Imatges de pàgina

Mausbach, Joseph (For. Out.), 310.
Mellen: Wesleyan University in the
South, 593.

Mennonites in the German Empire,

The (For. Out.), 148.
Meredith: John Wesley, Educator, 399.
Milburn: Governmental Recognition
of Religion, 270.

Mims: Dr. Johnson and John Wesley,

Mind and Heart, Realms of Power
for: Warren, 864.
Ministerial Supply Abroad (For.
Out.), 650.

Miraculous, Evolution and the:
art, 360.


Missionary Society, The Paris (For.
Out.) 650.

Monk, Bruno-Philosopher, Seer, Mar-
tyr: Wright, 46.

Mudge: Emerson as a Poet, 102.
Mudge: The Soldier Saint, 916.

Naturalist, A, on Eloquence (Notes
and Dis.), 447.

Neueste Prinzipien der alttestament-
lichen Kritik geprüft (For. Out.),

Ninde, Bishop: An Appreciation (with
portrait): Stuart, 9.

Norris: William Wordsworth, 418.

Our Church and the Children (Are-
na), 364, 972.

Palmer: The Atoning Christ: An In-
terpretation, 909.

Paris Missionary Society, The (For.
Out.), 650.

Parsons: The Vision of Faber, 555.
Patten: Some Early Christian Frag-
ments, 238.

Paul's Advice to Titus, Titus li, 1-6
(Itin. Club), 975.

Paul's Advices to Titus, Prologue, Ti-
tus 1, 1-4 (Itin. Club), 135.
Paul's Conversion, The Ethical Aspect
of: Bumstead, 438.
Paul's Definition of Church Adminis-
trators (Itin. Club), 466.
Pipe Organ in Church Worship, from
an Organist's Standpoint: Ma-
son, 888.

Place of Christ in the Gospel, The
Rishell, 876.

Plague, The Bubonic, in China a
Menace to the World (Arena),

Poet, The Preacher and the: Quayle,
Power, Realms of, for Mind and
Heart: Warren, 864.
Preacher, The, and the Poet: Quayle,

Preacher, The Master: Barclay, 613.
Preacher's Appeal to the Emotions,
The Van Cleve, 410.
Preaching of Rowland Hill, The:
Tipple, 193.

Preaching. The Greatness of (Notes
and Dis.), 453.
Primitive Religion of Mankind, The:
Trever, 81

Progress of Romanist Dogma, Pro-
fessor Hertting on (For. Out.),


Proposed Change in German Theolog-
ical Curricula, A (For. Out.),

Quayle: The Preacher and the Poet,

Realms of Power for Mind and Heart:
Warren, 864.

Reason and Faith in Religion: Tobie,

Recognition, Governmental, of Reli-
gion: Milburn, 270.

Religion and the Social Life: Lath-
rop, 429.

Religion, Governmental

of: Milburn, 270.


Religion of Mankind, The Primitive:
Trever, 81.

Review, The Methodist (Notes and
Dis.), 447.

Rishell: The Place of Christ in the
Gospel, 876.

Reviews and Magazines:

Atlantic Monthly, 651; Book
Buyer, 655; Booklover's Mag-
azine, 653; Contemporary Re-
view, 149; Critical Review, 154;
Fortnightly Review, 992: Har-
per's Monthly Magazine, 320; In-
ternational Quarterly, 323; Lon-
don Quarterly Review, 481, 824;
Princeton Theological Review,
283, 316; The Critic, 988; The
Hibbert Journal, 483, 990; The
Lamp, 655; Westminster Review,
152, 318.

Resurrection, A Further Word as to
the (Arena), 295.

Rhoades: Job and Faust, 373.
Ritschl, The Theology of: Stevens,

Robertson, Frederick William: Tuttle,

Romantic Dogma, Professor von Hert-
ting on the Progress of (For.
Out.), 148.
Rowland Hill, The Preaching of:

Tipple, 193.

Saint, The Soldier: Mudge, 916.
St. Paul on the Spiritual Body (Are-
na), 465.

Schulze, Martin (For. Out.), 983.
Satisfying Life, The: Hass, 277.
Schell, Herman (For. Out.), 646.
Schwarze, Alexis (For. Out.), 820.
Scientific Proofs for Immortality:
Cooper, 681.

Seer, Bruno Monk, Philosopher, Mar-
tyr: Wright, 46.
Self-Consistent Theory of Inspiration,
The (Arena), 970.

Senses of the Soul, The (Notes and
Dis.), 619.

Shakespeare's Doctrine of Sin: Brum-
mitt. 51.

Sin, Shakespeare's Doctrine of, Brum-
mitt, 51.

Skeptics Indebted to Religious Ances-
try: Watkinson (Notes and
Dis.), 618.

Social Life, Religion and the: Lath-
rop, 429.

Social Progress, The Final Factor in:
Flewelling, 764.

Socrates, The Faith of: Drew, 443.
Soden, Hermann von (For. Out.), 983.
Soldier Saint, The Mudge, 916.
Soltau, Wilhelm (For. Out.), 311.
Some Diseases of Modern Biblical
Criticism: König, 701.

Some Early

Christian Fragments:

Patten, 238.
Soul, The Senses of the (Notes and
Dis.), 619.

Soul, Studies of the (Notes and Dis.),

Spiritual Body, St. Paul on the (Are-
na), 465.

Starbuck: Are We Anglo-Saxons? 940.
Stöcker on the Anti-Jewish Legisla-
tion (For. Out.), 987.
Story of the Troubadours, The
Kuhns, 17.

Stuart: Bishop Ninde: An Apprecia-
tion, 9.

Stuart: Evolution and the Miraculous,

Studies of the Soul (Notes and Dis.),

Success in the Ministry (Notes and
Dis.), 283.

Sunday School Convention, The Evan-
gelical (For. Out.), 314.
Supreme, The Victory: Goodell,


[blocks in formation]

The Character of the People over
Whom Titus was Appointed Pas-
tor (Itin. Club), 637.

Van Cleve: The Preacher's Appeal to
the Emotions, 410.

Victory Supreme, The: Goodell, 606.
Vision of Faber, The: Parsons, 555.

Warren: Realms of Power for Mind
and Heart, 864.

Watkinson: Skeptics Indebted to Re-
ligious Ancestry (Notes and Dis.),

Welch: The English Wesleyanism of
To-day, 744.

Wesley as a Student and Author:
Faulkner, 579.
Wesley, John, Dr. Johnson and:
Mims, 543.

Wesley, John, Educator:

Wesley's, John, Thought Develop-
ment: Fo88, 895.

Wesleyan University in the South:
Mellen, 593.

Wesleyanism of To-day, The English:
Welch, 744.

William McKinley, the Ideal Amer-
ican (with portrait): Bristol,

William Newton Clarke, The Theology
of: Dalton, 388.

William Wordsworth: Norris, 418.
Wordsworth, William: Norris, 418.
Worship, The Christian Idea of:
Atchison, 259.

Wrede, W. (For. Out.), 144.

Young: The Argument from Mathe-
matical Order, 729.

The Gospels in Italian with the Con- Zola, Emile, as a Writer: Wilker, 65.

sent of the Roman Curia (For.
Out.), 480.

Theological Education in America in

the Light of Recent Discussion:
Faulkner, 58.

Theology of Ritschl, The: Stevens,

Theology, Temperament in (Notes
and Dis.), 282.

Theory of Inspiration, The Self-Con-
sistent (Arena), 970.

Thought Development, John Wes-
ley's: Foss, 895.

Tipple: The Preaching of Rowland
Hill, 193.

Titus, Paul's Advice to, Titus ii, 1-6
(Itin. Club), 975.
Titus, Paul's Advices to, Prologue,

Titus 1, 1-4 (Itin. Club), 135.
Titus, The Character of the People

over Whom, was Appointed Pastor
(Itin. Club), 637.

Tobie: Reason and Faith in Religion,

Tompkins: The Friends of God, 571.
Troubadours, The Story of the
Kuhns, 17.

Tuttle: Frederick William Robertson,

University in the South, Wesleyan:
Mellen, 593.

[blocks in formation]

Untersuchungen über Philons und
Platons Lehre von der Welt- Babel and Bible: Friedrich Delitzsch,
schopfung (For. Out.), 822.


[blocks in formation]

Wat-Davidson: The Christian Ministry. Its
Origin, Scope, Significance, and
End, 160.


The :


Bible, Babel and: Friedrich

Bible, The Emphasized:


[blocks in formation]

sions: Dennis, 172.
Child, The, the Wise Man, and the
Devil: Kernahan, 344.
Child's Religious Life, The: Koons,

Chinese Heroes: Headland, 508.
Christ, The Death of: Denney, 324.
Christ, The Gospel According to:
Albertson, 657.

Christian Belief, The Grounds of The-
istic and Fisher, 158.
Christian Ministry, The: Its Origin,

Scope, Significance, and End:
Davidson, 160.

Christian Missions and Social Prog-
ress: Dennis, 172.
Christianity, Religion, Faith, and

Authority in: Randolph, 324,

Church, The, and the Ministry in the
Early Centuries: Lindsay, 510.
Collector, an Autograph, Meditations
of: Joline, 164.
Conquest, The Dye, 848.
Constructive and Preventive Philan-
thropy: Lee, 839.

Cosmic Philosophy, Outlines of: Fiske,

Creation Story of Genesis I: Radau,


Criticism, The Bible, and Modern:
Anderson, 659.

Crosby's, Fanny, Life Story: By Her-
self, 846.
Connor: Glengarry School Days, 176.
Connor: The Man from Glengarry,


Dant: Archbishop Temple, 678.
Davidson: Biblical and Literary Es-
says, 493.

Days and Ways, European: Rusling,

Death of Christ, The: Denny, 324.
Delitzsch: Babel and Bible, 155.
Denney: The Death of Christ, 324.
Dennis: Centennial Survey of Foreign
Missions, 172.

Dennis: Christian Missions and Social
Progress, 172.

Destiny, Life and: Adler, 999.
Devil, The Child, the Wise Man, and
the: Kernahan, 344.
Doherty: The Illustrative Lesson
Notes, 176.

Doors, In God's Out-of-: Quayle, 169.
Drillmaster of Methodism, The: Good-
ell, 329.

Dye: The Conquest, 848.

[blocks in formation]

Heroes, Chinese: Headland, 508.
Historical and Literary Essays, Fiske,

History of Egypt, A: Budge, 337.
Holy Land, The: Kelman, 170.
Hyde: Jesus' Way, 836.

Illustrative Lesson Notes, The: Neely
and Doherty, 176.

In God's Out-of-Doors: Quayle, 169.
Incentives for Life: Ludlow, 503.
Intellect, The Affirmative: Ferguson,

Isabella Thoburn, Life of: Thoburn,

Jesus' Way: Hyde, 836.

John Wesley, the Methodist: A Meth-
odist Preacher, 843.
Joline: Meditations of an Autograph
Collector, 164.

Kelman: The Holy Land, 170.
Kernahan: The Child, the Wise Man,
and the Devil, 344.

Keys of the Kingdom, The: Campbell,

Kingdom, The Keys of the: Campbell,

Koons: The Child's Religious Life,

Land, The Holy: Kelman, 170.
Lee: Constructive and Preventive
Philanthropy, 839.

Lee: The Lost Art of Reading, 1001.
Lesson Notes, The Illustrative: Neely
and Doherty, 176.
Letters, The Life and, of the Right
Honourable Friedrich Max Mül-
ler: Edited by his Wife, 676.
Life and Destiny: Adler, 999.
Life and Letters of the Right Hon-
ourable Friedrich Max Müller:
Edited by his Wife, 676.
Life, Incentives for: Ludlow, 503.
Life of Isabella Thoburn: Thoburn,

Life of Joseph Parker: Adamson, 672.
Life Story, Fanny Crosby's: By Her-
self. 846.

Life, The Child's Religious: Koons,

Lindsay: The Church and the Min-

istry in the Early Centuries, 510.
Literary Values: Burroughs, 497.
Long: School of the Woods, 336.
Lost Art of Reading, The: Lee, 1001.
Love: Temperate Zones, 342.
Ludlow: Incentives for Life, 503.

McCarthy: British Political Portraits,

Man from Glengarry, The: Connor,

Mary North: Meyer, 680.
Matheson: The Representative Men
of the Bible, 487.
Meditations of an Autograph Col-
lector: Joline, 164.
Memories of a Hundred Years: Hale,

Methodism, The Drillmaster of: Good-
ell, 329.

[blocks in formation]

School Days, Glengarry: Connor, 176. | Universe, Ourselves and the: Brierley,
School of the Woods: Long, 336.

[blocks in formation]


Shakespeare, What Is? Sherman, 344. Values, Literary: Burroughs, 497.
Sheridan: The Sunday-Night Service,

Sherman: What is Shakespeare? 344.
Social Progress, Christian Missions,
and: Dennis, 172.

Spain and Her People: Zimmermann,

Step, The Next, in Evolution: Funk,

Story, The Creation, of Genesis I:
Radau, 155.

Studies in the Apostolic Church:
Morgan, 512.

Sunday-Night Service, The: Sheridan,

Survey, Centennial, of Foreign Mis-
sions: Dennis, 172.

[blocks in formation]

Watkinson: The Bane and the Anti-
dote, 832.

Way, Jesus': Hyde, 836.
Ways, European Days and: Rusling,
Wesley, John, the Methodist: A Meth-
odist Preacher, 843.

What is Shakespeare? Sherman, 344.
When Town and Country Meet: Buck-
ham, 668.

Wise Man, The Child, the, and the
Devil: Kernahan, 344.
Woods, School of the: Long, 336.

Years, Memories of a Hundred: Hale,

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