Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

Garnier (P[ierre]). Les chasses du globe. pts. 1-3. Paris: J. Martin, 1885-87. 3 v. in I. pt. 1. Les mammifères.

pt. 2. Les oiseaux.

pt. 3. Les reptiles...

pt. I bound in between pts. 2 and 3.

Soubré (T.) Le tis de chasse raisonné, suivi d'une méthode franco-anglaise de dressage des chiens d'arrêt, au cocher, au rapport et à rabattre le gibier. Paris: E. Dentu, 1885. 2 p.l., vii, (1) 354 pp. 12°.

Vaux, Baron. Les hommes de sport, préface par Alexandre Dumas, fils. Paris: C. Marpon [1885?]. 4 p.l., xxi, 336 pp., 2 pl., 17 port.


Les femmes de sport, préface par Arséne Houssaye et lettre de Catulle Mendès. Paris: C. Marpon. 1885. 2 p.l., ix, 1 l., 187 pp., 5 pl., 19 port. 4°.

Bellecroix (E.) La chasse pratique; les sociétés de chasses à tir, terrains de chasse, gardes, destruction des animaux nuisibles, élevage du gibier . . . 4. éd. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1886. ix, (1) 428 pp. 12°.

Gourdon de Genouillac Henri]). L'église et la chasse. Bibliophiles, 1886. 2 p.l., iv, (Cabinet de vénerie.)

One of 500 cops. printed.

(Nicolas Jules Paris: Lib. des

136 pp. 12°.

[blocks in formation]

Mes chasses

Halna du Frétay (V.), baron. de loups. Saint Brieuc: R. Prud'homme, 1891. 139 pp., 2 pl. 8°.

Ligniville (J. de), Comte de Bey. Les meuttes et véneries, introduction et notes par Ernest Jullien et Henri Gallice. Paris: D. Morgand, 1892. 2 v. 2 pl., xxii, 1 l., 6 pl., 466; 2 p.l., xlviii, 421 pp. 4°.

Folin (de), Marquis. Pêches et chasses zoologiques. Paris: J. B. Baillière et fils, 1893. 2 p.l., 332 pp. 12°.

Diguet (C.) La chasse en France: ouvrage illustré de 122 gravures d'après les dessins de Jules Didier, Gélibert, Gridel, Ch. Jacque, Malher, Oudart, &c., &c., Paris: Jouvet & Cie. [1896.] 3 p.l., 443 pp. 4°.


Dhormoys (P.) Souvenirs d'un vieux chasseur aventures presques veridiques. 3. éd. Hachette et Cie., 1897. 211 pp., 1 l. 4°. (Bibliothèque des écoles et des familles.)

Chasse (La). Le fusil et les munitions. Paris: Lib. de Paris [1899?]. 94 pp., I l. 12°. (Bibl. de renseign. et conseils prat.)

Mouvement (Le) des permis de chasse de 1844 à 1899. (In: Bulletin de statistique et de législation comparée. (France. l'Enregistrement des domaines... Dir. Gen. de.) v 4. p. 153. 1900.)

[blocks in formation]

Heresbach (Conrad). Rei rvsticæ libri qvatvor. Colonia: J. Birckmann, 1570. 8°.

Sebisch (Melchoir) the Elder. XV Bücher von dem Feldbaw vnd recht volkommener Wolbestellung eines bekönnlichen Landsitzes vnd geschicklich angeordneten Maierhofs oder Landguts sampt allem was demselben Nutzes vnd Lusts halben anhängig. Deren etliche vorlängst vo Carolo Stephano vnd Joh. Libalto frantzösisch vorkommen... Strassburg: B. Jobin, 1588. 8 p.l., 773 pp., 19 1. F°.

Medici (Sebastien). Tractatvs de venatione, piscatione et avcvpio. Coloniæ Agrippinæ: J. Gyonnicus, 1598. 16°.

Fleming (H. F. von). Der Vollkommene Teutsche Jäger, darinnen die Erde, Gebürge, Kräuter und Bäume, Wälder, Eigenschaft der wilden Thiere und Vögel, so wohl historice, als physice und anatomice... vorgestellet. (v.2... Deme auch zugleich der wohlunterrichtete Teutsche Fischer mit angefüget ist, etc.) 2 Thle. Leipzig: J. C. Martini, 1719-24. F°.

Doebel (Heinrich Wilhelm). H. W. Doebels neueroeffnete Jaeger-Practica; oder, Der wohlgeuebte und erfahrne Jaeger . . . in vier Theilen. Th. 1-4. Leipzig: J. S. Heinsius, 1783. 4 v. in I. F°.

Orphal (Wilhelm Christian). Die Jaegerschule; oder, Kurzgefasster... Unterricht in allen HauptHulfs- und Nebenwissenschaften, worin der Jäger .bewandert seyn nuss... Bd. 1-3. Leipzig: P. G. Kummer, 1806-08. 8°.

Jester (F[riedrich] E[rnest].) Ueber die kleine Jagd zum Gebrauch angehender Jagdliebhaber. Theil 1-4. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1823. 4 v. in 3. 8°.

Schoenberger (Anton). Der vollkommene praktische Jäger; oder, Anweisung die Wildbahn... gehörig zu benutzen. Prag: I. G. Calve, 1826. 5 p.l., 206 pp., 1 pl. 16°.

Heink (Johann] A[nton].) Praktische Bemerkungen über die Kleine Jagd... Dresden: Meinhold, 1827. 3 p. l., xiv, 132 pp., I 1., I plan, 26 pl. sq. 8°.

Nieder-Jagd (Die) in allen ihren Verzweigungen zu Holz, Feld und Wasser... ein Handbuch für Jäger und Jagdfreunde... redigirt von J. K. v. Train. 2 Bde. Ulm: J. Ebner, 1844-45. I p.l., 658 pp., I pl.; 2 p. l., iv, 434, 245 pp., I pl. nar. 8°.

[blocks in formation]



Englehard (Maurice). La chasse dans la vallée du Rhin (Alsace et Bade). Strasbourg: [Vve Berger-Levrault),] 1864. vii, 194 pp., il. 12°. Waldersee (Franz J. G. von), Graf. Der Jäger. Berlin: A. Duncker, 1865. 2 p.l., 46, 1 l., 47-84, 11., 85-112, 1 l.,viii pp., I port. new ed. Winckell (J. F. D. aus dem). Handbuch für Jäger, Jagdberechtigte und Jagdliebhaber. Aufl., bearbeitet und herausgegeben von J. J. von Tschudi. 2 Bde. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1865. I p. 1., xvii, 730 pp., 7 pl.; I p. 1., xxii, 694 pp., I col'd plan, I plan, 13 pl. 8°. Berg (C. H. Edmund von). Freiherr Pürschgang im Dickicht der Jagd- und Forgstgeschichte. Dresden: G. Schönfeld, 1869. xx, 259 pp. 8°. Goedde (August). Die Jagd in ihrem ganzen Umfang mit besonderer Berucksichtigung Deutschlands. V. I-2. Berlin: H. Voigt, 1876-77. 2 v. 12°. (Forst-Bibliothek. Bd. 9-10.)

Brandeis (F.) Handbuch des Schiess-Sport. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1881. viii, 299 pp., xxxv. 12°.

[Rudolph Francis Charles Joseph,] Crown Prince of Austria. Gesammelte ornithologische und jagdliche Skizzen. [By Rudolph Francis Charles Joseph, Crown Prince of Austria.] Wien: K. K. Hof- u. Staatsdruckerei, 1884. 168 pp. 8°. Notes on sport and ornithology, tr. with the author's permission by C. G. Danford. London: Gurney and Jackson, 1889. viii, 648 pp., I port. 8°.

Dimitz (Ludwig). Die Jagd in Oesterreich mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Erzherzogthum Oesterreich ob der Enns. . . Lins: F. J. Ebenhöch, 1886. 60 pp., 4 tab. 8°.

Englehard (M.) La chasse et la pêche: souvenirs d'Alsace. Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie., 1888. vi, I 1., 316 pp. 4°.

Hammer (Guido). Jagdbilder und Geschichten aus Wald und Flur, aus Berg und Thal. Glogau C. Flemming [1890?]. 4 p. l., 128 pp., 8 pl. 2. ed. 8°.

Waidwerk (Das) in Wort und Bild; illustrierte jagdlicher Unterhaltungsblätter Deutschen JägerZeitung Oktober 1, 1891-September 15, 1894. Neudamm: J. Neumann, 1891-1894. Bd. 1-3. 4°.

Horn (O.) Handbuch des Jagdsport. 2 Aufl. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1894. xviii, 1 1., 466 pp., 4 pl. 12°.

Baillie-Grohman (W. A.) Sport inthe Alps in the past and present; an account of the chase of the chamois, red deer, bouquetin, roe-deer, caper

caillie, and black-cock, with personal adventures and historical notes and some sporting reminiscences of H. R. H. the late Duke of Saxe-CoburgGotha. xv (1), 356 pp.. 18 pl., ill. London: A. & C. Black, 1896. 8°.

"Snaffle." In the land of the Bora; or, Camp life and sport in Dalmatia and Herzegovina, 1894-'5-'6, illustrated by Harry Dixon, from sketches by the author. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1897. viii, 406 pp., 9 pl. 8°.

Diezel ([K. E.])

Niederjagd... hrsg. von G. von Nordenflycht. Berlin: P. Parey, 1898. 8. ed. ix, 1 l., 807 pp., 36 pl. 8°.

Kropff (E.) Waidgerechte Jagd. Ein Vademecum für jeden Jäger. Neudamm: J. Neumann, 1899. 4 p. 1., 218 pp. 8°.

Allgemeiner Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verein Deutsches Jagdbuch. Berlin, 1900. IO ed. 16°. Oberlaender, pseud. of Karl Rehfuss, jr. Der Lehrprinz. Ein Führer für angehende Jäger mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Interessen des Revierinhabers und Jagdverwalters... Neudamm: J. Neumann [1900]. x, 528 pp. 8°.

Skowronnek (F.) Die Jagd. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1901. 2 p. l., 166 pp., 1 l., 5 pl., I port. 4°. (Sammlung illustrierter Monographien [Bd.] 3.)

Frank (Herman). Die Jagd, Kulturstreifereien. (Nord und Süd. v. 103, pp. 77-90. Breslau, 1902.)

Japing ( ). Ueber den Werth der Jagdnutzung im Deutschen Reiche. (Zeitschr. f. Forst- u. Jagdwesen. Jahrg. 34, pp. 535-540. Berlin, 1902.)

Boehmerle (Emil). Taschenbuch für Jäger und Jagdfreunde, zugleich Repertorium für das Studium der Jagdwissenschaft und die Vorbereitung zur Jagdprüfung. Mit 50 Kopf- und Randleisten von A. Pock und Edelmüller und 170 Abbildungen im Texte. Wien: C. Fromme, 1903. x, 424 pp.


Great Britain.

Baillie-Grohman (W. A.) Who wrote England's oldest hunting book? (Baily's Magazine. v. 79, pp. 240-246. London, 1903.) 8°.

"Le Art de Vénerie," written in or about 1320, by King Edward's "Venour," or chief huntsman, Guillaume Twici or Twety or Twich.

Berners (Juliana). The Boke of Saint Albans, containing treatises on hawking, hunting, and cote armour; printed at Saint Albans by the schoolmaster-printer in 1486, reproduced in facsimile with an introduction by William Blades. London: Elliot Stock, 1881. 4°.


The Book, containing the treatises of hawking, hunting, coat armour, fishing and blasing of As printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde, the year of the incarnation of our Lord, Mcccclxxxxvi. London: White & Cochrane & R. Triphook, 1810. 8°.

Biographical and bibliographical notes are by Joseph Haslewood.

Jevvell for Gentrie. Being an exact dictionary, or true method, to make any man vnderstand all the art, secrets, and worthy knowledges belonging to hawking, hunting, fowling and fishing. To

Great Britain, cont'd.

gether with all the true measures for winding of the horne. Now newly published, and beautified with all the rarest experiments that are knowne or practised at this day. [Large cut.] Printed at London for Iohn Helme, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstane's Churchyard in Fleetstreet, 1614. 8°.

Called an edition of The Book of St. Albans.

Stevens (Charles), and Liebault (John). Maison rustique; or, the covntrey farme. Compyled in the French tongue by Charles Stevens and John Liebavlt, . . . and translated into English by Richard Svrflet... Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champ estre [in] French, Albyterio in Spanish, Grilli in Italian, and other authors. And the husbandrie of France, Italie, and Spaine, reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England. By Gervase Markham London: J. Bill, 1616. I p. l., 732 pp. II 1. F

Charles I., King of Great Britain and Ireland. Book of sports, as set forth by King Charles the First. With remarks upon the same. London: R. Barker, 1533 [sic, i.e., 1633]; reprinted 1709, 16 pp. 8°.

King Charles the First's declaration to his subjects concerning lawful sports to be used on Sundays. 1633. [London:] Repr.: B. Quaritch, 1860. 3 p. l., 17 pp., I l. 8°. (Dixon (W. H.) Collection of pamphlets. no. 52.)

[Markham (Gervase).] Country Contentments; or, The husbandmans recreations. Containing the wholesome experience, in which any man ought to recreate himself, after the toyl of more serious business, . . . The tenth edition . . . London, 1664. 4°.

Preface signed G. M.

Gentleman's (The) recreation. In four parts, viz., hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing. [By Nicholas Cox.] London: J. C. for N. C., 1677. 8°.

Blome (Richard). The gentleman's recreation. In two parts. The first being an encyclopedy of the arts and sciences. . . The second part treats of horsemanship, hawking, hunting, fowling, fishing, and agriculture. . London: S. Roycroft, for Richard Blome, 1686. F°.

Fairfax (T.) The complete sportsmen; or, country gentlemen's recreation London: J. Cooke [1689]. vi, 7-240 pp., 1 pl.


Markham (G.) The compleat husbandman and gentleman's recreation; or, the whole art of husbandry. London: G. Conyers [1707]. 2 p. l., 38 [i. e. 40] pp. 12°.

Jacob (Giles). The Compleat Sportsman. In three parts. Part I. Containing the nature and various kinds of Game ... Part II. Of the best situations and method of erecting and management of parks, warrens, &c. . . . Part III. Of fish and fishing. [London:] In the Savoy, 1718. 6 p.l., 152 pp., 2 11. 12°.

Gentleman's (The) Recreation. In four parts, viz.: hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing. [By N. Cox.] 6.ed. London: for N. C., 1721. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

Page (T.) The art of shooting flying: familiarly explained by way of dialogue. ... Norwich: J.Crouse, 1767. 4 p. 1., 76 pp. 2. ed. 8°. The art of shooting flying; containing directions for the choice of guns. . . with many useful hints for the improvement of young practitioners... to which is now added the method of training, breaking and using pointers and spaniels. ... Also abstracts of the late acts of Parliament concerning game... London: Scatcherd & Whitaker [pref. 1767]. 3 p.l., 81 pp. 21. 7. ed. 16°.

The art of shooting-flying. With directions for the choice of guns, the method of training pointers and spaniels. To which is added the game and dog act. London: Scatcherd & Whitaker [1785]. 131 pp. 24°.

[blocks in formation]

Great Britain, cont'd.

Thornton (Thomas). A sporting tour through the northern parts of the Highlands of Scotland; including remarks on English and Scottish landscapes. ... London, 1804. 4°.

A sporting tour through the northern parts of England and great part of the Highlands of Scotland. New ed. London: E. Arnold, 1896. xviii, 332 pp., 10 pl., 4 col'd pl., 4 port. 8°.

(The sportsman's library. v. 2.)

Hawker (Peter). Instructions to young sportsmen, in all that relates to guns and shooting. 4. ed. London, 1825. 19 pl. 8°.

First edition was printed in 1810.

5. ed. London, 1826. 8°.

9. ed. London, 1844.


To which is added The hunting and shooting of North America, with descriptions of the animals and birds, carefully collated from authentic sources by Wm. T. Porter. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1846. 1. Am. from 9. London ed. xvi, 17-459 pp., 9 pl. 8°.

Thomas (B.), pseud. of Thomas B. Johnson. The shooter's guide: containing the natural history of dogs; of breeding pointers and setters. of shooting in general. . . the game laws, with remarks thereon . . . together with the best means to prevent poaching.... London: Gale & Curtis, 1810. vi, 210 pp. 2. ed. 12°.

Howitt (Samuel). The British sportsman, containing seventy plates. London: E. Orme, 1812. 1 p.l., 71 pl. New ed. F°.



[Letters on sporting. By Robert London [1813]. 344 pp. 3 pl. 8°. t.-p. wanting.

Dobson (William). Kunopædia. A practical essay on breaking or training the English spaniel or pointer; with instructions for attaining the art of shooting flying. London: C. Whittingham, 1814. xliv, 235 pp. 8°.

Thomas (B.), pseud. of Thomas B. Johnston. The shooter's guide; or, Complete sportman's companion, containing a compendious view of the game laws; a description of the various kinds of dogs. and much. . . information on the choice



of guns. &c. London: Gale & Fenner, 1816. viii, 264 pp., 4 pl. 5. ed. 12°.

Needham (T. H.) The complete sportsman; containing a compendious view of the ancient and modern chase... Angling; and the laws relating to Fish.... London, 1817. 12°.

Mayer (John). The sportsman's directory; or, Park and gamekeeper's Companion. . . . By John Mayer, gamekeeper. Third edition. London, 1819. 12°.

Morgan (George). The new complete sportsman; or, The town and country gentleman's recreation. . . . Rev. ... by George Morgan. London: A. Hogg [1820-40?]. 12°.

Scott (William Henry). British field sports; embracing practical instructions in shooting, hunting, coursing, racing, cocking, fishing, &c. With observations on the breaking and training of dogs and horses; also the management of fowling pieces, and all other shooting implements. Second edition. London, 1820. 8°.

Sportsman's repository, or a correct delineation of the horse and dog. London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1831. viii, 204 pp., 2 pp., pl., il. 4°. Egan (Pierce). Book of sports, and mirror of life. London: T. T. & J. Tegg, 1832. 8°.

Field (The) book; or, Sports and pastimes of the British Islands [by William Hamilton Maxwell]. London: W. Tweedie [1833?]. viii, 563 pp.


Shooting. The sportsman's companion in the field, the forest, and the waterside, containing the best advice for selecting the gun, shot and the powder . . . also a description of the implements for archery... by a Sportsman. London: T. H. Munday [1835?]. I p.l., 32 pp., 1 pl. 24°.

Sporting. Embellished by large engravings and vignettes illustrative of British field sports from pictures painted by T. Gainsborough, E. Landseer, A. Cooper . . . edited by Nimrod London: A. & H. Baily & Co., 1838. 3 p.l., viii, 2 l., 144 pp., 20 pl. F°.


Johnston (Thomas B.) The shooter's preceptor; containing practical instructions in the choice, breaking and management of the dogs used in shooting. The fowling-piece fully considered The art of shooting flying simplified . . . Brief disquisitions on the various kinds of game. The Scottish and the English moors accurately described... London: T. & M. Johnston, 1838. I p.l., v, iv,, 155 pp., 4 pl. 12°.

Martingale, pseud. of Charles White. Sporting scenes and country characters. London: Longmans, &c., 1840. iii-xii, 332 pp., 1 l. 8°.

Wilson (J.) The rod and the gun, being two treatises on angling and shooting, by J. Wilson, and by the author of "The Oakleigh shooting code." Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1840. I p.l., 12°. ix-xii, 2 l., 439 pp., 12 pl.

Reeves (Boleyne). Sports and pastimes in town and country. London: T. H. Coe, 1841. 16°. Lacy ( ), Captain. The modern shooter; containing practical instructions and directions for every description of inland and coast shooting. London: Whittaker & Co., 1842. I p.l., xxvii, 548 pp., 4 pl. 8°.

North (Christopher) pseud. of John Wilson. Recreations of Christopher North. Edinburgh: Blackwood [1842?]. 12°.

Pts. 1-4 only, 5-7 missing.

[ocr errors]

Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1852. I p. 1., 307 pp., port. 8°.

(Modern British essayists. vol. iv.)

·Boston, 1854. 8°.

New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1864. 307

PP., port. 8°.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Penn (R.) Maxims and hints on angling, chess, shooting and other matters; also miseries of fishing. London: J. Murray, 1842. 3 p.l., 3–106 pp., 18 12°. pl. New ed.

Mills (J.) The sportsman's library. Edinburgh; W. Tait, 1845. xxv, (3) 431 pp., I port., 7 pl. 8°. Edinburgh: W. Paterson [1845]. xxvi, 8°.

I l., 431 pp., 9 pl., 1 port.

Great Britain, cont'd.

Scott (John). The sportsman's repository: comprising a series of engravings representing the horse and the dog. . . London: H. G. Bohn, 1845. x, 204 pp., 4 pp., ill., pl. 4°.

Craven, pseud. of John William Carleton. Recreations in shooting, with some account of the

game of the British Islands. London: Chapman & Hall, 1846. 12°.

London: H. G. Bohn, 1859. 2 p.l., vii-xxviii, 30 pp. 12°. 15 pl. New ed. (Bohn's illustrated library.) Richardson (H. D.) Holiday sports and pastimes for boys. London: W. S. Orr & Co., 1848. I p.l., vi, 112 pp., I pl. 16°.

[ocr errors]

Sportsman (The) and his dog; or, hints on sporting; edited by the author of Scottish sports and pastimes," etc. London: J. & D. A. Darling, 1850. 205 pp., I pl. 12°.

Chasses et pêches anglaises: variétés de pêches et de chasses. Paris: Au dépot de libraire [1851?]. 2 p.l., 361 pp., 5 pl. 8°.

Nimrod, pseud. of Charles James Apperley. The chase. new ed. London: J. Murray, 1852.


Blakey (R.) Shooting; a manual of practical information on this branch of British field sports. new ed. London, 1859. pl. 16°.

Hamilton (J. P.) Reminiscences of an old sportsman. London: Longman, Green & Co., 1860. 2 v. 8°.

Lennox (Lord William Pitt). Pictures of sporting life and character. London, 1860. 2 v. pl. 12°.

Simeon (Cornwall). Stray notes on fishing and natural history. xx, 1 l., 3-263 (1) pp. Cambridge: Macmillan & Co., 1860. 12°.

London: Long

Boner (C.) Forest creatures. man, Green, Longman... 1861. viii, 2 ll., 245 pp., 12 pl. 8°.

Lennox (Lord William [Pitt]). Recreations of a sportsman. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1862. 2 v. viii, 333; vi, 266 pp., 2 pl. 12°.

"Scrutator," pseud. of K. W. Horlock. The country gentleman. London: Chapman and Hall, 1863. 1 p.l., 358 pp., I pl. 8°.

Clarke (F.) A box for the season; a sporting sketch. 2. ed. London: Chapman and Hall, 1865. vi, 349 pp., 1 pl. 12°.


C. (I. E. B.) Facts and useful hints relating to fishing and shooting: being a collection of various methods for capturing birds, beasts, vermin, and fish; together with a great variety of recipes of all kinds useful to the fisherman and sportsman. To which is added a list of recipes for the management and cure of dogs in disease. Edited by I. E. B. C. [i. e., Irvine E. B. Cox.] London: H. Cox, 1866. 2 p.l., 115 pp. 8°.

2. ed. 8°.

London: H. Cox, 1867. iv, 108 pp.

Stretton (Charles). Sport and sportsmen; a book of recollections. London, 1866. pl. 8°. British sports and pastimes, 1868. Ed. by Anthony Trollope. London: Virtue & Co., 1868. 3 p.l., 322 pp. 8°.

Reprinted from St. Paul's Magazine.

Wilton (2. earl of), Thomas Egerton. On the sports and pursuits of the English, as bearing upon their national character. London: Harrison, 1868. X, 334 pp., I pl. 12°.

Walter (J.) Hints to young sportsmen; or, the gun, saddle, and rod... London: R. Barrett and Sons, 1870. 2 p.l., 46 pp., I photo. 8°.

Barry (W.) Moorland and stream. With notes and prose idyls on shooting and trout fishing. London: Tinsley Bros., 1871. 3 p.l., iii-iv, 299 pp. 12°.

Nimrod, pseud. of Charles James Apperley. The life of John Mytton, with his hunting, racing, shooting, driving, and extravagant exploits. [With a memoir of Nimrod [by Horace Cox]. London: C. Routledge & Sons [1871]. xi, 1 l., 235 pp. ed. 12°.


"Impecuniosus." Unasked advice: a series of articles on horses and hunting, reprinted from "The Field.' London: H. Cox, 1872. 3 p.l.,

233 pp., II pl. 8°.

Davies (G. C.) Mountain, meadow and mere; a series of outdoor sketches of sport, scenery, adventures, and natural history. London: H. S. King & Co., 1873. viii, 226 pp., 4 pl. 12°.

Old Shekarry, pseud. of H. A. Leveson. The forest and the field. London, Chatto & Windus, 1874. xii, 314, (1) pp., 8 p.l. 12°.

Rooper (George). Flood, field and forest. 4th ed. London, 1874. pl. 12°.

Hamerton (P. G.) The sylvan year. Leaves from the note-book of Raoul Dubois. London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1876. viii, 243 pp., 20 pl. 2. ed. 8°.

Hunting, shooting and fishing: a sporting miscellany. With anecdotic chapters about horses and dogs. London: S. Low, Marston & Co., 1877. iv, 317 pp., 8 pl. 8°.

[Jefferies (R.)] Wild life in a southern county. Boston, 1879. 16°.

Round about a great estate. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1880. vii, 1 l., 204 pp. 12°.

Manley (John Jackson). Notes on game and game shooting: miscellaneous observations on birds and animals, and on the sport they afford for the gun in Great Britain. London: "The Bazaar" Office [pref. 1880]. viii, 389 pp., 9 pl. 8°.

Country sports. A guide to angling, shooting, hunting, coursing, and all other leading amusements of rural life. London: Ward, Lock & Co. [1882.] viii, 112 pp. 12°.

Buckland (F. T.) Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. 3 ll., ix-xiv, 1 l., 339 (1) pp., I pl., ill. London: Chapman & Hall, 1883. 12°.

Harting (J. E.) Essays on sport and natural history. London: H. Cox, 1883. x, 485 pp., I port. 8°.

Jefferies (Richard). Nature near London. London: Chatto & Windus, 1883. vi, 1 1, 242 pp. 12°.

Bromley-Davenport (William). Sport: foxhunting, salmon-fishing, covert-shooting, deerstalking, illustrated by Henry Hope Crealocke. London: Chapman and Hall, 1885. x, 11., 215 pp., 21 pl. 8°.

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