He was now ready to be offered: and do men feel inclined to deceive when....dying? Conclude we therefore by remarking, 1. How unlike our Saviour is the god of this world. The god of this world "blindeth the minds of them that believe "not." He is afraid of the entrance of light. He reigns by delusion. He knows that the end of these things is death. He knows that even now the pleasures of sin are not equal to the sorrows of religion. His servants indulge expectations; every one of which will issue in disappointment. He knows this....but he refuses to tell them so : till from the blindness of sin he plunges them into the darkness of hell. 2. We shall never go on well in religion till our Lord and Saviour has gained our confidence. And this he surely deserves. He is often better than his promise, but never worse. Let us in all cases run to his word, and consider what he has spoken....if he has not said such a thing; it matters not who has...but if he has spoken it....believe it to be more sure than heaven or earth----for heaven or earth may pass away, but his word shall not pass away. If you were not welcome to come and take of the water of life freely, he would have told you.... if future happiness were a fancy, or a dream, he would undeceive you; and not suffer you to run and strive in vain. Settle it therefore in your minds that he will not...that he cannot deceive you. It is expected therefore that the believer's confidence in him should be in proportion to his acquaintance with him. Hence it is said, "they that know thy name will put their trust in thee." And hence, says the apostle, "I know whom I have believed"----my faith is not a blind rash confidence----I am sure of my ground, and therefore I tread firm----I have proved the character I depend upon, and therefore I unreservedly commit myself to him----he is an old friend, a tried friend--O! the evidences I have had of his kindness, veracity, and power! How reproachful would it be, if I could not trust him now! "I know whom I have " believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep "that which I have committed to him against that day. "If y will not believe, surely ye shall not be estab" lished." 3. What a Master, what a Saviour, do we serve? How sincere! How kind. His heart is made of tenderness; his bowels melt with love. How concerned is he, not only for the safety, but also for the comfort of his followers! With what a soft hand does he wipe away their tears ! How graciously does he reward them-How infinitely does he provide for them ? "this is my beloved, and this is my friend, O ye daugh"ters of Jerusalem ! 4. Are you to fill any of these mansions !-Is there a place above prepared for you ? - How people long to rise in the state. How they envy the great. How happy would they deem themselves if they could get into such-aud such places. To what humiliations will they submit; what sacrifices will they be ready to make, to attain such fleeting, unsatisfying honors. But what are they_what can they be to "heavenly pla"ces!"-In which you are "blessed with all spiritual " blessings in Christ." For whom then are they prepared? I answer, for those who are prepared for them. God makes his people "meet for the inheritance of the saints in light." The vessels of mercy are "afore prepared unto glory." Others would be only miserable there: even if God had not determined to exclude them but he has. "The wicked shall not stand in his sight, he hateth " all workers of iniquity: without are dogs, and sor"cerers, and whoremongers and murderers, and idola"ters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." Here nothing that defileth can ever enter. For such as love sin, there is another place prepared. "For Tophet is it is prepared : he " ordained of old; yea, for the king 2 "hath made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire "and much wood; the breath of the Lord, like a "stream of brimstone, doth kindle it." The place indeed was prepared, as our Saviour says, " for the devil, " and his angels," but sinners, by their rejection of his grace will make it their own-It is therefore said that Judas when he died, went to his own place. Lastly, let us rejoice in hope. Let us lay open our minds to these everlasting consolations, which our Saviour here reveals and insures. Let them fill us with a joy unspeakable and full of glory, in all our present trials, and especially under the loss of dear and - valuable friends. Let us remember that when no longer visible to us, they are not lost. They have reached their Father's house. They are disposed of infinitely to their advantage. And this should subdue the selfishness of our grief. If we love them, we ought to rejoice in their promotion. -We have no reason to believe that they are acquainted with our circumstances, or can employ themselves for our welfare-yet for us they languish, and for us they die. We may improve their removal; it should draw us away from earth, and attach us the more to heaven. And thus their going away will be for our welfare. When we lose the lives of our friends, we should be careful not to lose their deaths too. They will not come to receive us to themselves-but they will welcome us when we enter their everlasting habitations-The separation is temporary. A time of re-union will come we shall see their faces, and hear their voices again in the flesh. O cheering consola=tion!-how suitable and how sure! "I would not " have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them " which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others " which have no hope; for if we believe that Jesus " died and rose again, even so them also which sleep "in Jesus will God bring with him; for this we say 268 THE SAVIOUR COMFORTING HIS DISCIPLES. "unto you by the word of the Lord, that which are "alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall "not prevent them which are asleep; for the Lord " himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with "the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of "God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we " which are alive and remain shall be caught up togeth" er with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the "air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Where"fore, comfort one another with these words." FINIS. |