Imatges de pàgina
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Eale against crying finnes of the time, is discreet, and necessary

The Contents of the third Chapter.


Double plainneffe of Scripture, Rationall, and Spirituall. pag.77
Afflictions of this life cannot separate the fociety of the Faithfull.s

Afflictions of the Church are fuch a deading to it, that unleffe it

were quickened with fame beams of grace, it would be a burthen

to it more then it could beare.

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Comfort in afflictions, gromesh out of a right understanding of the will
and purpose of God therein.

Commination of Gods judgments, makes the Church of God to fear. 174

Confideration of former mercies frengthens faith in prefent troubles.

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Avids Pfalmes a common store-house of good learning. pag. 195

DDescription of Repentances cost t

Distreffing of the poor, a greivous and provoking fin.

Aith in Chrift takes away the horrour of the terrour of the Lord

Faithfull men who worship God with fear and trembling,bow they ought

to be taught.

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Fear is a proper paffion of a true Believer, and is infeperably joyned
with faving Faith.

Figurative fpeeches are in ufe in Scripture.




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God fometimes declareth his power openly, to the comfort of his Church

and terrour of its enemies.

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Ornes in Scripture fignifie ftrength.


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page 49

How many ways fpiritual enemies affault the Church.

How many ways men abuse their strength.

In reading of holy Scripture we ought carefully to observe what is fpo-
ken literally, and what figuratively. 74. and not to make figures.
where none are. 77. Nor understand that literally which is figura-



In all wars, God is Lord of Hofts, and General of the armies that fight
his quarrels. 143. and he ordereth all wars.

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page 168

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No Oratory nor eloquence comparable to the holy elocation of Scripture


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Obedience to God affures and gains all good things to us.

Over-weening of our fellow creatures is and bath been a caufe of Idola-

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REading of Scripture good to make us understand what the Lord

hath done in former ages.



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