Imatges de pàgina


Don MICHAEL CABANELLAS, a Spanish Physician, during the prev alance of the contagious distempers which raged at Carthagena, shut himself up, with 50 persons, in one of the hospitals of that city, in order to prove the efficacy of acid fumigations. He and his companions, among whom were two of his own children, actually slept in the beds where many patients had recently fallen victims to this dreadful disease; without employing any other preservatives than the mineral acid fumigations, as directed by Mr. Guyton; after being thus strictly confined, the whole 51 persons came out in perfect health. The king of Spain has, in consequence, conferred suitable rewards on all who thus exposed themselves for the service of the state, and the interests of humanity,


An ertion of Mount Vesuvius has recently taken place, exceeding any thing of the kind within the memory of man. The summit of the mountain is torn to pieces; and the rim of the crater is quite altered. In consequence of the number of fissures, it is thought that a whole side of the mountain will fall in. About a hundred dwelling houses and estates have been ruined; with large tracts of vineyard ground, cornfields, &c. The volcano is not yet quiet.* The subterranean noises are dreadful. Flashes of lightning are, from time to time, emitted from clouds of smoke. Great apprehensions are entertained, that Torre del Greco may share the fate of Herculaneum. A part of its streets have been already inundated with the lava, which the inhabitants have removed with incredible labour and fatigue. Still the stream continues to run very near the place; and the inhabitants are deterred from leaving their houses, through fear of injury by the glowing cinders discharged from the mountain. A great quantity of ashes has also fallen in Naples. Ch. Ob.


We are happy to learn that the Rev. Dr. Claudius Buchanan, provost of the college of Fort William, was the last year to proceed to Cochin, August, 1806.

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on the coast of Malabar, for the purpose of examining the ancient Hebrew manuscripts preserved in the synagogue of the Jews at that place. "These manuscripts are represented to be of very high antiquity, being supposed to contain that portion of the Scripture, which was written before the dispersion of the Jews. A collation of them with the European copies has been long desired by the learned." It was to solicit an examination of these Hebrew manuscripts, that the late President Stiles addressed a letter to Sir William Jones, in the year 1794. Before the President's letter reached India, this great oriental scholar had deceased; but it was read to the Asiatic Society, and was to be answered by Sir John Shore, (Lord Teignmouth) its President, when the necessary researches should have been made. The early return of Sir John Shore to England was inauspicious to this design, as well as to the general in terests of oriental literature. It is gratifying, however, to find, that the object is still kept in view, and that it was likely to be prosecuted by Dr. Buchanan; whose established literary character, and distinguished zeal in the cause of oriental learning, are a sufficient pledge for the fidelity of the investigation.


NOAH WEBSTER, Esq. so well known in the literary world by his la bours to improve the English language, and to facilitate an accurate knowledge of it, we understand is now engaged and far advanced in the arduous and expensive undertaking of compiling a complete Dictionary of the English language; but informs the public that he has not the means to prosecute it entirely at his own expense. He has invited to his assistance the instructors of the principal seminaries in the United States, and has already received the patronage of the faculties of Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Williamstown, and Middlebury Colleges. In accomplishing an object of such magnitude and importance, for which Mr. W. from nature and habit is peculiarly fitted, and which may prove both honorary and` advantageous to our country, we trust every literary institution, and every man of science will cheerfully lend

his aid. Mr. W. also proposes to exhibit correct etymologies of many Greek, Latin, and Hebrew words, to

be inserted in future editions of dictionaries and lexicons of those languages.

List of New Publications.

The importance of preaching the Word of God, in a plain, distinguishing, and faithful manner. A sermon, delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Josiah W. Cannon, to the pastoral care of the church and congregation in Gill, (Mass.) By Theophilus Packard, A. M. pastor of the church in Shelburne. Greenfield. J. Denio. 1806.

A discourse, delivered at the dedication of the new academy in Fryeburg, June 4, 1806. By the Rev. Nathaniel Porter, A. M. Portland. Thomas B. Wait. 1806.

A sermon, delivered at Ashburnham, May 22, 1806, at the interment of Mr. John Cushing, jun. who expired at the house of his father. By Seth Payson, A. M. pastor of the church in Rindge. Leominster, (Mas.) S. & J. Wilder. 1807.

A sermon, delivered at Hartford, January 6, 1807, at the funeral of the Rev. James Cogswell, D. D. late pastor of the church in Scotland, in the town of Windham. By Nathan Strong, pastor of the north Presbyterian church in Hartford. Hartford. Hudson & Goodwin. 1807.

A Catalogue of Plants contained in the Botanic Garden. at Elgin, in the vicinity of New-York,-established in 1801, by David Hosack, M. D. professor of Botany and Materia Medica in Columbia College, and Fellow of the Linnean Society in London. NewYork, T. & J. Swords.

The Domestick Chaplain: being fifty-two short Lectures, with appropriate Hymns, on the most interesting subjects, for every Lord's day in the year. Designed for the improvement of families of every Christian denomination. By John Stanford, M. A. New-York, T. & J. Swords.

A world without souls. First American from the second London Edition. Hartford. Lincoln & Gleason.

A discourse delivered next Lord's

day after the interment of deacon Pe. ter Whitney, who departed this life Dec. 9, 1805, in the 60th year of his age. By Nathanael Emmans, D. D. pastor of the church in Franklin, Providence. Heaton & Williams.

The Christian Institutes; or, the sincere word of God. Being a plain and impartial account of the whole faith and duty of a Christian. Collected out of the writings of the Old and New Testament: digested under proper heads, and delivered in the words of Scripture. By the Right Rev. Father in God, Francis, late bishop of Chester. The 1st American, from the 12th London edition. 12mo. pp. 330. New York. T. & J. Swords.

The Grave, a poem, by Robert Blair. To which is added, Gray's Elegy in a Country Church-yard. 12mo. Newburyport. W. & J. Gil


Memoirs of Captain Roger Clap, one of the first settlers of New England, containing an account of the hardships which he and others experienced on their landing. 12mo. 37 cents, marble covers. Boston. W. T. Clap.

The Christian Character exemplified from the papers of Mary Magda len As, late wife of Frederick Charles A-s, of Goodman's Fields; selected and revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. New-York, Kimber, Conrad, & Co.

The Wonders of Creation, natural and artificial, in 2 vols. Containing an account of the most remarkable mountains, rivers, lakes, caves, cataracts, mineral springs, Indian mounds, and antiquities in the world. Boston. J. M. Dunham.


A new edition of Webster's Grammar, revised and greatly enlarged by the author. New York, Brisban & Brannan.

Walker's Dictionary abridged. New York. Brisban & Brannan.

Institutes of Biblical Criticism, or, Heads of the Course of Lectures on that Subject, read in the University of King's College, Aberdeen, in 8vo. by Gilbert Gerrard, D. D. Professor of Divinity. England.

Beausobre's Introduction to the New Testament. England.


Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D.F.R.S. late Professor of Rhetoric and Belle Lettres, in the University of Edin burgh, in 3 vols. complete, from the 25th London edition of 5 vols. To which will be prefixed, the Life of the Author. Boston. J. M. Dunham.



On the 11th of June, 1806, the Rev. JOSIAH W. CANNON, was ordained to the pastoral care of the Congregational church and society in Gill. The Rev. Moses Miller, of Heath, made the introductory prayer; the Rev. Theophilus Packard, of Shelburne, preached the sermon; Rev. Joseph Field, of Charlemont, made the consecrating prayer; the Rev. John Emerson, of Conway, gave the charge; the Rev. David Smith, of Durham, (Con.) gave the right hand of fellowship, and the Rev. Ezekiel L. Bascom, of Gerry, made the concluding prayer.

On the 18th of Feb. 1807, was ordained at Winthrop, (Me.) Rev. DAVID THURSTON. The introduc

tory prayer by the Rev. Asa Lyman of Bath; sermon by Rev. Elijah Parish, from 2 Cor. ii. 16. Ordaining prayer by Rev. Jonathan Powers of Penobscot; charge by Rev. Eliphalet Gillet of Hallowell; the right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mighill Blood of Buckston: conchiding prayer by Rev. Mr. Bayley, of Newcastle.

Ordained, 4th February, 1807, as an evangelist, at West Hampton, Rev. ALVAN SANDERSON. Sermon by Rev. Rufus Wells, of Whately; charge by Rev. Dr. Lyman; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Enoch Hale; Rev. Payson Williston made the introductory prayer; ordaining prayer by Rev. Solomon Williams; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Tracy.

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AT Stafford, (Conn.) on the 16th ult. Rev. JOHN WILLARD, D.D. Pastor of the First Church in that town. He was son of the late Rev. Samuel Willard, of Biddeford, and brother of the late President of Harvard College. He was graduated at that Seminary in 1751; and the few contemporaries who survive him, will remember and lament one whom they loved for his virtues, and respected for his talents, his industry and his acquirements. After having laboured with fidelity for more than half a century of years in the vineyard of Christ, with little interruption from sickness, and none from indolence, he was removed from this state of sorrow, disease and death. He died lamented by his professional brethren with whom he associated, whose confidence he fully possessed; and more especially by children whom he educated at public seminaries; while his

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with those anxieties, fears, and distressing convictions, which prepare the way for the work of grace, he became deeply sensible of his inexcusable criminality, and of the perfect righteousness of God in his condemnation. After that his mind was enlightened in the knowledge of Christ, and his heart filled with peace by an experimental discovery of gospel mercy. He manifested those new views and affections, which are the fruit of regenerating grace. The Bible appeared to him a new book, full of light and glory in every part. Those representations of God and divine objects, which once occasioned gloomy and painful feelings, gave him the most pure and substantial satisfaction. He loved religious retirement, and also greatly delighted in public worship. That preaching, which brings down the loftiness of man, and makes Christ all in all, best suited the renewed temper of his heart. Though for several years he enjoyed much tranquillity and heavenly delight in communion with God his Saviour, he afterwards had seasons of anxiety and doubt. He


deeply lamented his wandering thoughts, and his spiritual dulness. These inward struggles and affiictions led him to a more thorough acquaintance with his own depravity, and his dependence on infinite mercy. His own experience abundantly taught him, that without Christ he could do nothing. His habitual acknowledgment was; "by the grace of God I am what I am." His outward deportment corresponded with his inward frame. Says a judicious friend, who was intimately acquainted with him; "never did I know the man who showed more of the spirit of a Christian than he did; and as he approached nearer to the heavenly world, the more holy and heavenly he appeared." A Christian, so exemplary and pious, must have been beloved and useful in life, and deserves to be lamented in death.

In this town, on the 13th inst. the Rev. SAMUEL STILLMAN, D.D. Pastor of the First Baptist Church, in the 70th year of his age, and the 43d of his ministry. We shall insert some particulars respecting this eminent minister in our next Number.


LITTLE rambler of the night,
Where and whence thy glowing light?
Is it form'd of evening dew,
Where and whence thy brilliant hue?
Hark! methinks a voice replies,
He that form'd the azure skies,
Great in least, and good to all,
Lord of man and insect small;
He it was, that made this vest ;
Search, adore nor know the rest.

Little rambler of the night

Blessed be this voice of thine!
He that cloth'd thy form in light
Is thy God as well as mine!

Go enjoy in verdant fields,
What his royal bounty yields;
Nip the leaf or taste the flower;
Sip in nature's roseate bower;
Filling full the span that's given,
With the boons of gracious Heav'n.
Amer. Museum.


A review of Dr. Lathrop's fourth volume of sermons has been received, but is necessarily deferred till next month.

We have received a well written biographical sketch of the late Rev. Oaks Shaw, whose death we noticed in our last No. This sketch is highly honorary to the ministerial character of the deceased. Its insertion is necessari. ly postponed for the present. An interview with the author is requested. Candidus is just received, but is toote for this month.

Pastor's concluding number on the importance of a general association of Congregational ministers is received, and shall appear in our next. Those who feel concerned for the union and prosperity of our churches, we doubt not will read this excellent essay with interest, and we hope with conviction. ERRATUM. In the Panoplist for January, page 373.-Thesis I. Read as follows-There are certain external works, &c.-which use, or are wont solent) sometimes to be freely done, &c.

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Messrs. Editors,

WHAT I here send you is taken from a pamphlet, containing some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. William Howard, who died at North Ferriby, in the county of York, (Eng.) March 2, 1804, by JOSEPH MILNER, A. M. late master of the grammar school of Kingston upon Hull, and vicar of Trinity church.*

He first relates the remarkable conversion of Mr. Howard, who was one of his parishioners. "His conversion was very similar to that of Col. Gardiner; not so striking in some circumstances, but equally solid." From the greatest profaneness, sensuality, and blasphemy, he was raised to the love and practice of Christian virtue and piety. The events of divine providence, and especially the preaching and conversation of Mr. Milner, were used by the Divine Spirit, as the

Readers may not all know what celebrity Mr. Milner has obtained by the excellent Church History, which he has lately published; of which, it is hoped, there will soon be an American edition. No. 11. Vol. II.

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means of awakening and convincing him, and of bringing him to the saving knowledge of Christ. In pointing out the excellence of his renewed character, Mr. Milner mentions, 1. His uncommon religious joy. "Wonder, gratitude, and love were the constant effusions of his soul, whenever he spoke of the Most High. His language was a continued series of blessing and praise, and that not in a formal manner, but with spontaneous ease and liberal dignity of mind." 2. His godly fear. Amidst the overflowings of his joy, he retained a constant fear of sin. His remembrance of what he had been, and still might be, if left to himself, had an evident tendency to temper his joy, and to preserve all his affections in their due equilibrium. 3. The strength and simplicity of his faith. 4. His love. His affections were eyer on the wing towards God, equally lively and steady. He ardently loved the saints, and even panted for the conversion of sinners. 5. Chastity. This is particularly mentioned, because

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