APOLOGIST. I have laboured for the poor gentleman, to the extremest shore of my modesty. APOLOGY. M. M. iii. 2. What, shall this speech he spoke for our excuse? APOPLEXY. R. J. i. 4. This apoplexy is, as I take it, a kind of lethargy, an't please your lordship; a kind of sleeping in the blood, a whoreson tingling. H. IV. PT. II. i. 2 APOTHECARY. I do remember an apothecary,— And hereabouts he dwells,-whom late I noted Green earthen pots, bladders and musty seeds, APPARITION (See also GHOSTS, SPIRITS). R. J. v. 1 I have heard (but not believ'd) the spirits of the dead APPEAL. W. T. iii. 3. And here I stand:-judge, my masters. H. IV. PT. 1. ii. 4. APPELLATIONS OF JUVENILE ENDEARMENT. Adoptedly; as school-maids change their names APPLAUSE, POPULAR (See also POPULARITY, MOB). By a beloved prince, there doth appear M. M. i. 5. M. V. iii. 2 APPREHENSION. Heaven! that I had thy head! he has found the meaning. OF THE WORthless. Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile; APTITUDE. Your spirits shine through you. I cannot draw a cart, nor eat dried oats; ARDOUR, MILITARY (See also War). O let the hours be short, P. P. i. 1. K. L. iv. 2. M. iii. 1. K. L. v. 3. Till fields, and blows, and groans applaud our sport. ARITHMETICIAN. Forsooth, a great arithmetician. ARMAMENT, SAILING. H. IV. PT. I. i. 3. Thus with imagin'd wing our swift scene flies, Than that of thought. Suppose that you have seen With silken streamers the young Phoebus fanning. ARMY (See also WAR). O. i. 1. H.V. ii. chorus. A braver choice of dauntless spirits K. J. ii. 1. ARMY,-continued. To land his legions all as soon as I : Tell the Constable, Upon mine honour, all too confident To give admittance to a thought of fear. K. J. ii. 1. H.V. iv. 3. H. IV. PT. II. iv. 1. All the unsettled humours of the land,- K. J. ii. 1. R. III. v. 3. Big Mars seems bankrupt in their beggar'd host, And faintly through a rusty beaver peeps. With torch-staves in their hands; and their poor jades His army is a ragged multitude Of hinds and peasants, rude and merciless. ARRAIGNMENT. H.V. iv. 2. H.VI. PT. II. iv. 4. It shall be done, I will arraign them straight:~ ARREST. K. L. iii. 6. If I could speak so wisely under an arrest, I would send ARREST,-continued. for certain of my creditors: and yet, to say the truth, I had as lief have the foppery of freedom, as the morality of imprisonment. ART AND Nature. M. M. i. 3. Nature is made better by no mean, This is an art W.T. iv. 3. Which does mend nature,-change it rather; but W.T. iv. 3. He is able to pierce a corslet with his eye; talks like a knell, and his hum is a battery. C. v. 4. SOUR. The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes. C. iv. 4. ASPIRANT. A high hope for a low having: God grant us patience! Sir, I lack advancement. ASS. L. L. i. 1. H. iii. 2. Tit. And. iv. 2. Now, what a thing it is to be an ass! O that he were here to write me down an ass! but, masters, remember that I am an ass; though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass. M. A. iv. 2. I do begin to perceive that I am made an ass. M. W. v. 5. A. W. ii. 3. With the help of a surgeon he might recover, and prove an ass. ASSASSINS. M. N. v. 1. Kill men i' the dark! where are these bloody thieves? 0. v. 1. ASSIMILATION. The mightiest space in fortune nature brings To join like likes, and kiss like native things. A. W. i. 1. ASTRONOMERS. These earthly godfathers of heaven's lights, That give a name to every fixed star, Have no more profit of their shining nights Than those that walk and wot not what they are. ATTACHMENT. L. L. i. 1. I have professed me thy friend, and I confess me knit to thy deserving with cables of perdurable toughness. O. i. 3. I have forsworn his company hourly, any time this two and-twenty years, and yet I'm bewitched with the rogue's company. If the rascal have not given me medicines to make me love him, I'll be hanged; it could not be else. H.IV. PT. I. ii. 2. ATTENDANCE. Creaking my shoes on the plain masonry. ATTENTION. A. W. ii. 1. Lend thy serious hearing to what I shall unfold. H. i. 5. But I can tell, that in each grace of these There lurks a still and dumb discoursive devil, T. C. iv. 4. AVARICE. This avarice, Sticks deeper; grows with more pernicious root AVERSION. M. iv. 3. I think oxen and wain-ropes cannot hale them together. AUSTERITY. T. N. iii. 2. Be opposite with a kinsman, surly with servants; let thy tongue tang arguments of state; put thyself into the trick of singularity. T. N. iii. 4. |