Imatges de pàgina
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35 And in the morning, rifing up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a folitary place, and there prayed.

36 And Simon, and they that were with him, followed after him.

37 And when they had found him, they faid unto him, All men feek for thee.

38 And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.

39 And he preached in their fyna gogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils.

32. And at Sun-set, as foon as the Sabbath was past, that the People thought it lawful to begin any Work, they brought to Jesus many diseased and poffefs'd Persons.

33. And fuch a vast Multitude of People gathered together about the House, to see what was done; that almost the whole City seemed to be there.

34. And Jesus healed all that were brought to him, so that at that one Time he cured many Kinds of Diseases, and cast out many Devils, and suffered not the evil Spirits to declare that they knew him; for he needed not their Teftimony, but prov'd his Divine Commission by the more fatisfactory Evidence of the Goodness of his Doctrine, and the Greatness of his Works.

35. The next Morning very early, before Day, Jefus arose and retired into a desart Place to pray privately.

36. But Peter and the rest of his Disciples missing him, went out after him to feek him.

37. And when they had found him, they told him, that all the People in the Town waited for him, and fought after him.

38. But Jefus faid, Nay, I must not return to Capernaum: I am not sent to preach to one City only, but must go about to others also.

39. And he travelled through all the Towns of Galilee, preaching in their Synagogues, and wonderfully confirming his Doctrine by Miracles of healing Diseases, and cafting out Devils. VOL. L

40.9 40. About this time there came to Jefus a Man that had the Leprofie, and kneeled down before him, and said;

Lord, I have heard of your wondrous Works, and do believe that, if you please, you are able to cure me immediately of this offenfive Disease.

41. Jefus, moved with Pity at the Man's Complaint and humble Entreaty, and pleased at his Faith, touched him with his Hand, and faid: I am willing to do what you defire; Be cleanfed from your Disease.

42. Which Words were no fooner spoken, but the Leprofie in an instant utterly disappeared, and the Man was perfectly clean.

43 & 44. Then Jefus, that the People might not at the Report of this Miracle come about him too tumultuoufly, like raising a Sedition; and also to prevent any Occasion of Calumny from the Priests: fent away the Man with a strict Charge, faying; Do not report this Thing abroad publickly; but go and shew your felf to the Prieft, that he may try you and pronounce you clean; and then offer according to Custom what the Law appoints upon this Occafion; that the Jews may be convinced, and have no Handle to reproach


45. But the Man overjoyed at the Greatness and Suddenness of his Cure, could not farbear reporting every where what Jesus had done for him; infomuch, that the Admiration of the People was so raised, and they flocked in fuch Multitudes after Jefus, that be could not for a while appear openly in a Town, but retired into folitary

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45 But he went out, and began to publish it much, and

to blaze abroad the matter, infomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city, but

was without in de

fert places: and they


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came to him from tary Places, and People followed him
every quarter.
from all Parts.

ver. I.


Jesus cures a Palfie, and proves his Power of forgiving Sins,
Calls Matthew, and vindicates himself from the
Charge of keeping ill Company, ver. 13. Excuses his Difci-
ples for not Fasting, ver. 18. And for plucking Ears of
Corn on the Sabbath-day, ver. 23.

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5. Jefus, pleased with the Greatness of the fick Man's and his Friends Faith, faid to him; Son, your Sins are forgiven you.

6 & 7. Now there were present certain Pharisees and Jewish Doctors in the Room, who hearing Jesus say these Words, thought presently within themselves; what a great Blafphemy is this, that this Man should pretend to assume to himself the Power of God! For, furely, none but God can forgive Sins, and he has never communicated this Power absolutely to any Man.

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9. For is it not as easie a Thing to forgive a Man's Sins, which are the Cause of Diseases; as to heal his Disease by a Word in an instant? And cannot the fame Power, which does the one, do the other also ?

10 & 11. That ye may fee therefore and be convinced by this visible Effect, that I have really Power to forgive Sins even here upon Earth, ye shall fee the Man thus instantly healed: Then turning himself to the fick Man, he faid; Rife, take up your Bed, and carry it Home with

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11 I fay unto thee, Arife, and take up thy bed, and go thy

way into thine house.

12 And immedi

ately he arose, took up his bed, and went forth before them all, infomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, faying, We ne


ver saw it on this ple were astonished, saying, that
they never faw any thing like this
before; and they praised God, for
fending among them so great a Prophet.

13 And he went forth again by the sea-fide, and all the multitude resorted unto him, and he taught them.

14 And he passed

and faw Levi the

by, an

fon of Alpheus fitting at the receit of

custom, and said unto him, Follow me.

And he arose and

followed him.

15 And it came to pass that as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and finners fat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.

And when the

Scribes and Pharifees

saw him eat with

publicans and finners, they faid unto his difciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and finners?

17 When Jesus heard it, he faith un

to them, They that

are whole, have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but finners to repen


13. After this, Jesus retired again out of the City to the Lake's fide: And a great many People followed him, and he preached to them


14. And as he was going, he pafsed by the Booth where the Collectors of the Tax fate, among whom was Matthew the Son of Alphaus. Him Jefus called as he went by; and he rose up without Delay, and left his Employment, and followed Jefus.

15. And he invited Jesus and his Disciples home with him to Dinner; whither were likewise invited many of Matthew's former Acquaintance, Collectors of the Taxes, and Men of ill Fame: And they all fat down together.

16. Which when some of the Jewish Doctors and Pharifees observed; they upbraided the Disciples, saying: If your Master pretends to be a holy and pious Person, why doth he not observe, what all strict and religious Jews carefully do, to abstain from the impure Company of Publicans, loose Persons, and Men of bad Reputation?

17. But Jefus replied: + The prin- + See Pacipal Design of my Coming into raphr. on

the World, was to convert such Per-
fons as these, from a Life of Sin,
to Righteousness and Holiness. As
therefore ye blame not a Physician
for converfing with fick Men, but
on the contrary look upon it as



Luke v. 31.

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