Imatges de pàgina

Alvin's judgment of Habakkuk,

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Chriftian charity & comon juftice, great props of a Common-wealth, 37
Committers of fin, are of two forts.

Complaint is a part of prayer, 31. the reasons thereof.

Gonfeffion threefold



Covetoufneffe a fruitful fin, Ufury, Rapine, Fraud,Bribes, and Cimo-
wy are its daughters.

Grie of blood

Gruelty manifoldi

Crie of a Prophet is a loud cry...

Cruelty is a companion of Ambition and Covetousneffe..


DEfire is the whetstone of prayer.

Defpifers punished with corne and contempt..

Devill, author of Idolatry, temptor to it, and promoter of ir.

Diftrust in God, the mother fin of all evill wayes.

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ers wayes to spend the time well.

Faiths greatneffe and its effects.

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Faith,how it may be gotten, 208. How proved, 225. How preferved,

228. How used.

Faith usefull in the naturall life, 230 In the spiritual life, 234. And

in the eternall life.

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Iving of almes doth not purifie ill gotten goods

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I God's wrath and judgments are a burthen to him, and fo is his word

threatning judgment.

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God doth himself take notice of the peoples fins and acquainteth his Pro-

Gad doth hear the complaints of fuch as have just cause to complaine of
violence, to execute his judgments upon them that offend, 59. Rea

•four thereof, and wis nadir, geol

Laid both 60,31,02

God's justice doth not spare his own people, if they do provoke him.

God's promifes made to Ifrael were all

limited with condition of their of

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Godis to be worshipped outwardly as well as inwardly. P.335.& 344

God is glorified in the fame of the proud.


God bringeth all the labours of the ungodly to losse and vanity, yet the
ungodly perceive it not.


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