An Alphabetical TABLE of the principal heads page 298 All evill actions are justly judged by the intentions of their agents, but All Churches wherein Chriftians meet to call upon God, are Temples of All exceffe in drinking is drunkennesse. Alexander excufed by his flatterers for killing of Clitus. 151 As perfonal fins have perfonal chastisements, fo epidemical fins have po- B Abylon taken by storme on a day of feasting. Better apta then alta fapere. Beholding without regarding, is but a kinde of gazing. Behold, a word to move attention. Benefits of the righteousneffe of Faith. Calvin's Alvin's judgment of Habakkuk, Charity is the bond of peace, only to the children of peace. Chrift took the burthen of our fins upon him. Christ took upon him our infirmities, but not our finful ones. Chriftian charity & comon juftice, great props of a Common-wealth, 37 Complaint is a part of prayer, 31. the reasons thereof. Gonfeffion threefold 283 32 Contempt of the Law brings in licentioufnesse, & custome of finning.28 Gontempt is a provocation which moveth God to fevere judgments. 72 Contempt is most grievous to mans generous nature Corruption of justice a dangerous figne of a drooping Common-wealth, Covetoufneffe a fruitful fin, Ufury, Rapine, Fraud,Bribes, and Cimo- Grie of blood Gruelty manifoldi Crie of a Prophet is a loud cry... Cruelty is a companion of Ambition and Covetousneffe.. .D. DEfire is the whetstone of prayer. Defpifers punished with corne and contempt.. Devill, author of Idolatry, temptor to it, and promoter of ir. 205 242 Drunkenne fe a horrible fin, confessed by all men to be a fin. Eastern ers wayes to spend the time well. Expoftulations and contestations with God in our prayers are lawfull 46.Objection against it, and solution of the objection, 47. Reafons for Faiths greatneffe and its effects. Faith,how it may be gotten, 208. How proved, 225. How preferved, 228. How used. Faith usefull in the naturall life, 230 In the spiritual life, 234. And in the eternall life. Iving of almes doth not purifie ill gotten goods I God's wrath and judgments are a burthen to him, and fo is his word God's wrath and judgments are a burthen to the Prophet that utters them in respest of his fidelity to him that fends him, 9. And in re- God's wrath and judgments are a burthen to the people to whom they Gods Ministers may by their prayers awake God's judgments against Gad fometimes fufpends the fucreffe of his fervants prayers. God doth himself take notice of the peoples fins and acquainteth his Pro- Gad doth hear the complaints of fuch as have just cause to complaine of •four thereof, and wis nadir, geol God's justice doth not spare his own people, if they do provoke him. bedience,63.677. & fo are all God's promises to his children 78 God can make good use of the vices of men, and make wicked men servè Gods certain knowledge of our evils will bring forth a certain jadg. Gods love to his Church is eternal as himselfi. Godis to be worshipped outwardly as well as inwardly. P.335.& 344 God is glorified in the fame of the proud. 280 God bringeth all the labours of the ungodly to losse and vanity, yet the 289 |