Imatges de pàgina

13 Of the Passion of Christ. 14 Of the Resurrection of Christ. 15 of the worthy receiving of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Ecclesiastical or Civil, in all causes doth appertain, and is not, nor ought to be, subject to any foreign Jurisdiction.

Where we attribute to the King's Majesty the chief government, by which Titles we

16 Of the Gifts of the Holy understand the minds of some


17 For the Rogation-days.

18 Of the state of Matrimony. 19 Of Repentance. 20 Against Idleness. 21 Against Rebellion.

XXXVI. Of Consecration Bishops and Ministers.



HE Book of Consecration of Archbishops and Bishops, and Ordering of Priests and Deacons, lately set forth in the time of Edward the Sixth, and confirmed at the same time by authority of Parliament, doth contain all things necessary to such Consecration and Ordering: neither hath it any thing, that of itself is superstitious and ungodly. And therefore whosoever are consecrated or ordered according to the Rites of that Book, since the second year of the forenamed King Edward unto this time, or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same Rites; we decree all such to be rightly, orderly, and lawfully consecrated and ordered.

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slanderous folks to be offended; we give not to our Princes the ministering either of God's Word, or of the Sacraments, the which thing the Injunctions also lately set forth by Elizabeth our Queen do most plainly testify; but that only prerogative, which we see to have been givin holy Scriptures by God him. en always to all godly Princes self; that is, that they should rule all estates and degrees committed to their charge by God, whether they be Ecclesiastical or Temporal, and restrain with the civil sword the stubborn and evil-doers.

The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this Realm of England.

The Laws of the Realm may punish Christian men with death, for heinous and grievous offences.

It is lawful for Christian men, at the commandment of the Magistrate, to wear weapons, and serve in the wars.

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XXXIX. Of a Christian man's

Christian Religion doth not prohibit, but that a man may swear when the Magistrate requireth, in a cause of faith and charity, so it be done accord

As we confess that vain and
rash Swearing is forbidden
Christian men by our Lording to the Prophet's teach-
Jesus Christ, and James his ing, in justice, judgement, and
Apostle, so we judge, that truth.


THIS Book of Articles before rehearsed, is again approved, and allowed to be holden and executed within the Realm, by the assent and consent of our Sovereign Lady ELIZABETH, by the grace of God, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. Which Articles were deliberately read, and confirmed again by the subscription of the hands of the Archbishops and Bishops of the Upper-house, and by the subscription of the whole Clergy of the Nether-house in their Convocation, in the Year of our Lord 1571.


1. OF Faith in the Holy Trin- | 21. Of the Authority of General



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8. Of the Three Creeds.

9. Of Original or Birth-sin. 10. Of Free-Will. 11. Of Justification. 12. Of Good Works.

13. Of Works before Justifica-

14. Of Works of Supererogation.
15. Of Christ alone without Sin.
16. Of Sin after Baptism.
17. Of Predestination and Elec-

18. Of obtaining Salvation by

19. Of the Church.

20. Of the Authority of the Church.


Of the Sacraments.

26. Of the Unworthiness of Ministers.

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Are forbidden in Scripture and our Laws to Marry together.

A Man may not marry his


2 Grandfather's Wife, 3 Wife's Grandmother.

4 Father's Sister, 5 Mother's Sister,

6 Father's Brother's Wife.

7 Mother's Brother's Wife, 8 Wife's Father's Sister,

9 Wife's Mother's Sister.

10 Mother,

11 Step-Mother, 12 Wife's Mother.

13 Daughter, 14 Wife's Daughter, 15 Son's Wife.

16 Sister,

17 Wife's Sister,
18 Brother's Wife.

19 Son's Daughter,
20 Daughter's Daughter,
21 Son's Son's Wife.

22 Daughter's Son's Wife,
23 Wife's Son's Daughter,
24 Wife's Daughter's Daugh-

25 Brother's Daughter,
26 Sister's Daughter,
27 Brother's Son's Wife.

28 Sister's Son's Wife, 29 Wife's Brother's Daughter, 30 Wife's Sister's Daughter.

[blocks in formation]

16 Brother,

17 Husband's Brother, 18 Sister's Husband.

19 Son's Son,

20 Daughter's Son,

21 Son's Daughter's Husband.

22 Daughter's Daughter's Husband,

23 Husband's Son's Son, 24 Husband's Daughter's Son.

25 Brother's Son, 26 Sister's Son,

27 Brother's Daughter's Husband.

28 Sister's Daughter's Husband, 29 Husband's Brother's Son, 30 Husband's Sister's Son.


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