And waves came rolling high and dark, 2 And men stood breathless in their dread, 3 And the wind ceased; it ceased! that word 4 Thou that didst rule the angry hour, 5 Thou that didst bow the billows' pride, Speak, speak, to passion's raging tide, Speak and say, — "Peace, be still ! " S. M. 184. DODDRIDGE. "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me." 1 Behold the amazing sight, Behold the Son of God's delight Expire in agony ! 2 For whom, for whom, my heart, 4 5 And all in torture died; 'T was love that bowed his fainting head And oped his gushing side. I see, and I adore, In sympathy of love; Drawn by such cords as these, 6 In thee our hearts unite, Nor share thy griefs alone, 8 & 7 s. M. 185. The Cross of Christ. BOWRING. 1 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; 2 When the woes of life o'ertake me, 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, 5 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; 1 S. M. 186. EVANG. LUTH. COL. Sufferings, Death, and Resurrection of Christ. AUTHOR of life and bliss ! O, give me strength to speak thy praise, 2 First for this world, so fair, Demands my warmest love; 4 The Saviour dwelt on earth; 5 Ah, who can tell the scorn 6 Low in the grave he lay, 7 While darkness veiled the skies. But, lo! - he bursts the bands of death; Father! this work is thine; O, may we all devoted be, С. М. 187. R. WALKER'S COL. Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ. 1 THE gracious Saviour bowed his head, 2 Three days, - so high behests ordained, 3 He rose triumphant to his God; 4 Wondrous the grace, that gave to death 5 With every grateful thought inspired, Our humble voice to mercy's throne, In never-ceasing praise. * 6 Nor this be all; the grateful life Should speak the thankful mind: The heart that feels redemption's good Should be to good inclined. 7 8. Μ. 188. J. SCOTT. The Resurrection of Christ. 1 ANGEL! roll the stone away! Death! give up thy mighty prey! 2 Shout, ye saints, in rapturous song; 3 Christians, dry your flowing tears; 4 Powers of heaven, celestial choirs! 5 Every note with rapture swell, |