Imatges de pàgina

II. HISTORY.-(Continued.)

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NAVARETTE, (S. Y S. DE BARADA.) Colleccion de Documentos ineditos para la historia
de Espana. 7 vols. 8vo, £5. 58.
PAQUIS, (M.) Histoire d'Espagne et de Portugal. 2 vols. 8vo.
GUÉROULT ET LAVALLÉE. Espagne. 2 vols. 8vo, f.12.

(L'Univers Pittoresque.)

LEMBKE, (D. F. W.) Geschichte von Spanien. vol. 1–2.

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Madrid, 1846

Paris, 1836

Paris, 1846

Hamb., 1830-44

Paris, 1811

DEPPING. Histoire générale de l'Espagne depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la fin
da XVIIIe siècle. 2 vols. 8vo, f.12.
MARLIANI. Histoire politique de l'Espagne moderne, suivie d'un aperçu sur les finances.
2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, f.16.
Paris, 1841


ROMEY, (C.) Histoire d'Espagne depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1830. nouv.
édn. 10 vols. 8vo, pl., f.50.
Paris, 1842
Paris, 1844




Histoire d'Espagne depuis les premiers temps historiques jusqu'à la mort de Ferdinand VII. nouv. édn. 10 vols. 8vo, f.50. ASCARGORTA. Histoire d'Espagne, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours, trad. de l'espagnol. nouv. éd. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, ƒ.12. SANCHEZ, (J. M.) Historia legal de Espana des dela dominacion goda hastra nuestros dias. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. Madrid, 1846 ASCHBACH, (J.) Geschichte Spaniens u. Portugals zur Zeit der Herrschaft der Almoraviden u. Almohaden. 2 vols. 8vo. Frankf., 1833-37 1830

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Geschichte der Ommaijaden in Spanien.
RANKE, (L. VON.) L'Espagne sous Charles-Quint, Philippe II. et Philippe III., ou les
Osmanlis et la monarchie espagnole pendant les XVIe et XVIIe siècles; trad. de l'allemand.
avec des notes par J. B. Haiber. 8vo, f.6.

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BOUTERWEK, (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Transl. from the
German by Miss Ross. 2 vols. 8vo.

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CLARUS, (L.) Darstellung der Spanischen Literatur des Mittelalters, mit einer Vorrede
von Joseph von Goerres. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s.
Mainz, 1846
MÜLLER, () Romances y Historia del Cid, con la Vida del Cid. 24mo. Paris, 1829
SANCHEZ, (DON T. A.) Colleccion de Poesias Castellanas, anteriores al Siglo XV. 4
vols. 8vo.
Madrid, 1779

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DEPPING, (G. B.) Romancero Castellano, ó colleccion de antiguos romances populares de los Espagnoles, publicada con una introduccion y notas. Nueva edicion, con las notas de Lon. Ant. Alc. Galiano. 3 vols. 12mo, 16s. Leipzig, 1844 ROSA DE ROMANCES & Romances Sacados de las “Rosas" de Juan Timoneda, que pueden servir de suplemento à Todos los Romanceros, asi antiguos como modernos y especialement al publicado por el Señor Don G. B. Depping, escagidos, ordenados y anotados por Don Fernado José Wolf. 12mo. Leipzig, 1846



(Forms vol. 3 of the above.)

OLLENDORFF'S Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the
Spanish Language.
New-York, D. A. & Co.

(In preparation.)

MEADOWS, (F. C.) New Grammar of the Spanish Language; comprehending in a most simple, easy, and concise manner, everything necessary to its complete Acquirement. 18mo, 1s. 6d.

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GRAMATICA de la lengua castellana, por la real Academia española. 5e edn. 8vo.
Madrid, 1821

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La même, trad. et mise à l'usage des Français par Chalumeau de Verneuil. 2 vols.
Paris, 1821



MEADOWS, (F. C) Spanish and English Dictionary. 18mo, 78.
DICCIONARIO de la lengua castellana, reducido. 4to.

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edicion abreviada, por D. G. V. Arnaɔ. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826 NEUMAN & BARETTI'S Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages; wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Merchandize, Navigation, and Trade, elucidated. 5th edition, greatly improved, by M. Seoane, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo, 32s. London, 1837 SALVA. Nueva diccionario de la lingua Castellana, que comprende la ultima edicion integra, muy rectificada y mysrada, del publicado por la academia espanola. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, 248. Paris, 1847 Diction. français-espagnol et espagnol-français. Se édit. 2 Paris, 1840


vols. 8vo.

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DICTION. français-espagnol et espagnol-français par F. Maurel et P. Martines Lopez.
2 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1840

DICCIONARIO de la lengua Castellana, por la real Academia Española, nueva edicion-
hecha, segun la última de Madrid bajo la direccion de J. R. Masson. 4to, f. 12.

Paris, 1841
CAPMANY. Art de traducir el idioma frances al castellano revisito y aumentado por Ga-
liano y Salvá. 12mo, f.3.
Paris, 1835

London, 1826

MCHENRY, (L. J. A.) Synonymes of the Spanish Language Explained; intended as an
Appendix to all English-Spanish Dictionaries. 12mo, 5s. 6d.
VALBUENA, (M. DE.) Diccionario universal latino-español. 5th edn. folio, f.30.

Madrid, 1826

SPORTS AND PASTIMES.--(See ANGLING, CHESS, &C.) SMITH, (H.) Festivals, Games, and Amusements. 12mo, 68.

(Reprinted, New-York, H. & Bro's.)

London, 1834

STRUTT, (J.) The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, including the Domestic Recreations, May-games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, and Pompous Spectacles from the Earliest Period to the Present time. Ed. by W. Hone. 8vo, 14s. London, 1834

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BLAINE, (D. P.) An Encyclopædia of Rural Sports; or, a complete Account, Historical,
Practical and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports
and Athletic Amusements of the present day. Illustrated by nearly 600 engravings on
wood, by R. Branston, from drawings by Alken, T. Landseer, Dickes, &c. 1 very thick
vol. 8vo, 50s.
London, 1840

SCROPE, (W.) Days of Deer-Stalking in the Forest of Athol: with some Account of the
Nature and Habits of the Red Deer, Scottish Forests, Legends, Superstitions, Poachers,
Freebooters, &c. 3d ed. 8vo, woodcuts from C. Landseer's Designs. 20s. London, 1846
JOHNSON, (T. B.) The Shooter's Preceptor; containing Practical Instructions in the
Choice, Breaking, and Management of the Dogs used in Shooting, the Art of Shooting
Flying, &e. 12mo, 48.
London, 1844

LACY, (CAPT.) The Modern Shooter: containing Practical Instructions and Directions
for every description of Inland and Coast Shooting. 8vo, 218.
London, 1846
COLQUHOUN. The Moor and the Loch; containing practical hints on Highland Sports,
and Notices of the Habits of the different Creatures of Game and Prey in the mountain-
ous districts of Scotland. 8vo, woodcuts.
HAWKER, (P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shoot-
ing. 9th edition, with plates and woodcuts. 8vo, 21s.
London, 1844
MARTINGALE'S Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. 8vo, woodcuts, sq. 8vo, 21s.
London, 1849
NIMROD, (C. APPERLY.) Hunting Reminiscences, comprising memoirs of Masters of
Hounds; Notices of the Crack Riders; and characteristics of the Hunting Counties of
England. 1 vol. 8vo, plates..




Life of a Sportsman. 1 vol. 8vo, with 36 finely coloured plates, by Aiken.
The Chase, the Turf, and the Road. 2d edn., illust. 8vo, 9s. 6d. London, 1843
LLOYD, (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 16s.

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See HONE's Every Day Book, &c.

STARS.-(CATALOGUES OF,) see p. 57.


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LALANDE. A Catalogue of 47,390 Stars, for the beginning of the year 1800, from the Observations of Lalande, in the Histoire Céleste Française. Reduced under the superintendence of F. Baily. 218. London, 1847 LACAILLE, (ABBE DE.) A Catalogue of 9,766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere for the beginning of the Year 1750, from Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope in the Years 1751-1752. Reduced under the superintendence of the late Professor Henderson, and printed under the direction of the late F. Baily. With a Preface by Sir J. F. W. Herschell. 5s. London, 1847 BAILY, (F.) Catalogue of Stars; containing the Mean Right Ascensions and North Polar Distances of 8,377 Fixed Stars, reduced to January 1, 1859: together with their Annual Precessions, Secular Variations, and Proper Motions, as well as the Logarithmic Constants for Computing Precession, Aberration, and Nutation: with a Preface Explanatory of their Construction and Application. imp. 8vo, 638. London, 1845

STARS.-(MAPS OF,) see page 56.

STATICS. (See page 218.)

POINSOT. Elements of Statics.
Sutton. 8vo, 21s.


Translated from the French, with Notes, &c., by T.

London, 1847

MACGREGOR. Commercial Statistics: being a digest of the Productive Resources, Com-
mercial Legislation, Customs, Tariffs, Navigation, Port, and Quarantine Laws, and
Charges. Shipping, Imports, and Exports, and the Moneys, Weights, and Measures of all
Nations; including all British Commercial Treaties with Foreign States; compiled from
authentic records, and consolidated with especial reference to British and Foreign Products,
Trade, and Navigation. 3 vols. 8vo, 948. 6d.
London. 1846-47

PORTER, (G. R.) The Progress of the Nation, in its various Scial and Economical Rela-
tions from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Present time. 2d edn. vo, 24s.
London, 1846
SPACKMAN, (W. F.) Statistical Tables of the Agriculture, Shipping, Colonies, Manu-
factures, Commerce, and Population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its De-
pendencies. Brought down to the Year 1843, Compiled from Official Returns. 12mo, 5s.
London, 1843

NEUMANN, (C. F.) Grundriss zu Vorlesungen über Länder und Volkerkunde, und allgemeine Statistik. 8vo.

HALLOY, (D. D'.) Notions Elémentaires de Statisque. 8vo.

Munich, 1840
Paris, 1840

See Statistical Journal. Companions to British Almanac. American Almanac.
MACGREGOR'S Progress of America, etc.


HODGE, (P. R.) The Steam Engine: its Origin and gradual Improve-
ment, from the time of Hero to the present day, as adapted to Manufac-
tures, Locomotion, and Navigation. Illustrated with 48 Plates in full
detail, numerous woodcuts, &c. One volume folio of Plates, and letter-
press in 8vo, $10.
New-York, D. A. & Co.
ARTIZAN CLUB. Steam Engine. A Treatise on the Steam Engine, in its Application
to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, and Railways. By the Artizan Club.
Bourne. 4to, illustrated by 30 plates and 349 engravings on wood, 27s.
RUSSELL, (J. S.) On the Nature, Properties, and Application of Steam,
Navigation. 8vo, 9s.

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Edited by J. London, 1846 and on Steam London, 1841

48 1841

A Treatise on the Steam Engine. 8vo, plates, 9s.
LARDNER, (DR.) The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated; with an Account of its
Invention and Progressive Improvement (including a Life of Watt), and its Application
to Navigation and Railways. 7th ed. 1 vol. 8vo, numerous engravings, 128.

London, 1840 TREDGOLD on the Steam Engine and on Steam Navigation; comprising an Account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement, with an Investigation of its Principles, and the Proportions of its Parts for Efficiency and Strength; detailing also its Application to Navigation, Mining. Impelling Machines, &c., and the Result in numerous Tables for Practical Use; with Notes, Corrections, and New Examples, relating to Locomotive and other Engines; with the Appendices. In 4 vols. 4to, plates in folio, £9. 98.

London, 1839


ALBAN, (E.) The High-Pressure Steam Engine investigated: an Investigation of its comparative Merits, and an Essay towards an Improved System of Construction, adapted especially to secure Safety and Economy in its use. Translated from the German, with Notes, by William Pole. Parts 1 and 2, with 6 plates, 8vo, 7s.


London, 1847

PAMBOUR, (F. M. G.) The Theory of the Steam Engine. 2d ed. 8vo, 12s.


London, 1827

London, 1842 GORDON, (W.) The Economy of the Marine Steam Engine; with Suggestions for its Improvement, and Notes upon various subjects connected with Steam. 8vo, 6 plates, 10s. 6d. London, 1845 FAREY, (J.) A Treatise on the Steam Engine, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive. 4to, woodcuts, and 25 copperplates, £5. 58. REID, (H.) The Steam Engine: being a popular Description of the Mode of Action of that Engine, as applied to Raising Water, Machinery, Navigation, Railways, &c.; with a Sketch of its History, and an Account of the Laws of Heat and Pneumatics. Illustrated by a number of wood engravings. 12mo, 38 woodcuts, 4s. 6d. London, 1840 WICKSTEED, (T.) Observations upon Cornish and Boulton and Watt Boilers and Pumping Engines; with Tables of Detail and Results of Experiments. 4to, 6s. London, 1841 GALLOWAY AND HEBERT. History of the Steam Engine. 8vo, 18s. STUART, (R.) Historical and Descriptive Anecdotes of the Steam Engine.


Descriptive History of the Steam Engine. 8vo.

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2 vols. 18mo, London, 1829 1824

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THE ENGINEER and Machinist's Assistant, being a Series of Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Steam Engines, Spinning Machines, Mills for Grinding, Tools, &c., taken from Machines of approved construction, etc.: with Descriptions. 2 vols. folio.


Glasgow, 1847

LEWIS, (J. H.) An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Stenography. 8vo, 10s. 6d.

London, 1816 Contains an Examination of the various Systems of Short-Hand down to that date. GAWTRESS, (W.) Practical Introduction to Short-Hand.

12mo, 4s. London.

TAYLOR, (S.) System of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing. Improved by Harding.
8vo, 68.

HARDING, (W.) System of Short-Hand. 12mo, 3s. 6d.
BRADLEY, (G.) Concise and Practical System of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing;
with a brief History of the Progress of the Art; illustrated by 16 engraved Lessons and
Exercises. 12mo, 38.
London, 1843
DAVIDSON, (J. B.) A New System of Short-Hand; or, Stenography more easy of at-
tainment and transcription, and one-third briefer than the most popular system extant.
12mo, 28.
Leeds, 1846


REDFIELD, (W. C.) Courses of Hurricanes. 8vo.

New-York, 1838

See papers by this writer in SILLIMAN'S Journal, etc.
REID, (COL. W.) An Attempt to develope the Law of Storms, etc. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, 168.


London, 1846

EVANS, (W. J.) The Sugar Planter's Manual: being a Treatise on the
Art of obtaining Sugar from the Sugar Cane. 8vo.
PORTER, (G. R.) The Tropical Agriculturist. 8vo, 21s.

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The Nature and Properties of the Sugar Cane; with Practical Directions for the Improvement of its Culture, and the Manufacture of its Products. 8vo, plates, 12s.


London, 1843

MARSDEN, (W.) History of Sumatra. 3d ed. 4to.

London, 1811

ANDERSON, (J.) Acheen, and Ports on the Coasts of Sumatra. 8vo, 7s. 6d.


Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra in 1823. 8vo, maps and plates, 16s. Lond., 1826

SURGERY. (See MEDICINE, p. 219-242.)


FROME, (CAPT.) Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey. 8vo,


See ENGINEERING, p. 128. GEODOSY, p. 165.




MURRAY'S Handbook for Northern Europe-Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. 12mo, 12s.

POSSART, (PROF.) Handbuch für Reisende in Schweden. 8vo.

London. Leipzig, 1841

LAING, (S.) A Tour in Sweden in 1838; comprising Observations on the Moral, Political,
and Economical State of the Swedish Nation. 8vo, 12s.
DAUMONT, (A.) Voyage en Suede. 2 vols. 8vo, et atlas in 4to.

London, 1839

Paris, 1834


Lubeck, 1846

FORSELL, (C.) Statistik von Schweden, nach öffentl. Documenten, mit Zusätzen, u.
Nachträgen. 8vo, 58. 6d.
MOLESWORTH, (LD.) Account of Denmark in 1692, and Sweden, 1688.

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4th ed. 8vo. London, 1738

London, 1844

FRYXELL. The History of Sweden. Translated from the original of Anders Fryxell.
Edited by Mary Howitt. 2 vols. 8vo, 218.
GEIJER, (E. G.) Geschichte Schwedens, aus d. Schwed. von Leffler. vols. 1, 2, 3, (1654),
Hamb., 1832-36
History of the Swedes. From the Swedish, with Introduction, &c., by J. H. Turner.
vol. 1.
HOLLINGS, (J. F.) Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 12mo, 3s. 6d.
VOLTAIRE. Histoire de Charles XII., roi de Suède. 12mo, f.1 75.
LEMOINE, (L.) Abrégé de l'Histoire de Suede. 2 vols. 8vo, f.14.
SCHMIDT, (F.) La Suéde sous Charles XIV.-Jean, trad. de l'allemand.
SARRANS, (JEUNE.) Histoire de Bernadotte, Charles XVI.-Jean, roi de Suède et de Nor-
wége. 2 vols. 8vo, f.15.
Paris, 1845

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See MACGREGOR's Commercial Statistics. L'Univers Pittoresque. CONDER'S Modern Traveller. CoxE's Travels. Dr. CLARKE's Travels. BREMNER'S Excursions, &c.


DIETRICH, (W.) Ausführliche Schwedische Grammatik nebst Literatur-geschichte u.
Chrestomathie. 8vo, 88.

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Kurze Schwedische Sprachlehre nebst Gesprachen. 8vo, 8s.
PARLEUR. Swedish, English, German, and French Dialognes. 12mo, 4s.
DICTIONNAIRE de poche. Suédois et français. 16mo, 4s.

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Paris, 1823

Upsala, 1843

SAHLSTEDT, (A.) Grammaire Swedoise. 12mo.

ATTERBOM, (P. A.) Svenska Siare och Skalder. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s.

SVENSKA Folkböcker. Sagor, legender och äfventyr, uitg. af P. O. Backström. 8vo, vol. 1, 88.

TEGNER, (E.) Fritjofsaga. 8vo, 8s. 6d.




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MURRAY'S Hand Book for Switzerland, the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. sm. 8vo, map, 10s.

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LAING, (S.) Notes of a Traveller in France, Prussia, &c. 8vo, 16s.
INGLIS, (H. D.) Switzerland, the South of France, &c. 8vo, 10s. 6d.

Tyrol, with a glance at Bavaria. sm. 8vo, 12s.
AGASSIZ, (L.) Journey to, and Pedestrian Tours in Switzerland. 8vo.
LUTZ, (M.) Geogr. Statist. Handlexicon der Schweitz. 2 vols. 8vo.

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