1. Prefumption upon the goodneffe of God, which should make him merciful against his truth and justice, or 2. Unbeleife of his power to inflict that punishment; or 4. A carelefneffe. I will tafte come of it what will. 3. In the eating to be as gods, that moft nearly touched the glory of God; for it was a bafe opinion of God in the heart of the woman, to conceive him fuch as the might come to be as wife as he; this layd home upon the crown of Gods glory. In which paffage let me commend one obfervation of mine own upon the Text, to your judgments. Sathan tempted the woman only, not the man; and he fugard his temptation with these two arguments only. 1. Non moriemini, ye shall not dye. 2. Eritis ficut dii, ye shall be as gods. There was aculeus in cauda, a fting in the tayl; for that laft ftung her to the quick. When she came after to tempt her husband, it feemeth that her inducements were three. 1. It was good for food.. 2. Pleasant to the eye. 3. To be defired to make one wife. Here is no mention of this temptation to be like God. Which makes me think that Adams fin did not violate the glory of God fo much as the womans did, and that therefore the iTim. 2.14 Apostle faith. Adam was not deceived, but the woman was decei ved, and was in the tranfgreffion. For though I cannot clear Adam from doing injury that ways, yet as the fchool faith, he that cannot be excufed a toto, may be excused a tanto. But the point which I wish terrible in your remembrance, is that fuggeftions to fin do lay their foundation in fome.unworthy opinion of God, which trefpaffeth his glory here spoken of. God himself declares as much to the ungodly; when thou fawest a theif, thou confentedft with him, &c. Thele things thou hast done, and I kept filence; then thou Pl. 50,21. thought eft that I was altogether fuch a one as thy felf. The fool faith in his heart, Non eft Deus; there is no God, Pfel, 14.1 that he may fin the more fecurely... David stirreth up God the avenger against the ungodly; that boast themselves in evil, that break in pieces Gods people, and af- Pfal.94.5 Ailt his heritage. That flay the widow and the stranger, that murther the father Vers, 6. leffe. How dare they do all this? Yet they say the Lord fhall not fee, neither shall the God of Jacob Verf. 7. regard it. Augustine to fuch: Infelix homo, ut effes curavit Deus, non curat ut bene effes? Is not this a great trefpaffe against the honour of God to deny his providence? There be prefumptuous finners that go on in very great fins, fins which Gods word dete&teth.and reproveth,and threatneth;yet as the Prophet faith, They will lean upon the Lord, and fay, is not the Lord among ws? no evil shall come upon us. Thus they difhonour God that make him the patrone of their Mich.3.11 perfons and their fins. But they that have true knowledge of the glory of God, they behold him in Majefty, and that not only opening his hand, and giving and filling, but ftretching out his arme and ftriking; and fo in that one fight they behold both, Ecce quantam charitatem, and scientes terrorem Domini behold how great love,and knowing the terrour of the Lord. In the due confideration of his juftice and mercy, both governed with wifdom, to moderate exuberancie, confisteth the knowledge of Gods glory. This point ferveth to good use. For first it affureth us, that the God whom we ferve is the I. User true God, because he is so jealous of his glory, that he will have none to share with him therein: For the gods of the Heathen were fuch good-fellows, as they would admit fociety. Baal and Melchom, and Moloch, aud Rempham, the god of Eckron, Da gon, the Devil and all; I do not hear of any great jealoufie between them, but the true God is impatient of corrivall in glory. C 2. Because God claimeth glory in fuch extent all the earth over, which none of the god of the heathen did, but were content with their territories, and knowing him to be the true God; We 2. Use. We are taught, that there ought nothing be so dear to us as the glory of God. Do but obferve what remembrancers we have, to put us in mind of this. The law begins: I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt. That implyes, who brought thee into the land of Egypt. The Lords Prayer: Our Father which art in heaven; and the firft Petition; Sanctificetur, nomen tuum; then adveniat reg num; then fiat voluntas; all glory. The Creed: Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem. All be ginning to feafon us with a reverend eftimation of God, and to infufe into us the knowledge of his glory; therefore do all to the glory of God. This also ferveth to fhew how excellent a knowledge it is to Doct. 3 know the glory of God, feeing God maketh fuch account of it, that he will have it fpread all the earth over, Reaf.2. 79 To animate us fo much the more earnestly, and with appetite to feek it; and indeed there is no knowledge to be compa red to it. 1. In regard of this life for if man know no better nature then that of the creatures beneath him,though that serve to fhew him how great a lord he is, and how much is fubject to him: yet in them he beholdeth a fociety that he hath with them, in much evil,in all weakneffe,and in a certain mortality, which can be no great comfort to him, if he ftay there. But if he look up to heaven above him, and behold Meliorem naturam, a better nature; that of the Angels, and himself but a little lower and above them, naturam naturantem, the naturating nature, the glorious Author of all being, this purs mettall into him, and teacheth him how to preferve the Image of ⚫his maker in him, which Hence are thofe eh him above humaine frailty. that of Paul, Cupie diffolvi, I defire to be diffolved; our converfation is in heaven; Veni cito; we walk by faith and not by fight. 2. In the life to come,this is the happinefle of the bleffed fouls, they hall fee God; for this Chrift defired that the Ele& might be where he was, that they might fee his glory. And And this maketh all thofe that wifely apprehend this joy in the glory of God, to love the very earthy houfe which we call the Church of God, because it is The place where bis honour dwelleth, because every whit of it fpeaketh of his honour. Becaufe thither the Tribes go up to teftify to Ifrael, to give teftimony of their faith and zeal. Because there the voice of Gods promife is heard, and the whole house is filled with his glory. It was the bleffing of God given in the confecration of Solomons temple, The glory of the Lord filled the house of God. But it 2 Chro. s. was gloria in nube, glory in a cloud: that cloud is much remo- 14. ved in our Church, fince the veil of the temple rent; for Christ hath made all things more clear, and removed the veil. Let us therefore love the Church well, for the glory of God revealed therein. Much more do fuch long after the house of Gods clear glory. in heaven, wherein one day in those courts is better then a thoufand otherwhere, and where they fhill behold a full revelation of the glory of God. Let us all labour for this knowledge of the glory of God, for the purchase whereof we must fudy both the creatures of God and the word of God. Forin thefe two books the wifdom of God is fet forth to the feul, that we may fay, if we be ftudents in thefe books, vidimus gloriam ejus, we have feen his glory:for the heavens declare the glory of God to the eye, and God is glorious in the leaft of his creatures, Magnus in minimis, fo that every part of his work doth declare him a wife Omnipotent Creator, z wife and faithful preferver of all things. And for the book of God; he that faith, this is life eternall to know thee, and faith that he came to give life eternall, faith allo: 'Dedi eis verbum tuum; I have given them thy word. There is no labour that better rewardethit felf, then the purfuit of the knowledge of the glory of God. For there is Libertas glorie,the liberty of glory,which the crea ture doth even long after, and travaileth with the burthen of corruption, defiring to be quit of it. Rom.8. z.. There be divitia gloria, riches of glory made known upon Rom. 9.23 the 2 Cor. 4. 17. Cor.4.6 the veffels of mercy; for God wil declare his glory in fhowing mercy. There is alfo eternum pondus gloria,an eternal weight ofglory. There is fplendor gloria dei patris, the brightneffe of the glory of God the Father; and this is the true light that enlighteneth all that come into the world; that lights us the way to this glory. But to know the glory of God here on earth, we must observe the courfe of his judgments and we fhall therein fee both his favour to his Church, howloever it be diftreffed, which though it be gloria in nube, glory in a cloud, the faithful will fee through the cloud. We fhall alfo fee this certain truth and justice in his hatred of fin, and in the fharp revenge that he taketh upon those that dif ease his Church, which though it be flow for God is flow to wratht yet he that believeth will not make hafte. God giveth this light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jetus Chrift. 1. Mercy. Crucifixus, mortuus, fepultus, Crucified, dead and buried. 2. Justice; venit judicare vivos, He cometh to judge the live and dead. Verf. 15. Wo to him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him and makeft him drunk also, that thos mayft look on their nakedneffe. 16. Thou art filled with shame for glory; drink thou also and let thy foreskin be uncovered, the Cup of the Lords right band shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spuing shall be on tby glory. 17. For the violence of Lebanon hall cover thee, and the spoil of beafts which made them afraid because of mens blood, and for the violence of the Land, of the City, and of all that dwell therein. Ow doth God rouze up his Juftice against another finne, the great and crying fin of drunkenneffe. 1. Concerning the words. Wo to him that giveth his neighbour (focium or amicum others read) drink. That |