Imatges de pàgina

1737 he was made Bishop of Bangor; and in 1743 translated to York, where he exerted himself so much in rousing the county in favour of the Hanoverian party, that he was styled facetiously the red Herring, and in 1747 he was translated to Canterbury. He died March 13, 1757, and was buried at Croydon. In 1763 a volume of his sermons was published, and was followed in 1777 by a collection of his letters.-Biog. Brit.


JAMES HERVEY was born at Hardingstone, near Northampton, in 1713-4, and was sent by his father, who held the living of Collingtree in that neighbourhood, to the free grammar school of Northampton, whence he was removed at the age of seventeen to Lincoln College, Oxford. He remained at the university five or six years, without proceeding farther than his bachelor's degree, and having taken orders retired, in 1736, to the curacy of Dummer, in Hampshire. In 1738 he quitted Dummer to reside at Stoke Abbey, in Devonshire, the seat of his friend, Paul Orchard, Esq., and in 1738 undertook the curacy of Bideford, in the same county, where he was greatly beloved by his congregation, who increased his small stipend by a voluntary collection. It was

during his residence in Devonshire that he planned, and probably wrote, part of his "Meditations;" and an excursion to Kilhampton, in Cornwall, occasioned him to lay the scene of his Meditations among the tombs in the church of that place. After serving the cure of Bideford nearly three years his rector died, and the new incumbent dismissed him, although the parishioners offered to maintain him at their own expense. In 1743 he became curate to his father, then possessing the living of Weston Favell, and on the death of the latter he suc ceeded him in his livings, both of Weston and Colling.


He attended the duty in each of these parishes alternately with a curate, with the most exemplary assiduity, holding a weekly lecture, in addition to the regular service, until his great exertions, both in the study and pulpit, brought on a decline, which terminated his existence on Christmas day, 1758, in the forty-fifth year of his age.

He wrote, Meditations and Contemplations, containing Meditations among the Tombs, Reflections on a Flower-garden, and a Descant on Creation; Contemplations on the Night and Starry Heavens, and a Winter Piece, (both of these were turned into blank verse, in imitation of Young's Night Thoughts, by Mr. Newcomb ;) Remarks on Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study and Use of History, so far as they relate to the History of the Old Testament, &c., in a letter to a lady of quality, 1753, 8vo.; Theron and Aspasio, or a Series of Dialogues and Letters on the most important subjects, 1755, 3 vols, 8vo, (some of the principal points which he endeavours to illustrate in this work, are, the beauty and excellence of the Scriptures, the ruin and depravity of human nature, its happy recovery founded on the Atonement, and effected by the Spirit of Christ; but the chief article is, the imputed righteousness of Christ; his notion of which was attacked by several writers ;) Sermons, the third edition published after his death, 1759; an edition of Jenks's Meditations, 1757, with a recommendatory preface; a recommendatory preface to Burnham's Pious Memorials, published in 1753, 8vo: Eleven letters to Wesley; Letters to Lady Francis Shirley. All these are included in the edition of his works, 6 vols. 8vo. printed for Messrs. Rivington. In 1811 appeared, for the first time, what may be considered as a seventh volume entitled, Letters elegant, interesting, and evangelical, illustrative of the authors amiable character, and many circumstances of his early history not generally known.-Life prefixed to his works.



TILLEMANNUS. HESHUSIUS, a Lutheran theologian, was born at Wesel in the Duchy of Cleves, in 1526. was appointed early in life professor of divinity at Heidelberg, and also preacher in the church of the Holy Ghost. While discharging the duties of these offices, he became involved in a violent contest with William Clebitius, on the subject of the eucharist. His opinions led to his banishment from the palatinate, and he retired into Saxony, where he employed himself in opposing the progress of Calvinism in Germany, by different writings which he published at Jena, whence he was expelled in 1573. Afterwards he was appointed professor of theology at Konigsberg. Here he taught till 1577, and was appointed Bishop of Samia; but having, in a treatise written against Beza, advanced the position, that "the flesh of Jesus Christ, in abstracto, is adorable," he was accused before a synod of maintaining a dangerous proposition, and was ordered to retract it. This he refused

to do, and was banished the country. He retired to Lubeck, and afterwards to Helmstadt, where he was appointed professor of divinity. Though he was a zealous Lutheran, yet he dissented from the doctrine of the most rigid of his party concerning the ubiquity or omnipresence of Christ's person, considered as a man, and was the principal conductor of the opposition to that notion at the famous conference at Quedlinburg in 1583. He died at Helmstadt in 1588. He wrote, Commentaries on the Psalms, on Isaiah, and on the Epistles of St. Paul; A Treatise on the Lord's Supper, and on Justification; Sexcenti Errores pleni Blasphemiis in Deum, quos Romana Pontificiaque Ecclesia contra Dei Verbum Furenter defendit; Assertio Testamenti Jesu Christi contra Blasphemias Calvinistarum; and other pieces.New Biog. Dict.


PETER HEYLIN was born at Burford, in Oxfordshire, in the year 1600. When in his fourteenth year, he was entered a commoner of Hart Hall, in Oxford, having, whilst at school at Burford, evinced a mental capacity above the ordinary class. "In trivials," says Wood, "he profited to a miracle, especially in poetry." So highly esteemed indeed were his talents and acquirements, that before he attained his sixteenth year he was chosen a demy of Magdalen College. Before he reached his nineteenth year he had concocted certain lucubrations on the subject of cosmography, into which he had entered with so great energy and research, that he was permitted and encouraged to give lectures in college upon that intricate and interesting science. In this undertaking he acquitted himself with such high honour and reputation, that with little difficulty or delay he acquired the advantage and distinction of a fellowship at Magdalen. But it was a vigorous stretch of mind in one of such early years, to grasp at so comprehensive and multifarious a subject; a subject which, from its very nature, embraces matters of peculiar science and research: such as geology, botany, meteorology, agriculture, geography, and many others, enough to employ, as in these present days is the case, the laborious studies of distinct philosophers and professors. One of these branches of his cosmography Heylin indeed did dilate upon in a separate publication, namely, geography, but under the title of "Microcosmus." On this head he committed a volume to the press, and dedicated it to Prince Charles, afterwards Charles I. In two or three years this work attained a second edition, an event which, though flattering to Heylin's reputation, was near costing him the loss

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of that royal favour and patronage which at first seemed so likely to distinguish him. A copy of this second edition was presented to the king, James I., by Dr. Young, dean of Winchester. But the scrutinizing eye of the monarch, though at first much pleased with the work, alighted upon an unfortunate, or at least an imperfect passage, which described England as a country and a monarchy inferior to France. James was gravely offended at this, and in his wrath he ordered the lord keeper to suppress the book: a great shock this to Heylin, who lost no time to repair the sad transgression. He betook himself to Prince Charles as his friend and patron, who advised him to send in writing an explanation of the peccant passage to the dean of Winchester, to be laid before the king. This explanation was satisfactory, and the king was appeased. It set forth that it was a typographical error in the passage which had caused all the mischief:-the word 66 is was printed for "was," thus making it appear that England, even with the augmentation of Scotland, is now, instead of was, inferior to France before such augmentation. Great monarchs-great in regard to the magnitude, power, and intelligence of their dominions-can sometimes show very petty pride; and this was one of James's weaknesses, as they who know well his history and character, or even look at this almost insignificant occurrence, will readily admit.

The year before this second edition of his Microcosmus came out, Heylin, then just turned twenty-three years of age, was ordained by Dr. Howson, Bishop of Oxford.

In some two or three years after his ordination, he undertook an academical exercise, in Oxford, under Dr. Prideaux, the regius professor of divinity. The questions propounded to him by Prideaux were, An Ecclesia unquam fuerit invisibilis ?-An Ecclesia possit errare? Here was, of course, an opportunity for Heylin to show his bias, whatever it might be. If he argued.

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