Mr. F. concludes with the following just remark on the objects of certain writers in high fashion at prefent. "The refpe&ful mention of Mr. Wakefield's name may require an explanation or an apology. I do not confider the fate of Mr. W. as undeferved; but when I compare his offence with that of a man who calls himfelf a British fenator, and who fpreads blafphemy and obfcenity thro the kingdom from family to family with impunity, I turn with fome emotions of concern to the cell of Mr. W. I would ask thofe gentlemen, who write and talk about real and nominal

P. 15, 1. ult. for war г. year.

Chriftianity, whether they afpire to nothing more than the character of fpe culative faints, or mere religious Dilettanti? The inftance of a legislator (if he be one) corrupting the public morals, and vitiating the public mind, in his writings, was reserved, I thought, for England, only when, transformed into the beftial fimilitude of Jacobinilm through the prevalence of infidelity and blafphemy, herefy will certainly become more than refpectable.” (p. 61).

20. A Letter to the Rev. Robert Hawker, D.D. Vicar of the Parish of Charles, Plymouth, occafioned by bis late Expedi tion into Cornwall. By the Rev. R. Polwhele, Vicar of Manaccan.

DR. H. has published fermons on the Holy Ghoft and on the Trinity (for which he acquired the diftinction of D.D.) from the orthodoxy of which he has proceeded to the utmost lengths of enthufiafm and fanaticism. "The fame of his preaching has reached from the Eaft and from the Weft; it has been echoed from the heights of Ma ker, and re-echoed from the shores of the Lizard." The Doctor has not yet defcended to the ordinary track of field-preaching. "It is not infinuated that he has preached, or wished to preach, at the meeting-house, in the barn, or in the field. His gown and his degree of D. D. will at least fave him from fuch a tranfgreffion. But, under the impofing mask of his divinity, he took poffeffion of the pulpits of fome who were unacquainted with his doctrines." (p. 86.) It appears that Cornwall is at this time overrun with Methodists. "The fimple folk are fome in laughing and fome in fainting fits, fome hoarfe with hymns, fome lifting up their voices like trumpets, others proftrate in the duit and bewailing their fins, through almost all the towns and villages in it (p. 81) "in almost every town fometimes rapidly revolting, and fometimes gradually withdrawing themselves from their pa rochial congregation, which they juft, with all the cunning of their mafter Wefley, profeffed to reverence." (p. 67.) "Comparatively fpeaking, the clergy of the Weft of England deferve to be propofed as patterns of religioufnefs, fobriety, and decency. Such was the opinion of the late excellent bishop, Dr. Butler, who, at his primary and his only vifitation, felicitated himself on being appointed to a diocefe where

a letter of defence, he returned "A feThe Doctor having addressed to him cond Letter;" in which, without prefuming to penetrate into the Doctor's motive for his late Western journey, he remonftrates against the indecorum, indecency, and irregularity, of his thrufting himself into the churches, to preach to crowds of various religious defcriptions, and on the mifapplication Mr. P. 1793, and now brought forof a private letter written to him by ward with a view of proving the inconfiliency of public cenfure with private profeffions of regard; and flating that Mr. P. had, in a Literary Journal or Review, for April, 1793 (why not name the Journal?) (poken moft favourably of the Doctor's fermons on the divinity of Chrift, while he has feen no reason to alter his opinion of the Doctor's fublequent opinions, publications, and conduct. Thus, Sir, like the wind on a fummer's day, that follows the courfe of the fun, you have almost gore your round. It would be harth to fay that, when the fun hall withdraw its light, Yet, "in the black and dark night" you may in a puff expire an Atheist. (Prov. vii. 9) hath many a wanderer perished. May the Almighty grant that no fuch fate be yours!" (p. 30.)

the clergy, he faid, as compared with thofe of the metropolis and its neigh bourhood, were exemplarily ftrict in the performance of their religious duties; a part on which he evidently in fifted with heartfelt pleasure and fatisfaction. So regular and orderly are the Western clergy as a body, that even the flight exceffes of an individual are 'noticed with every mark of difapprobation." (p. 72). From a conviction, that preaching any other Gospel than that as it is in Chrift Jefus muft be attended with the moft pernicious confequences to individual man and to fociety, Mr. P. has dared, in the name of his clerical brethren, to expoftulate with the Doctor, affured that Methodifm, from its firft rife to its prefent ftate of infolent boafting, has here been alarmingly injurious to the community." (p. 60.) "There is a lying spirit gone forth among the people, which has feduced them from the paths of truth into dark and dangerous ways. That political retrospect, which was fome time fince difcoverable among the lower orders of the community, had no fooner received a check from the hand. of Government, than it was converted into religious turbulence; when the ftream was flopped in its original direction, it burit out into a new channel; end in its prefent courfe it may be cond-red as more alarming than in its frt. Whether the rage, both of poli tical and religious opinions, refemble or not an epidemical diforder, breaking out periodically among the multitude, is a point of fpeculation which I pretend not to determine. But that the mania of Methodifm has feized the Welt of England, and is now fpread. ing at this inftant through its remotelt parts, I have no befitation in afferting." (P. 1, 2.) "The feelings of the morarevolt at the profpect; and to the politician alfo fuch a view of the Methouifts as is here given muft be truly alarming. To him are exhibited a valt tedy of people, many enthufiafts, and many infidels, all alienated from the -government, all oking for me great emergencies to liberate them from its reftraints, and confequently all ripe for rebellion." Mr. P. by extracts from Bp. Lavington's "Enthuhalm of Methodists and Papifts," inftifutes a judicions comparifon between the enthufiafts of that and of the pre


lent day.
GENT. MAG. March, 1809.

Here, in our opinion, the controhis Hißory of Devonshire. verfy fhould ftop, and Mr. P. return to

21. The true Causes of our prefent Diftrefs for Provifions, with a natural, eafy, and effectual Plan for the future Prevention from great Calamity; with fome Hints refpe&ting the abfolute Neceffity of an increafed Population. By William Brooke, F. S. A.

THE principal caufes of our diftrefs
the immenfe number of horfes kept in
are here faid to be monopoly of farms,
the neglect in breeding cows, horned
this kingdom (one million and an half),
cattle, hogs, affes, and goats; the al-
moft difufe of fish, and careleffels of
porting the clergy; teo extenfive hop-
our fisheries; the prefent mode of fup-
grounds; neglect of orcharding, &c.
We cannot follow this defultory writer,
who is for making us a nation of huf-

22. The Failure of the French Crufade; or,
The Advantages to be derived by Great Bri
tain from the Refloration of Egypt to the
Turks. By Eyles Irwin, Efq.
WHAT Mr. I's knowledge of the

East Indies enabled him to predict in his two pamphlets (LXIX. 322, 414) has happened in every inftance, both in Egypt and Syria. The recovery of Egypt, from the laft official accounts, being no less apparent to me than the quick annihilation of the French army, I should deem it unpardonable to be filent on the henefits to the British nation that prefs on my mind from thefe events concerning the intereft of letters and of the publick at large, through the medium of the Eaft India Company." (p. 15.) Every branch of science has been fo much promoted by the fuccefs of our arms; and Mr. Irwin recommends, for its furtherance, Mr. Oufeley, whom we have had repeated occafions to applaud, and now regret to fee honoured with the empty title of knighthood: and, by making alliances and friendship with the Turks, we may be as familiar with the ftupendous remains of Thebes and Butus as of any in India. He farther recommends a paffage to India by the Red Sea and Suez (by which Mr. Whitehill, governor of Madras, in 1777, reached Madras in 60 days from London), on cheaper and eafier terms than round the Cape of Good Hope with the fame freight.

23. An Account of the French Expedition to Egypt; comprising a View of the Country of Lower Egypt, its Cities, Monuments, and Inhabitants, at the Time of the Arrival of the French, and a particular Defeription and Measurement of Pompey's Pillar, illuftated by a Plate. By Charles Norry, Member of the Philotechnical Society, and one of the Architects attached to the Expedition. Tranflated from the French.

NOT only do intercepted letters proclaim, involuntarily, the failure of this boafted expedition, but a narrator of its unfortunate outfet cannot conceal the early defeat of the maritime force attached to it, and the fufferings and difficulties fuftained by the land forces. The plague at Alexandria and maffacre at Cairo marked their way. Our author was glad, for the fake of his health, to take his departure to his dear country, after about three months flay in Egypt, and having visited the pyramids and Cairo, and meafured Pompey's pillar. This laft feems to have been his greatest atchievement, and he finds the pedeftal to be 10 feet the bafe

the fhaft of one ftone 63
the caput



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He refers the fhaft to the Prolemies; the other parts are evidently inferior; the infeription on one fide of the pedef tal is not legible. An outline of the whole is prefixed.

24. Some Information refpecting the Ufe of Indian Corn, collected from the Papers of Mr. Winthorp and Mr. Howard; with Obfer vations, from M. Parmentier, the Uf of Potatoes in Bread; and Mr. Diffie's Di rections for the making of Bread in private Families.

THE writer cannot avoid obferring the prejudices of the generality of the people of England against all vegetable fubftances compared with wheat. HapPy will he be if he can overcome thele prejudices by recommending a fubalitute which was flighted in 1795.

25. The Terms of all the Loans which bate been raifed for the Public Service during the lafi Fifty Years; with an introductory Account of the principal Loans prior to that Period, and Obfervations on the Rate of Intereft paid for the Money borrowed. By J. J. Grellin.

THE writer fhall fpeak for himself: "The comparative advantages or diladvantages of the terms on which the public debts have been contracted at different periods, has frequently been mifreprefented, either from mifconception or from party purposes, though it is evidently a fubject on which the truth is very easily afcertained. The œconomy or extravagance of every tranfa&tion of this kind depends on its correfponding difagreement with the price of the public funds and the current rate of intereft at which money could be obtained, on good fecurity, at the time the bargain was concluded; and, confequently, a loan on which the higheft is paid may have been obtained on the best terms that could be made at the time it was negociated. The intereft paid, however, forms the reat bur then of each loan to the country; for, fince the mode of buying-up flock at the market-price has been adopted in the redemption of the debt, the nominal capital that is created has become but of little importance, though certainly not to be wholly ditregarded, even if there is no hope of the redemption of the debt ever bearing a greater proportion to its increafe than at prefent. The following pages furaith the means of comparifon with refpect to the amount or intereft of the different loans,

loans, and may, in fome cafes, be useful, for the purpose of reference, to perfons concerned in thofe tranfactions." Pref.

26. Reply to the Treatife called "An Anfwer to the Prefident's Address to the Board of Agriculture, on the Subject of Sheep and Wool, &c. So."

THIS replier fhews that the price of Spanish wool is reduced, that British wool is greatly improved, and the price of cloth finking, by the vent for fine cloth in the Levant, and the good nefs of broad cloths for home confumption.

27. The Hiftory of the Politicks of Great Britain and France, from the Time of the Conference at Pilnitz to the Declaration of War against Great Britain; with an Appendix, containing a Narrative of the Attempts made by the British Government to reflore Peace. In Two Volumes. By Herbert Marth, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. THIS work was written originally in German, a language which a long refidence in the University of Leipfig has rendered as familiar to Mr. M. as his own, and publifhed at Leipfig, 1799, under the title of "Hiftorifche Ueberficht der Politik Englands und Frankreichs." Its object is, to prove that the English Government really had it not in its power to prevent a rupture with France, and that the public declaration of war proceeded from the latter. It is founded on authentic documents, and facts fupported by authentic documents, French news-papers, publications, and diplomatic papers*. The first German literary reviews, though the contrary opinion had till that time prevailed, pronounced that the British Government was completely rescued from the charges laid to it, and the origin and continuance, of it was to be folely afcribed to the mad ambition of the French rulers. The prefent work is not a literal tranflation, but the fame narrative drawn up in another language, and fupported by the fame documents, with additions and alterations. Few perfons, fince the negociation at Lifle, 1797, have afcribed the continuance of the war to the British Miniftry, but thoufands afcribe to

*At the beginning of 1798 Mr. M. drew up a fhort effay, in the form of an epiffle to a friend at Weimar, to fhew that the blame of the origin of the war attached only to the rulers of France; printed in the German Mercury, March, 1798.

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them its commencement. "If, then, the following history should convince thofe who fill entertain this notion that it is founded in error, the diftruft which throws a fhackle on national energy will be removed, the public burthens will be borne with patience, from the confideration that it was not in the power of Government to prevent the caufe of them; domeftic animofity will ceafe; and the efforts of every individual, who has not loft all affection for his country, will be directed against the French rulers, as the fole authors, as well as protractors, of the prefent war." (Pref. p. xxi.) With regard to himself, Mr. M. profeffes that "he is fincerely attached to the prefent Adminiftration; that he takes a decided part with it, on the fubject of the following hiftory, not on account of any perfonal connexions, for he has not the honour of being acquainted with any one of the members of it, but because a full investigation of the fubject to which the following history relates has convinced him, that not the British Miniftry but the French Rulers alone were the authors of the war." (p. xii.)

In chap. I. it is clearly made appear, that England, fo far from acceding to the conference at Pilnitz, 1791, between the Emperor and King of Pruffia, maintained a determined neutrality.

Chap. II. At the end of that year, the governor of Jamaica fent two frigates to the relief of the town of Cape St. François, in St. Domingo, blockaded by the Negro infurgents; and the National Affembly, after much demur, voted thanks to the English nation. England to poffefs themselves of this And, though it was in the power of ifland, they refufed the folicitations of the colonifts to throw themselves on their protection till the French Government had thought proper to declare war against Great Britain.

Chap. III. Great Britain returned an early and friendly answer to the King of France's notification of his having accepted the new Conftitution; when a French frigate, convoying ftores to Tippoo Saib, contrary to the fourth

article of the treaty of commerce between England and France, having been captured by Sir R. Strachan, though it was immediately reftored, no fatisfaction was offered by the National Affembly for the infult offered to the Britifh flg. This is another proof that Great Britain was defirous to maintain


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