Imatges de pàgina

art imagened aftir him, and makest me haue more minde of him after whom thou art imagened. Lord Fader of heuene, the deth of oure Lord Jhu Crist, thi Sone, wiche is here imagened, I set betwene the and my euil dedis, and the desert [merits] of Jhu Crist I offre for that I shuld haue deseruid, and have nouzt.

Sey azen :

Lord, the deth of oure Lord Jhu Crist the Sone wiche was bore of seint Marie, moder and maiden, I sette betuene me and thi wrath.

And sai:

Into thi handes, Lord, I betake my soule, for thou God of treuthe boužtist me.

And sei it threis.

Seint Austin spake to God on this maner :

A, my Lord God, my mercy, my refute, the I desire, to the I fle, I hie to come to the, Lord despice nouzt me, thow I be wrecched and sinful, but be to me helper in theis my grete nedis, for I may nouzt helpe, and azenbie myself wit my dedis, but thou Lorde hast bou3t me, thou bring me out of care, and haue mercy on me. I trust nouzt on my dedis, but despeir of hem; saue 3it I trust more on thi merciis, than in the dispeir of my wicked dedes. Thou art my hope, thou art my God, thou art ful of mercy, azein the I have sinned thorw my grete defaute. I come and knouleche to the, I beseche the of merci, wiche deniest to no man merci.

Supplement to the Two First





AGE xij. l. 20. "Misit etiam papa Gregorius, Augustino episcopo tunc temporis ab urbe Roma cooperatores ac verbi ministros plures, in quibus erant Mellitus, etc. misit et per eos vasa et indumenta, codices, et ornamenta ecclesiis necessaria." H. Huntingdon. Hist. lib. iij.

edit. Savile, p. 184. b.

P. xiij. l. 12. Bede also in his work, "de remediis peccatorum," cap. 1. says: "Nunc ergo, o fratres, qui voluerit sacerdotalem auctoritatem accipere, in primis cogitet propter Deum, et præparet arma ejus, antequam manus episcopi tangat caput, id est, psalterium, lectionarium, antiphonarium, missale, baptisterium, martyrologium, homilias in anni circulo ad prædicationem bonis operibus, et computum cum cyclo, hoc est jus sacerdotum. Postea autem suum pœnitentialem." This work is printed at the end of Augustinus, Epitome juris pontif. whose notes should be consulted; and in Wilkins, tom. 4. p. 751.

P. xiv. l. 3. 61.

Compare, Wilkins, tom. 1. p. 628; tom. 3. p. Annal. Burton. apud Script. Anglic. tom. 1. p. 318. It was the duty of the archdeacon at his visitation to enquire into this matter: for example, in the year 1291. "Item statuimus, quod archidiaconus, qui secundum apostolum non, quæ sua sunt, quærit, sed Jesu Christi, in sua visitatione provideat,


quod canon missæ emendetur." Wilkins, Tom. 2. p. 179.

P. xlij. l. 28. So another chronicler, either adopting Ralph Higden's statement, or using a common authority, has transcribed the same words. Hen. de Knyghton. Chron. Script. x. tom. 2. p. 2352.

P. xlvij. l. 24. There are also MS. copies of the Sarum Ordinal, in the libraries of the dean and chapter of Salisbury; and of Corpus Christi college, Oxford.

P. xlviij. l. 6. Among the books formerly belonging to the church of the parish of Dartington, in Devonshire, according to an old inventory preserved among the parish books, were "ij py bokes." There were also at the same time there, " iiij nu portas bokys noted. ij old portas bokys notyd. ij Manuelys. a scnc [?] boke. iij masse bokys. ij graylys. iij P'ssesner bokys. ij ymner bokys be noted." "Item j antyfener. an olde legent. ij sawters." The ordinal was sometimes also called in English, an "ordeorly." See Ellis. Orig. letters. 3rd Series, vol. 2. p. 48.

P. liij. . 5. With much other silver plate and ornaments said to have been given to the abbey of Glastonbury by king Ina, were, "coopertoria librorum Evangelii de xx libris." Malmesbury de ant. Glaston. Script. Angl. tom. 3. p. 311. About the year 1200, in the time of abbot John, there were made for the church of S. Alban, "duo Textus de argento superaurato; in quorum uno crux cum crucifixo, et Maria Johanne figurantur ; alio vero Majestas cum quatuor evangelistis, elegantissimis cælaturis insculpitur." Matt. Paris. Vitæ S. Alb. abbatum. p. 1043.

P. lvij. l. 18. Of such a kind probably was the famous psalter of S. Kenelm, concerning which Giraldus relates a miracle, said to have occurred in his own

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