Good covetoufneffe. 263. Evil covetousneffe is joyned with am- 264 Greatneffe and power are fearful to the common man, yet he will fearch Grief mingled with faith is no fin. Abakkuk fignifieth an embracer, a wraftler. 2. The time of his Hearing and understanding the word is a means to increase faith. 209 Hearers ought to pray for their teachers. Heathens gods not jealous of their glory. 144 He that willeth the fame thing as God willeth, and doth the fame thing How Godis faid to have eyes and other parts of a mans body. III Idolatry in the Church of Rome in worshipping the confecrated Hoft. Ill-gotten goods bring fuch a fin upon a man, as cannot be purged but 293 In all our confiderations of the carriage of things under the Govern- ment of Gods Providence, howsoever the effects may Jeem strange to us, we must not queftien either the Wifedom, Justice or Goodnesse Ingredients of a faving faith by a diffection of the word Fides. 187 It was no fmall part of Chrifts Paffion to be fcorned and derided of his Renemies. 258 It is a fingular wifedome to use the falneffe of profperity well. 83. and K 30. Minifters have aneceffity laid upon them to preach the word.. N 1561 211 O man fimpliciter Atheos,but acknowledgeth fome divine ruling No man would do fervice where nothing is to be gained by it. No inherent bolinesse in Churches. 329 339 Not that as we have, but what we dispose of maketh us friends in the Nothing ought to be fo dear to us as the glory of God. Out of natural and moral ways of life there is a wifedome of God to be Overcharge of the heart with drink, is drunkenneffe. 306 pag, 331 Prayer ought to be fervent and continual. 18. as well in zeal of Gods Prayer is a help to him that prayeth, a facrifice to God, a fcourge to 183 Prayer, the Word and the Sacraments are means to prefervefaith.228 Preparation required in those who go to Church. Pride a caufe of ftrife.. Pride confifts in three things. In thinking too well of our felves, Pride is the ground of insatiableneffe. Pride, the ruine of Charity, fuftice, Temperance and Religion 2+3 227 Proud men refemble death and hell. 243 Punishments of Ambition, 279. They confult shame to their own house, Ibid. Sin against their own fouls, 283. Labour in vaine, Vantity of the fault, is the measure of the judgment. Religion hath the bowels oj compassion, and they have no Religion Athan fuggefteth that the way of righteousnesse is painful. pag.287 228 259 Sinis a burthen to God,3.1 o men,4. And awakes Gods vengeance. Ibid. Sins feen in others, moves man to a loathing of fin, and to charity. 68 Sin is like Leaven, a little fowreth the whole lump. 204.& 283 Sins of mision, 218. Of evilmation, 219. Of evil affection, and Sins grow in clusters, and one fin begetteth another, 265. Examples 266 Souls in heaven wait upon the performance of Gods Promifes Stephens prayer at his death a means of Pauls converfion. Suggestions to fin lay their foundation upon fome unworthy opinion pag.285 Eares of bitterneffe are the bloud of the Soul. Teaching by familiar resemblances is much used in both Testa- 336 337 The found of Gods Word preached cannot be truly heard by us, unlesse The foul of prayer is the holy zeal of him that prayeth. They who fulfilling the will of God which they know not, do fulfill their own will which they aime at, are not rewarded, but rather puni- The way to avoid contempt, is humility. There is fuch a concatenation of duties of Religion, and Justice, hat he |