Imatges de pàgina

35. And Jesus travelled through all the Cities and Villages, expounding the Scripture in their Synagogues, and teaching them the true Doctrine of the Chriftian Religion, and proving his Authority and Divine Commiffion by the miraculous healing of all forts of Diseases among the People.


36. And when he saw a great multitude of People gathered together about him, he had Compassion on them, because they seemed to be weary and scattered, wandring for want of faithful Guides and Teachers, as Sheep having no Shepherd. They were willing to receive the Instructions of true Religion, and desirous to be directed in the way of Happiness; but the Jewish Doctors, Scribes and Pharifees, had filled all things with Hypocrify and vain Traditions, and there were none who taught the People with Sincerity and Faithfulness.

37. Then Jesus said to his Disciples: : The Harvest indeed is great; There is a great Number of People, that are willing and prepared to receive Instruction: But the Labourers in this Harvest

are few; there are but few who are able and fitted to instruct these People, in the Ways of Righteousness and Truth.

38. Pray ye therefore to God, that he would provide skilful and faithful Minifters, to be fent forth to preach the Gospel through the World.

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Christ's Instruction to his Apostles, at their being sent out to preach, ver. I. The Blessing of those who receive them, ver. 40.

AND when he

had called un

to him his twelve difciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to caft them out, and to heal all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease.

2 Now the names


THEN Jesus calling together his Disciples, chofe out of them twelve Men, to be fent forth to preach the Gospel. And that they might do it with the greater Authority and Efficacy, he gave them Power to prove their Commission by the miraculous Works of cafting out Devils, and healing all manner of Diseases.

2, 3, 4. Now the Names of the

of the twelve apo- Twelve Apostles, are these.

stles are these; The

first, Simon, who is

called Peter, and An

drew his brother,

James the fon of Ze

bedee, and John his brother,

3 Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas, and Matthew the publican, James the fon of Alpheus, and Lebbeus, whose surname was Thaddeus,

4 Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.

5 These twelve Jefus fent forth, and commanded

them, faying, Go

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1. Peter.

2. Andrew.

3. James.

4. John.

5. Philip.
6. Bartholomew.
7. Thomas.
8. Matthew.

9. Another James.
10. Thaddeus, or Jude.
II. Simon the Canaanite.
12. Judas Iscariot.

5. These Twelve Jesus sent forth to preach the Gospel. And he gave them their Charge, saying; Do not go among any of the Gentiles or Samaritans, because the Salvation of the Gospel must

first be offered to God's peculiar People.

E 2

6. But


6. But go in the first place to the poor deluded Jews, who were originally the peculiar People of God; and offer Them first, the gracious Terms of Repentance and Reconciliation.

7. Preaching to them every where as ye go; that God is now about to establish the Kingdom of the Meffias, wherein he will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth; and, instead of all external Rites and Ceremonies, will accept nothing but Repentance and fincere Obedience.

8. And to convince them that ye do not this rafhly and without Authority, heal their Sick, cleanse their Lepers, raise their Dead, cast out Devils; and do all these things freely and without reward, with the same Liberality as ye have received Power from me to do them.

9. And because the Design of this your Journey is wholly Spiritual and Heavenly, for the Instruction and Conversion of Mankind; therefore make no Provision for it of any earthly things; of Gold, or Silver, or any other Money.

10. But go just as ye are; each Man with the fame Coat, Shoes, and Staff, that he now has; † without providing any other Clothes, Shoes, or Staff; or any Bag of Provisions for the Way. For while ye are thus employed in labouring for the Benefit and Eternal Welfare of others, ye may reasonably 'expect to be sustained by them for the present.

not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye


6 But go rather to the loft theep of the house of Ifrael.

7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven

is at hand.

8 Heal the fick, cleanse the lepers,

raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely


9 Provide neither gold, nor filver, nor brass in your purses:

10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves : (for the

workman is worthy of his meat.)

+ Thus this Passage, where the Disciples are forbidden to provide a Staff, agrees well with Mark vi, 8. where they are permitted to take a Staff.


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11. And when ye first enter into any City or Town, enquire what Perfon dwells therein of Piety and Probity, who may probably receive the Truth of the Gospel, and be affifting to you in your preaching of Righteousness. And when ye have found such an House, accept its Entertainment, and continue therein without removing, till you depart out of that City.

12. And when ye go first into an House, say, Peace be to it; and pray for the Bleffing of God upon the whole Family.

13. And if it be a pious and deferving Family, God will accordingly bless and profper it: But if not, your Prayers shall return into your own Bofom; and the Bleffing, which they render themselves unworthy of, shall be redoubled by God upon your selves.

14. And if any House or City shall refuse to entertain you, and shall reject your Doctrine, and despise your Words, and refuse to be reformed; when ye depart out of that House or City, shake off even the Duft of your Feet againft them; declaring, that since they have wilfully rejected the last means of Salvation which God has offered them by you, ye will have nothing more to do with them, but leave them to the Judgment of God.

15. Assuredly I tell you, the Punishment that shall be inflicted on the Inhabitants of such a City, shall be more terrible in the Day of Vengeance, than that which was in

flicted on the Inhabitants of Sodom. Because the Inhabitants of Sodom might have repented, if they had heard your Preaching and seen your Miracles; but these Men having rejected greater Of



fers of Mercy, shall be liable to a severer Punishment.

16. And now, behold, I send you forth as Sheep among Wolves; gentle, harmless, and innocent Perfons, among paffionate and cruel Men. Be ye therefore Wife and Prudent, that ye give them no just occafion of reproaching you or your Doctrine; and be meek and gentle, that ye may win those that are of good Tempers, and avoid provoking those that are bad.

17. But when ye have done all you can, you must expect nevertheless to be perfecuted by wicked and cruel Men. Though ye be never fo careful to avoid giving them any just Offence, yet merely for your continuing to preach the Gospel, they will carry you before their Magistrates, as Malefactors; and scourge you in their Synagogues, as Apostates.

18. And ye shall be brought before Governours, and Princes, and Kings, for the Gospel's fake; by which means your Innocence shall be discovered, and your Doctrine made known, even to the Gentiles and to the whole World; that they also hearing of your Doctrine and Miracles, and feeing your Simplicity, Sincerity, and Innocence, may either embrace the Truth, or be left without Excuse,

19. Now when Men shall thus bring you before the Magiftrates to be judged, be not follicitous to meditate what ye shall fay in your Defence, or in what manner ye shall apologize for your selves to the best advantage. For your Works and Doctrine shall be their own Vindication; and God, who by his peculiar Providence supplies you with all other Things that are neceffary or convenient, will also at that Time provide for your Defence.

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wife as ferpents, and harmless as doves.

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20 For

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