Imatges de pàgina

wind; and, behold forthwith down falls a woman, weak, faint and feeble, on the earth, with a heavy groan.

Thady started, but, taking courage, having heard the cry in a human voice, he went to her; spoke to her, lifted her up, and brought her in to his mother. They gave milk to her to drink, and other food; but she ate little.

They did not ask her many questions that night; as they knew that she came from the fairy castles; (13.) and she did not wish to speak, being sick and sorrowful. Next day, they asked an account of her adventures, and she related them, first enjoining secrecy.

Her name was Mary Rourke-born and bred in. the county Galway. She was one year married, and had a child, to a young man called John Joyce, near Knock Magha. She had a difficult labour, the child died, after it was born; and Finvàr and his. host carried herself away to the fairy castle of Knock Magha. They left some other bulk in her place, in the form of a dead woman, which was waked and buried, without observation, in place of the woman herself. (14.)

Mary was in Knock Magha three quarters of a year, nursing a child, (15.) entertained with mirth and sweet songs; and nothwithstanding, she was certainly in affliction. At length the host of the castle told her that her husband was now married to another woman: and that she should indulge no longer in sorrow and melancholy; that Finvar, and all his family, were about to pay à visit to the province of Ulster.

They set out, at cock-crowing, from smooth. Knock Magha forth, both Finvàr and his valiant host. And many a fairy castle, rath, and mount they shortly visited, from dawn of day till fall of night, on beautiful, winged coursers.

Around Knock Grein, and Knock na Rae,
Bin Builvin, and Keis Corain,

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Go binn Eaclainne, agus Loċ da Eun,
O sin soir tuait go sliab Guilinn.

Do cuartaigeadar sleibte mora Muġorna,
Fa aird sliab. Donairt, agus Beal at an adraig,
Sìos go Dùn-druinne, Dùn-droma, agus Dùn-
ard a liat,

Na raon direać go cnocan na Feadalaiġ.

Deis Maire tuiteam uadfa, niar stuanad leo ; air b'eigin doib proinn oidċe Shamna caiteam, i Siogbrug Sgrabaig, ag an tsiog-flait Mac an Ean


B' iongnad le Tadg, is le na matair, sgeul na mna; agus gab truaig iad di, agus tug cuiread agus fàilte di, fuireać aca fèin.


D'fan si aca air fostaċ, fead an geimrid, gur taitin si go mait leo, ag obair 's a fognad. sean bean breoite matair Thaidg, agus tug Maire aire mait di, le linn a tinnis. D'eug an tsean bean, san earraċ; aċd tug si comairle d'a mac, air leabaid an bàis, Maire ni Ruairc a pòsad; agus do pòsad iad, indiaiġ na càsga.

Agcionn bliadna na diaid sin, tarla fear stocaig, a bi laim leo, a beit triall go Cuan na mara, a ceannaċ earraid; agus cuir. Maire comarta leis, agcois isioll, fa dein a cead fir; eadon, fàinne. posta tug se di, agus ainm a tSeoigig sgriobta uirri. Nior bfada na diaiġ gur eug an dara bean, o Shean Seoigeac, agus ni dearna se faillig fa teaċt air cuairt, cum Maire ni Ruairc.

Trat tainic se asteae go tig Thaidg ui Aoid, fuar se Maire na suide, faoi leanb mait mic, tri raitċe, air a cig. Ba luat 's ba luaigearac d'aitniogadar, agus d'admuigeadar ar aon a céile; agus d'uaċtaig Maire, gan sgat, gur b'e sin fèin a ceadfear; is trat cuala si gur teastaig an bean eile, daontaiġ si dul leis an tSeoigeaċ.


To Bin Eachlan, and Loch Da ean,
From thence north-east to Sleive Guilin.
They traversed the lofty hills of Mourne,
Round high Sleive Denard, and Balachanèry,
Down to Dundrin, Dundrum, and Dunardalay,

Right forward to Knock na Feadalea. (16.)

After they lost Mary, they never halted; for they were to sup that Halloweve in the fairy castle of Scraba, with the fairy chief, Macancantan. (17.)

Thady and his mother were astonished at the woman's story; they pitied her, and invited her with a hearty welcome to remain with themselves.

She spent the winter with them, as a hired servant, and pleased them much by her industry and service. The mother of Thady was a sickly old woman, whom Mary attended carefully during her illness. In spring the old woman died; but, on her death-bed, she advised her son to marry Mary Rourke: accordingly they were married, after Easter.

In a year afterwards, a stocking merchant who lived near them, happened to go to Connamara, to purchase goods, and Mary sent a token by him privately to her first husband; viz. the wedding ring which he had given her, with Joyce's name engraved in it. It was not long afterwards until John Joyce's second wife died, and he did not delay to pay a visit to Mary Rourke.

When he came into Thady Hughes's house, he found her sitting, with a fine boy, three quarters old, at her breast. Soon and gladly did they know and recognize each other, and Mary acknowledged immediately that this was her first husband; and having heard that his other wife was dead, she consented to go with Joyce.

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Act bi Tadg boċt go dubac fan adbar; agus dubairt go mfearr doib comairle an tsagairt fagail; agus cuaid triur a latair an atair Briain ui Bhirnn, gur innis a sgeul o tùs go deiread. Ba daine cèillig an tatair Brian, naċ dtiobra breit subuid; agus dubairt leis a tSeoigeac naċ bfuigead bean Thaidg, muna gerutuċaid se a ceart, faoi lamaib na sagart hard siar, annsna paraistib a raib siad a raon na gcomnaiġ. B'eigin don tSeoigeac dul air ais, go condae na gaillibe, a geuinne litreac; agus do cuir an tatair Brian litir leis, fa dein a sagart paraiste.

'Sè freagra cur an sagart sin cuige, " go raib se fein air torram Mhaire ni Ruairc, cead mna an firse; agus gur pos se aris è, le mnaoi eile, a d'eug o soin; agus ci be air bit bean a bi ann sin, a dearad gurb' isi fèin bean an tSeoigeaċ sin, gan a creidmeal."

An uair a fuar an tatair Brian an litir sin, tug se comairle air Mhaire i fèin a socrad mar bi si.

Daimdeòin sin cuaid an Seoigeaċ fa dèin an tsagairt a pos è fein is Maire, san àit a rugad's a beatugad i. Bhi sin deic mile fitċead on àit a mbiad siad na gcomnaig. D'airis se don tsagart sin, gur imtig Maire ni Ruairc air siubal uad, fa da bliadain o soin; go raib se 'g a toruigeact, go bfuar amać i pòsda ag fear eile, a gcondae an Dùin; agus naċ leigfead sagart na paraiste sin do a fagail, muna bfuigead se crutuga faoi na lamsan, gur leis i. Niar airis se an dadam fa bàs Mhaire; agus ni raib fios agan tsagairt sin uime, oir d'eug muintir Mhaire, sul far posad i, agus ni raib moran umrad uirrte, san ait sin.

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Chuir an sagart litir leis, fa dèin Easbuic Dhùin, gur pos sesean cailin, da ngoirti Maire ni Ruairc, a tainic o daoinib cneasda, anna paraiste fèin, le buaċaill macanta, da ngoirti Sèan Seoigeaċ, a bi na čċomnaig laim le ċnoc Maga; agus go nabair se leis gur imtig si uad, 's go bfuil si na


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Poor Thady, however, was in great trouble about the business; and said that it was best to take the priest's advice: accordingly all three went to father Bryan Byrne, and told him the whole story. Father Bryan was a sensible man, who would not give a rash judgment, therefore he told Joyce that he should not get Thady's wife, unless he proved his right to her, under the hand of the priest in the west, in the parish where they had lived together. Joyce was thus obliged to return to the county Galway for this letter, and Father Bryan wrote by him to his parish priest.

The answer which the priest returned was, “that he was himself at the funeral of Mary Rourke, the first wife of this man; that he married him again to another woman, who was since dead; and whatsoever woman she was, who said that she was Joyce's wife, ought not to be believed."

When Father Bryan received this letter, he advised Mary to remain as she was.

Notwithstanding this, Joyce went to the priest who married him to Mary, in the place where she was born and bred. This was thirty miles from the place where they lived. He told this priest that Mary Rourke had left him about two years before; that he had sought for her until he found her married to another man, in the county Down; and that the priest of that parish would not allow him to get her, unless he got a testimony, under his hand, that she was his wife. He said not a word of Mary's death, nor did that priest know any thing of it; for Mary's friends were dead before she was married, and she was not much mentioned in that place.

This priest sent a letter by him to the Bishop of Down, "that he had married a girl called Mary Rourke, of honest kindred, in his own parish, to a decent young man, called John Joyce, who lived near Knock Magha; that he was informed she had


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