Imatges de pàgina

Thus merciless Hannah ran on in her talk,

Till fhe heard the dean call, will your ladyShip walk?

Her ladyship anfwers, I'm just coming down, Then turning to Hannah, and forcing a frown,

Although it was plain in her heart fhe was glad,

Cry'd, huffy, why fure the wench is gone mad:

How could these chimera's get into your brains?

Come hither, and take this old gown for your pains,

But the dean, if this fecret fhou,d come to his ears,

Will never have done with his gibes and his jeers:

For your life not a word of the matter, I charge ye:

Give me but a barrack, a fig for the clergy.


An Excellent New BALLAD; or the true English Dean* to be hang'd for a rape.

Written in the Year 1730.


UR brethren of England, who love us fo dear,

And in all they do for us fo kindly do


A bleffing upon them! have fent us this year For the good of our church, a true Englifh dean.

A holier priest ne'er was wrapt up in crape, The worst you can fay, he committed a rape.


In his journey to Dublin he lighted at Chefter,

And there he grew fond of another man's wife;

Burft into her chamber, and would have carefs'd her;

But the valu'd her honour much more than her life.

Sawbridge, dean of Fernes.


She buftled and ftruggled, and made her escape

To a room full of guests, for fear of a rape,


The dean he purfued, to recover his game; And now to attack her again he prepares; But the company ftood in defence of the dame,

They cudgel'd, and cuft him, and kick'd him down ftairs.

His deanfhip was now in a damnable scrape, And this was no time for committing a rape,

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To Dublin he comes, to the bagnio he goes, And orders the landlord to bring him a whore;

No fcruple came on him his gown to expose,

"Twas what all his life he had practis'd before.

He had made himself drunk with the juice of the grape,

And got a good clap, but committed no



The dean and his landlord, a jolly comrade, Refolv'd for a fortnight to fwim in delight;

For why, they had both been brought up to the trade

Of drinking all day, and of whoring all night. His landlord was ready his deanship to ape In ev'ry debauch, but committing a rape.


This proteftant zealot, this English divine, In church and in ftate was of principles


Was truer than Steele to the Hanover line, And griev'd that a Tory fhould live above ground.

Shall a fubject fo loyal be hang'd by the


For no other crime, but committing a rape?



By old popish canons, as wife men have penn'd 'em,

Each prieft had a concubine, jure ecclefia; Who'd be dean of Fernes without a commendam?

And precedents we can produce, if it please ye:

Then why fhould the dean, when whores are fo cheap,

Be put to the peril and toil of a



If fortune should please but to take fuch a


(To thee I apply, great Smedley's fucceffor)

To give thee lawn fleeves, a mitre and rochet,

Whom wouldst thou resemble? I leave thee a gueffer;


But I only behold thee in Atherton's


For fodomy hang'd, as thou for a rape.

* A bifhop of Waterford, fent from England a hundred

years ago.

IX. Ah!

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