PARTING,-continued. And scants us with a single famish'd kiss, At once, good night: Stand not upon the order of your going, Come; T. C. iv. 4. M. V. ii. 7. M. iii. 4. A. C. i. 3. Our separation so abides, and flies, Look you, I will go pray. 'Tis almost morning, I would have thee gone: Here is my hand for my true constancy; I did not take my leave of him, but had * * * * * or have charg'd him, I am in heaven for him; or ere I could H. i. 5. R. J. ii. 2. T. G. ii. 2. R. J. iii. 5. Give him that parting kiss, which I had set Cym. i. 4. PARTING,-continued. Tend me to-night; May be, it is the period of your duty; As one that takes his leave. Mine honest friends; PARTY RANCOUR. These days are dangerous! Virtue is chok'd with foul ambition, And charity chas'd hence by rancour's hand. PASSION. All the more it seeks to hide itself, The bigger bulk it shows. PASSIONS, CONFLICTING (See also EMOTIONS). A. C. iv. 2. H.VI. PT. II. iii. 1. Thou think'st 'tis much that this contentious storm Invades us to the skin: so 'tis to thee; But where the greater malady is fix'd, The lesser is scarce felt. Thou'dst shun a bear: But if thy flight lay towards the raging sea, T. iii. 1. Thou'dst meet a bear i' the mouth. When the mind's free, The body's delicate: the tempest in my mind Doth from my senses take all feeling else, Save what beats there. PASSIONS, GUILTY. Poor chastity is rifled of her store, And lust, the thief, far poorer than before. PASTIME. This will be pastime passing excellent K. L. iii. 4. Poems. T. S. IND. 1. Say, what abridgment have you for this evening? What mask? what music? How shall we beguile M. N. v. 1. Courtship, pleasant jest and courtesy, PATCHING. L. L. v. 2. Any thing that's mended, is but patched: virtue, that transgresses, is but patched with sin; and sin, that amends is but patched with virtue. T. N. i. 5. PATIENCE. He, that would have a cake out of the wheat, must tarry the grinding. T. C. i. I. H.V. ii. 1. Though patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod. How poor are they that have not patience! Thou know'st we work by wit, and not by witchcraft; Thou young and rose-lipp'd cherubim. I do note, That grief and patience, rooted in him both, Grow, patience! And let the stinking elder, grief, untwine O. ii. 3. 0. iv. 2. Cym. iv. 2. Cym. iv. 2. T. G. iii. 1. He bears the sentence well, that nothing bears That, to pay grief, must of poor patience borrow. O. i. 3. T. N. ii. 5. That which in mean men we entitle patience, R. II. i. 2. O, gentle son, Upon the heat and flame of thy distemper, Sprinkle cool patience. Signior Antonio, many a time and oft, On the Rialto, you have rated me About my monies, and my usances: Still I have borne it with a patient shrug: H. ii. 4. M.V. i. 3. Patience, unmov'd, no marvel though she pause; C. E. ii. 1. If it be aught toward the general good, T. v. 1. M.V. iv. 1. K. L. iv. 6. The name of honour, more than I fear death. J. C. i. 2. I am the son of Marcus Cato, ho! A foe to tyrants and my country's friend. J.C. v. 4. There was a Brutus once, that would have brook'd As easily as a king. J. C. i. 2. Our subjects, Sir, Will not endure his yoke. Cym. iii. 5. PATRONAGE. O momentary grace of mortal men, Which we more hunt for than the grace of God! PAUSING. R. III. iii. 4. Look, he is winding up the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike. PAYMENT. He is well paid, that is well satisfied. T. ii. I. M. V. iv. 1, Fair payment for foul words, is more than due. L. L. iv. 1. РЕАСЕ. Fie, lords that you, being supreme magistrates, Nothing but peace and gentle visitation. H. VI. PT. I. i. 3. In her days, every man shall eat in safety, L. L. v. 2. H.VIII. v. 4. PEACE,-continued. Peace be to France; if France in peace permit If not; bleed France, and peace ascend to heaven. K. J. ii. 1. Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths; A peace is of the nature of a conquest; Now is the winter of our discontent R. III. i. 1. H. IV. PT. II. iv. 2. Made glorious summer by this sun of York; The sea being smooth, How many shallow bauble boats dare sail R. III. i. 1. T. C. i. 3 Keep peace, upon your lives; He dies, that strikes again. What is the matter? K. L. ii. 2. Have aught committed that is hardly borne If I unwittingly, or in my rage, By any in this presence, I desire To reconcile me to his friendly peace: 'Tis death to me, to be at enmity; I hate it, and desire all good men's love. Who should study to preserve a peace R.III. ii. 1. H. VI. PT. I. iii. 1. Peace be to me, and every one that dares not fight. In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, What, drawn, and talk of peace? L. L. i. 1. H.V. iii. 1. R. J. i. 1. C. iv. 5. This peace is nothing, but to rust iron, increase tailors, and breed ballad-makers. |