Imatges de pàgina

Somerville, Mary. don, 1877.

Physical geography. pp. 532. Murray: Lon

"This author takes rank with Guyot in the interpretation of Ritter's geographical work."-Alex E. Frye.

Strabo, the geography of. Translated by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer. 3 vols. Bell: London, 1854.

"To the student of the history of geography this translation of the work of the great Greek geographer will prove invaluable. Volume three gives an account of the life and works of Strabo."-Alex E. Frye.

Strachey, R. Lectures on geography. pp. 211. Macmillan, N. Y., 1888.

Trotter, Spencer. Lessons in the new geography. pp. 182. Heath: Boston, 1895.

Wicks, J. F., and Boyer, J. M. How to teach and study geography. pp. 555. Flanagan: Chicago, 1895.

Wilkins, Eva D. Descriptive geography taught by means of map drawing. pp. 129. Bardeen: Syracuse, 1893.

5. Number and Arithmetic.

Badanes, Samuel. The falsity of the Grube method of teaching primary arithmetic. pp. 47. N. Y., 1895.

Blain, J. Rationale of arithmetical teaching. Longmans: London, 1857.

Fitch, J. G. Methods of teaching arithmetic. 1872.

pp. 36.


Giffin, William M. How not to teach, with the way to teach. pp. 84. Barnes: N. Y. [1883].

Grant, Horace. Arithmetic for young children. Edited by Willard Small. pp. 134. Lee: Boston, 1880.

Grube, A. W. Method of teaching arithmetic: also the improvements made upon the method by the followers of Grube in Germany, by Levi Seeley. pp. 177. Kellogg: N. Y., 1889. Hailmann, W. N. Primary methods.


pp. 166.

Barnes: N. Y.,

Hanus, Paul H. Geometry in the grammar schools. pp. 45. Heath: Boston, 1893.

Hoose, J. H. Pestalozzian first-year arithmetic. pp. 217. Bardeen: Syracuse, 1882.

Hunter, J. Short methods in arithmetic. pp. 55.

London, 1884.

Jackman, Wilbur 8. Number work in nature study. pp. 198. Chicago, 1893.

Liversey, T. J. How to teach arithmetic. pp. 95. London [1880].

McLellan, J. A., and Dewey, John. The psychology of number and its application to the teaching of arithmetic. pp. 309. Appleton: N. Y., 1895.

Palin, E. F. The best methods of teaching arithmetic. Harrison: Ripon, 1890.

Parker, Francis W. Arithmetic and form. pp. 38. Ware: Boston, 1879.

Reed, E. M., and Wentworth, G. A. First steps in number. pp. 474. Ginn: Boston, 1887.

Reiner, C. Lessons in number as given in a Pestalozzian school. pp. 225. Bardeen: Syracuse, 1893.

Speer, W. W. Form lessons: to prepare for and to accompany the study of number. pp. 81. Flanagan: Chicago, 1888.

Speer, W. W. Primary arithmetic; for the use of teachers. pp. 154. Ginn: Boston, 1896.

Contains a valuable essay on the theory of arithmetic.

Soldan, Louis. Grube's method: two essays on elementary instruction in mathematics. Chicago, 1878.

Walker, Francis A. Arithmetic in primary and grammar schools. pp. 29. Boston, 1887.

6. Drawing.

See also: X, e, 1; XI; XIV, c.

Ablett, T. R. How to teach drawing in elementary schools. pp. 124. Blackie: London, 1889.

Anthony, Gardner C. Mechanical drawing. Heath: Boston, 1894.

Text and plates showing geometric problems and their applications to architectural and machine details, drawn in orthographic and isometric projection.

Bailey, Henry T. A first year in drawing. pp. 92. Ed. Pub. Co.: Boston, 1894.

The spirit of the work good. A helpful book for primary teachers. Baker, L. Science and art of drawing. pp. 101. N. Y., 1883. Ball, Katherine M. Paper folding and cutting.

Boston, 1895.

pp. 45. Prang:

Bradley, Milton, editor. Color in the schoolroom. Bradley: Springfield, 1891.

Presents color as a school study from the scientific standpoint, with_a practical nomenclature and with elementary applications in art."-Henry T. Bailey. Bradley, Milton. Elementary color. With an introduction by Henry Lefavour. pp. 130. Bradley: Springfield, Mass., 1895. Cavé, Marie E. The Cavé method for learning to draw from memory. pp. 134. Putnam: N. Y., 1871.

Church, A. H. Color: an elementary manual for students. pp. 192 +colored plates. Cassell: New York, 1887.


A clear, concise statement from the scientific point of view, with suggestive applications in art."-Henry T. Bailey.

Clarke, I. Edwards. Drawing in the public schools. pp. cclix + 842. Bu. of Ed.: Wash., 1885.

Treats of the place and power of art instruction in American education -its past, present, and probable future.

Clark, John S. The art idea in education and in practical life. pp. 15. Prang: Boston, 1894.

Clark, John S., Hicks, Mary Dana, and Perry, Walter S. Teacher's manual for the Prang shorter course. pp. 148. Prang: Boston, 1895.

Cross, Anson K. Color study. pp. 73. Ginn: Boston, 1895. Cross, Anson K. Freehand drawing. pp. 112. Ginn: Boston, 1895. "Presents model and object drawing in outline, clearly, and indicates its relation to mechanical perspective."-Henry T. Bailey.

Cross, Anson K. Mechanical drawing. pp. 197. Ginn: Boston, 1895. "A comprehensive and concise presentation of geometry, projection, development, and their applications in the drawing of machine details."-Henry T. Bailey.

Davidson, Thomas. The place of art in education. pp. 44. Boston, 1885.

Day, Lewis F. Text-books of ornamental design: nature in ornament, pp. 247; anatomy of pattern, pp. 53; the planning of ornament, pp. 50; the application of ornament, pp. 74. Batsford: London, 1892.

"All richly illustrated. Specially valuable for decorative treatment of foliage."-Henry T. Bailey.

Dodel, Arnold. Instruction in drawing in primary and intermediate schools in Europe and America. Translated with an introduction by Louis Prang. pp. 35. Prang: Boston, 1889.

French, J. H. Form study and drawing in the common schools. pp. 50. N. Y., 1889.

Harris, William T. Art education the true industrial education. pp. 9. Bardeen: Syracuse, 1889.

Hicks, Mary Dana. The principles of the kindergarten the foundation for art education. pp. 24. Prang: Boston, 1894.

Hicks, Mary Dana, and Clarke, John S. The use of models. pp. 183. Prang: Boston, 1887.

An aid to teachers in the use of the Prang models.

Hicks, Mary Dana, and Clarke, John S. without clay modeling. 2 parts. ton, 1887.

The Prang primary manual

pp. 157, 151. Prang: Bos

Hicks, Mary Dana, and Locke, Josephine E. The Prang primary course in art education. Prang: Boston.

Suggestions for the use of form study, drawing, and color.

Hildreth, Ella S. Clay modeling in the schoolroom. pp. 75. Bradley: Springfield, Mass., 1892.

Hulme, F. E.__The birth and development of ornament. Macmillan: N. Y., 1894.

Treats of the evolution of ornament and of ornamental units.

Jackson, Frank G. Lessons in decorative design. pp. 173. Chapman: London, 1888.

"Profusely illustrated; adaptation of all sorts of natural forms for decorative purposes, well described and drawn."-Henry T. Bailey.

Jackson, Frank G. Theory and practice of design. pp. 216. Chapman: London, 1888.

Knowlton, H. M. Hints in drawing. pp. 32. Boston, 1883.

Leland, C. G. Industrial art in schools.

Wash., 1882.

pp. 37.

Bu. of Ed.:

MacAlister, James. Art education in the public schools. pp. 18. Prang: Boston, 1893.

Massachusetts art teachers' association: antefix papers. pp. 238. Printed privately. Boston, 1875.

"Preface by Charles C. Perkins. Papers on topics relative to drawing, designing, etc. Rare and valuable for reference."-Henry T. Bailey.

Mayeux, Henri. A manual of decorative composition. pp. 310. Appleton: New York, 1888.


Elementary principles of constructive and decorative design. Rich in illustration."-Henry T. Bailey.

Miller, Leslie W. The essentials of perspective: text and plates.

N. Y.,


A simple, well-illustrated practical course for teachers and students wishing elementary instruction.

Moore, Aimée O. Studies of the science of drawing in art. pp. 130. Ginn: Boston, 1895.

Describes "philograph" and its uses. Helpful to beginners.

Moody, F. W. Lectures and lessons on art. pp. 176. Bell: London, 1880.

"Specially valuable for beginners in elementary applied design, decorative composition, draperies, and the posing of figures."-Henry T. Bailey. Morris, J. H. The teaching of drawing.


Longmans: London,

Prang, Louis, Hicks, Mary Dana, and Clark, John S. Suggestions for instruction in color. pp. 187. Prang: Boston, 1895.

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Suggestive as correlating color study and literature."-Henry T.


Redgrave, Gilbert R., editor. Manual of design. pp. 173. Chap

man: London, 1882.

Redgrave, Gilbert R.
Chapman: London.

Outlines of historic ornament.

pp. 200.

Ruskin, John. The elements of drawing: three letters to beginners. pp. 193. London.


Helpfully suggestive upon such topics as sketching from nature and pictorial composition."-Henry T. Bailey.

Ruskin, John. The laws of Fésole. pp. 135. Wiley: N. Y.

"Lessons and suggestions to young students upon the principles and practice of elementary drawing and painting."-Henry T. Bailey.

Smith, Walter. Art education: scholastic and industrial. pp. 398. Osgood: Boston, 1872.

"Valuable historically and for general reading. Helpful suggestions in applied design."-Henry T. Bailey.

Smith, Walter.


Popular industrial art. pp. 110. Rand: Boston,

Smith, Walter. Prize report on the art educational section of the Paris exhibition of 1867. pp. 23. Simpkins: London, 1869.

Taylor, Edward R. Elementary art teaching. pp. 166. Chapman : London, 1891.

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An educational and technical guide for [English] teachers and learners. Probably the best that has yet appeared."-Sonnenschein.

Turner, Ross. On the use of water colors for beginners. pp. 29. Prang: Boston, 1896.

Turner, Ross, and Morse, Edward S. Art in the schoolroom: pictures and their influence. pp. 36. Prang: Boston, 1893.

White, Gleeson, editor. Practical designing. Bell: N. Y., 1894. "Considers limitations and requirements imposed by material. A compilation of articles by practical designers."-Henry T. Bailey.

Whitter, James C. Art education: published bimonthly. The

Whitter Co.: N. Y.

Yeats, E. C. Brush work. 24 plates with text. Philip: London,


Suggestive in kindergarten and primary brush work.

7. Music. See also: X, e, 2.

Bach, A. B. On musical education. pp. 272. Edinburgh, 1883. Batchellor, D., and Charmbury, T. Manual for teachers to accompany the tonic sol-fa music course. pp. 55. Gilson: Boston [1884].

Bishenden, C. J. A singing lesson and how to teach it. pp. 55. London [1881].

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