Imatges de pàgina



a. Bibliographies.

1. American and English.

Bardeen, C. W. Catalogue of rare books on pedagogy, to which is appended a list of three hundred standard works. pp. 58. Bardeen: Syracuse, 1891.

Brown, Elmer E. Catalogue of the books in the pedagogical section of the library [University of California]. pp. 66. Berkeley, 1894.

Catalogue of the educational division of the South Kensington museum. pp. xx+618+ 55. London, 1876.

Catalogue of the library of the college of preceptors. pp. 175. London, 1891.

Catalogue of the pedagogic portion of the library of the teachers' guild of Great Britain and Ireland. pp. 75. London, 1892. Hall, G. Stanley, and Mansfield, John M. Hints toward a select and descriptive bibliography of education. pp. 309. Heath: Boston, 1893.

Harris, William T. Publications of the U. S. bureau of education from 1867 to 1890, with subject index. pp. 98. Bu. of Ed.: Washington, 1891.

Fletcher, William I. Analytical index to Barnard's American journal of education. pp. 128. Bu. of Ed.: Washington, 1892. King, A. Catalogue of the books on education in the educational division of the South Kensington museum. pp. viii + 234. London, 1893.

MacAlister, James. Catalogue of the pedagogical library and the books of reference in the office of the superintendent of public schools, board of education, Phila. pp. 184. Published by the board: Phila., 1887.

MacAlister, James. Supplement to the catalogue of the pedagogical library and the books of reference in the office of the superin

tendent of public schools, board of education, Phila. pp. 47. Published by the board: Phila., 1890.

Monroe, Will S. A pedagogical library. Reprinted from the Pacific educational journal. pp. 16. Fisher: Oakland, 1892. Ross, G. W., editor. Catalogue of the books relating to education and educational subjects in the library of the educational department of Ontario [Canada]. pp. 86. Warwick: Toronto, 1886. Sonnenschein, W. S. The best books. A reader's guide to the choice of the best available books (about 50,000). pp. 1009. Putnam: N. Y., 1891.

Section XIV (pp. 270 to 303) devoted to education. Other sections devoted to philosophy, psychology, history, geography, and other subjects related to education.

Sonnenschein, W. S. A reader's guide to contemporary literature: being the first supplement to the best books. pp. 775. Putnam: N. Y., 1895.

2. French and German.

Beeger, Julius. Katalog der pädagogischen Centralbibliothek (Comeniusstiftung) zu Leipzig. pp. 224. Leipzig, 1892.

This is the first part of the catalogue of what is probably the largest collection of pedagogical books in the world. The library numbers over 66,000 volumes; but it is by no means so select or useful a collection of books as that in the library connected with the Musée Pédagogique at Paris. The books are almost entirely German.

Bonet-Maury. Musée pédagogique et bibliothèque centrale de l'enseignement primaire: catalogue des ouvrages et documents. Two vols. and a supplement. Imprim. nationale: Paris, 1886-89.

This is the best bibliography of education and the fullest ever made in any language. It contains 50,000 titles of pedagogical books in the different European languages, but largely, of course, in French.

Buisson, Ferdinand, editor. Repertoire des ouvrages pédagogiques du xvi siècle. pp. 733. Hachette: Paris.

Hunziker, O. Katalog der Bibliothek des Pestalozzianums zu Zürich. pp. 132. Rüegg: Zürich, 1894.

A good collection of pedagogical books-mainly German-and especially strong in the literature of Pestalozzi.

Schott, G. E. Handbuch der pädagogischen Literatur der Gegenwart. Three parts. Leipzig, 1871.

b. Encyclopædias.

1. American and English.

Barnard, Henry, editor. The American journal of education, 31 vols. Published by the editor, Hartford, 1855 to 1881.

"Probably the most valuable educational periodical ever published in any language, now constituting a vast cyclopædia of information on many, if not on most topics connected with education."-G. Stanley Hall.

Butler, Nicholas Murray, editor. The great educators, 8 vols. Others in preparation. Scribner: N. Y., 1892 to date.

The volumes of this series include not merely biographies, but concise accounts of some of the leading movements in the history of education.

Harris, William T., editor. International educational series, including works on historical, critical, theoretical, and practical education, 40 vols. Others in preparation. Appleton: N. Y., 1887 to date.

A valuable series. Contains many of the best works, new and old, bearing on educational literature.

Heath's pedagogical library, 28 vols. Others in preparation. Heath: Boston, 1886 to date.

Covers a wide range of educational thought, including the history, theory, and methods of teaching.

Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, Alexander J. The cyclopædia of education. pp. 858. Steiger: N. Y., 1877.

"Deals almost exclusively with American and British subjects; somewhat restricted in scope; the statistical part of chief value."-Sonnenschein. Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, Alexander J. Dictionary of education. N. Y., 1881.

Abridgment of the cyclopædia of education.

Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, Alexander J. The yearbook of education for 1878. pp. 420. Steiger: N. Y., 1878. The same for 1879. pp. 566.

Supplements to the cyclopædia of education. Sonnenschein's cyclopædia of education. A handbook of reference

on all subjects connected with education (its history, theory, and practice), comprising articles by eminent educational specialists. Edited by Alfred Ewen Fletcher. pp. 562. Sonnenschein: London, 1892.

The best small alphabetical cyclopædia of education; contains a select bibliography of pedagogy.

2. French and German.

Buisson, Ferdinand. Dictionnaire de pédagogie, et d'instruction primaire, 3 vols. Hachette: Paris, 1882 to 1887.

An able work, uniformly strong throughout. Later and in most respects better than the German encyclopædias.

Lindner, G. A. Encyclopädisches Handbuch der Erziehungskunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Volksschulwesens. pp. 1039. Leipzig: 1884.

"By far the best alphabetic encyclopædia in one volume, although one seeks in vain for many leading topics."-G. Stanley Hall.

Mann, Friedrich. Bibliothek pädagogischer Klassiker: eine Sammlung der bedeutendsten pädagogischen Schriften, älterer und neuerer Zeit, 32 vols. Others in preparation. Beyer: Langensalza.

Raymond, D. Dictionnaire d'éducation publique et privée. [Nouvelle encyclopédie theologique.] pp. 1711. Paris: 1865.

Rein, W. Encyclopädisches Handbuch der Pädagogik, 4 vols. Beyer: Langensalza.

Two volumes have appeared, and the others are in preparation. The latest German encyclopædia of education.

Schmid, K. A. Encyclopädia der gesammten Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesens, 11 vols. Besser: Gotha, 1859-70. New edition, 1876-1887, 10 vols.

This is the most comprehensive encyclopædia of education ever printed. Valuable chiefly in the study of the history of education.

Schmid, K. A. Pädagogisches Handbuch für Schule und Haus, 2 vols. pp. 948, 1347. Leipzig, 1883.

This is a compilation from the large eleven-volume work.

Arbuthnot, F. F.


a. Early Oriental Nations.

See also: III, a; XIX, c.

Persian portraits: a sketch of Persian history, literature, and politics. pp. 170. Bernard: London, 1887. Carus, Paul. The gospel of Buddha according to old records. pp. 275. Chicago, 1895.

Dabistan, or school of manners. Translated from the Persian by David Shea and Anthony Troyer. pp. cxcvii + 380. Paris, 1843.

Da Groot, J. J. M. The religious system of China. Leyden, 1894. Edersheim, A. Sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ. pp. 338. London, 1876.

Fenton, John. Early Hebrew life. Sonnenschein: London, 1880. Contains an account of education among the ancient Jews.

Hager, J. An explanation of the elementary characters of the Chipp. 43. London, 1801.


Kingsley, Charles. Alexandria and her schools. pp. 132. London, 1885.

Kwang-tse. Chuang Tzů, mystic, moralist, and social reformer Translated from the Chinese by H. A. Giles. London, 1889. Laurie, S. S. Historical survey of pre-Christian education. pp. 436. Longmans: London, 1895.

The most comprehensive work available in English. Very satisfactory accounts of the educational ideals of the Arabs, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hebrews, Chinese, Hindoos, and Persians.

Leipzeiger, Henry M. The education of the Jews. Educational monographs. pp. 39. N. Y., 1890.

Lyon, D. G. Jewish contributions to civilization. pp. 15. Boston, 1893. Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese, with their education, philosophy, and letters. pp. 319. Harper: N. Y., 1881.

Maspero, G. The dawn of civilization. pp. 800.

London, 1894.

Copiously illustrated and containing much material bearing on education among the ancient Egyptians and Chaldeans.

Maspero, G. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. pp. 376. Chapman: London, 1891.

Contains a chapter on Assurbanipal's library.

Ragozin, Zénaïde, A. The story of Media, Babylon, and Persia: including a study of the Zend-Avesta or religion of Zoroaster. pp. 447. Putnam: N. Y., 1888.

Rawlinson, George. Moses: his life and times. pp. 205. Nisbet : London [1887].

Chapter iv contains an account of Egyptian education.

Spiers, B. The school system of the Talmud. pp, 48. Trübner: London, 1882.

Williams, S. Wells. The middle kingdom, chapters ix to xii, vol. i, pp. 519-723, education and literature of the Chinese. Scribner, New York, 1883.

Xenophon. The Cyropædia. Translated by J. S. Watson. Bohn library. London, n. d.

A good authority on education among the Persians and Spartans.

b. European.

1. General.

See also: III, a and b ; XII, b.

Allen, Jerome. Historic outlines of education. pp. 42. Kellogg: Ń. Y., 1895.

Barnard, Henry. National education in Europe. Norton: N. Y., 1854. Bennett, C. W. History of the philosophy of pedagogics. pp. 43. Bardeen: Syracuse, 1893.

Browning, Oscar. An introduction to the history of educational theories. pp. 199. Harper: N. Y., 1888.

Clarke, James Freeman.
Boston, 1871.

Ten great religions. pp. 528. Osgood:

Compayré, Gabriel. The history of pedagogy. Translated by W. H. Payne. pp. 598. Heath: Boston, 1886.

Denison, G. A. Schools of Christendom. pp. 79. London, 1886.

Donaldson, James. A history of education. Murray: London, 1895. Hobhouse, W. Theory and practice of ancient education. pp. 55. Oxford, 1885.

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