Imatges de pàgina

seamen at Margate, Gosport, Guilford, Dublin, and other places; the sea-fencibles on the Essex coast; and the French and Spanish prisoners of war: and ABROAD to the British soldiers at the Cape of Good Hope; the inhabitants of Newfoundland, Halifax, and Nova Scotia; the settlers at Van Dieman's Land; the French at St. Domingo; the Spaniards at Buenos Ayres; the colonists of New South Wales; and to different parts of France, Switzerland, and Germany.

The Society has already expended between 5 and 60001. in accomplishing these several objects, and stands further pledged for very considerable sums on account of the many important undertakings in which it is now engaged.

The business of the Society is conducted by a Committee of 36 laymen, 6 of whom must be foreigners resident in London, or its vicinity; half the remainder, members of the Church of England; and the other half, members of other denominations of Christians.

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Literary Intelligence.


Present state of the Clergy.-On oceasion of the Lent of the present year M. de Maddolx, bishop of Amiens, published an exhortatory note addressed to his diocesans, in which are the following observations. "We have learned, with the most lively grief, that many of our dioce sans refuse to pay that light contribution which we had fixed towards the support of our seminary for clerical education. Are you then ignorant, my dear Christian brethren, that death mows down your pastors, and that we every day experience the heaviest losses? Two years are not elapsed since we have sat on the episcopal seat of Amiens, and already 101 priests have sunk under their painful labours: in the same time we have only ordained four: we are therefore Vol. III. No. 5.·'

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alarmed at the number of parishes which remain destitute of religious assistance, and of those which are threatened with the same calamity; especially when reflect that among those who remain, 343 are more than 70 years of age, 94 have passed that age, and others more loaded with infirmities than with years are apparently on the borders of eternity." This representation agrees with what we have read in the French journals, that the minister of relig ion received in one day four notices from mayors of different towns, that they had performed divine worship on one Sunday, there being no priest in the neighbourhood whom they could obtain for that purpose. It is understood that the starving salary of the priesthood is the cause of this; as no young men will enter on a course of

life which does not admit the hopes of a maintenance. Those who see every thing done by Bonaparte and Talleyrand in the worst light, conceive that this is their plan for the extinction of Christianity, by extinguishing the priesthood! In some places recourse has been had to charitable contributions. How far this disposition may spread over France, or to what degree it may be permanent, or what may result from these circumstances, we cannot pretend to foresee.

French Statistics.-The French re port the population of the 112 departments of that kingdom at 36,060,104 persons. The land forces, in 1805, at 607,671. The revenues at 256,500,000 francs.-The Confederation of the Rhine, they report at - population 7,008,122; military force 80,000.Revenues 44,674,000 florins.The kingdom of Italy population 5,439,555; military force 60,000; revennes 60,000,000 florins.--The kingdom of Holland-population 1,881,880; military force 18,057; revenues 50,000,000 florins.

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Phenomenon.-A most extraordinary child, was, on the 4th of May, presented to the Society of Physicians, at Bordeaux, where he was minutely examined. This boy is five years old, was born in Dauphine, near Valence, and is called Chacrelas Europeen; by this name M. Buffon describes those men which are born spotted and speckled of colours different from that of their nature. He is

of two colours, although born of white parents; he is quite black from the foot to the hip, and also his arms up to the neck; the other part of his body is white strewed with black spots of different sizes, which spots are covered with long and thick hairs; his beard is as grey as that of a man 50 or 60 years of age; his figure is very handsome and white, and his features regular; his physiognomy is comely, with a smiling countenance; his eye penetrating; his voice very soft; and, considering his age, he answers well to all questions of a trifling



Statistics, Vienna.-In the course of the year 1806 died in the city and sub urbs of Vicuna, 20,359 persons;

among whom were 59 from 90 to 100, one of 101, one of 102, one of 106, ond of 111 years. The number of births was 10,876.


Decrease of Population.-Rome. According to a recent census of the population of this city, the number of inhabitants is diminished in a very striking degree. It is at present only 134,973 persons of every age and condition. It was in 1788 upwards of 165,000; and in 1794 it was more than 167,000. The principal diminution appears to have been first perceiv ed in 1798, in which year the number of inhabitants was 151,000.


Genoa, March 18. Father Louis, deputy commissary of the Convent of Peace at Genoa, who went from hence July 22, 1805, to visit the Holy Land, and to carry the usual offering to the convent of Nazareth, returned yesterday; and reports that the rebel We. habis had lately over-run Judea, had pillaged the Christian treasury, and bad laid all the French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish and Armenian inhabitants under contribution.


Earthquake-Lisbon, June 12. At four o'clock in the afternoon, on Saturday last, the 6 inst. a shock of an earthquake was felt here, of very much more foree, and longer continuance, than has been experienced since the dreadful one in the year 1755. In all parts of the city and suburbs the houses were abandoned, and the inhabitants, on their knees, and the greater part in most pitious and lamentable tones, supplicated the Divine Mercy. The universal impression was, that a shock so alarming would be presently followed by others more fatal, and while some with a pious resignation awaited the expected cricis, others gave way to a frantic despair; and nothing could exceed the general horror. Happily, however, it terminated with the first great shock. The dread which it excited caused vast numbers to leave the city, and to pass that night in the open fields, but an undisturbed tranquillity continued, which in the course

of the next day restored order, and dispelled the agitations, which more or less every one suffered,

It was equally felt at Cintra, and at Mafra, where the Royal Family were. The Princess, who possesses great fortitude and presence of mind, snatched up her infant, and ran with it in her arms into the garden; the Prince Regent sunk under the alarm, and remained insensible for a considerable time.

Of the many shocks that have been felt here since 1755, two only have been distinguished as materially alarming; but neither of them is considered as equal, by any means, either in point of violence or duration, to that of which I write.

A subsequent shock, but of so slight a nature, as not to be felt by the generality of the people, is as certained to have occurred about eight o'clock on Wednesday morning the 10th instant. It was felt more sensibly at Mafra and other places than here.


Revolution at Constantinople. The Emperor Selim is no more; the disthe contents, occasioned among peo-ple by the scarcity of provisions, and among the Janissaries by the European exercise and discipline, furnished the enemies of Government with an occasion to excite an insurrection, which cost the unhappy Sultan his throne and life. On the 24th of May, the Mufti, at the head of the malcontents, repaired with 800 Janissaries to the Seraglio, and read to him a list of his pretended offences, recited passages from the Koran, which declared him, on account of those offences, unworthy of the Throne, and ordered him to sign a renunciation of it. Selim seeing no means of resist ance signed the Deed of Renunciation, and begged his life. The Muf. ti promised to intercede for him. His person was then secured, and four-teen of his principal Ministers were put to death. Couriers were sent to the Camp and the Dardanelles, to arrest and strangle the Grand Vizier and the Captain Pacha.-On the 25th of May, a Proclamation was published in Constantinople, to announce to the people that the Sultan had been dethroned, and to make known his

offences, and the passages of the Koran which condemned those offences. The people were invited to remain tranquil, and mind their affairs. On the 26th, Mustapha, the son of Achmet, was proclaimed grand Seignior. It is remarkable, that during the whole of this revolution but few disorders were committed. The mass of the people took no part at all; so that we attribute this catastrophe to some Chiefs of Parties yet unknown, and to the Janissaries. All foreigners have been ordered to be respect. ed. We are assured that the grand Vizier made no resistance to the or der sent to him, and was strangled. Of the Captain Pacha we know nothing. The Grand Vizier had gained some successes before he died; he passed the Danube at Ismail, and forced Gen. Michelson to retire from Wallachia to Foksany and Rimnick.

Statistics of the Empire. The Telegraphe French paper, states the extent of Turkey at 49,173 square miles; population 25,380,000; of which Turkey in Europe is 11,968 spare miles, containing 11,040,000 inhabitants. Asiatic Turkey is 24,262 square miles, containing inhabitants. Egypt, 11,090,000

12,943 square miles; containing 3,200,000 inhabitants. The number of inhabitants in Constantinople is stated at 500,000. The land forces of the Porte in 1804 were 266,454 men; irregulars 60,009; of which the Janissaries are 113,406; the Spe his 132,054, Methardchies 6,000, AtThe tillery 15,000. strength of this Empire was 12 ships of the line, 6 frigates, 5 smaller vessels.


The revenues of the Imperial Treasury amounted to 2,000,000, and that of the Empire to 44,942,500 piastres. The debts of the State amount to 53,350,000 piastres. [Panorama.


An Imperial Decree was obtained in January, 1807, forbidding all persons from speaking in any church, without permission from the bishop of the diocese. It appears that certain churches have lately become the talking places of the inconsiderate, to the scandal of the sedate.

Premiums and rewards are held out by the Minister of the Interior

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Saturday, July 11th, 1807. His Royal Highness the Duke of Glou. cester laid the foundation stone of a new asylum, for the indigent deaf and dumb to be erected nearly opposite the Bricklayers' arms, in the Kent road. His Royal Highness set an example of liberality by subscribing 50 guineas. The Lord Mayor gave 50, and H. Thornton, Esq. M. P. 40. Several persons of distinction attend. ed the ceremony, and the windows in the road were crowded with specta tors. The first Surry regiment of volunteers were drawn up to receive his Royal Highness suitably to his rank.

List of New Publications.

A Summary of Christian Doctrines and Duties; designed principally for those inhabitants of new settlements who have not the opportunity or means of procuring books upon religious subjects. Concord. George Hough. May, 1807. This pamphlet contains a very clear and scriptural display of doctrinal and practical religion, and deserves to be numbered, among the most useful tracts for general distribution.

Two Minor Catechisms, for the use of parents and instructers in teaching their children and pupils. By Joseph Emerson, Pastor of a church in Beverly. The author has it in contemplation to publish "a Reference Catechism, containing questions principally historical, answered mostly by referring to scripture; for the use of schools and families. To which will be prefixed the Minor Doctrinal Catechism, and Historical Catechisms already published." The design of the author is to be highly approved, and it is hoped his pious attempt to assist parents and instructers in the impor

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tant work of religious education will be duly appreciated.

The Inaugural Address delivered in Brunswick, Sept. 2, 1802, by the Rev. Joseph M'Kean, A. M. and A. A. S. at his entrance on the duties of President of Bowdoin College; with an Eulogy pronounced at his funeral, by the Rev. William Jenks. Portland. T. B. Wait, & Co., 1807.

A Discourse delivered in the First Church, Boston, on the anniversary of the Massachusetts Humane Society. June 9, 1807. By William Emerson, A. A. S. S. H. S. Pastor of the First Church in Boston. Boston. Munroe & Francis. 1807.

A Sermon, preached in Brattle Street Church, Boston, September 25, 1807, before the Managers of the Boston Female Asylum, on their seventh anniversary. By Jedidiah Morse, D. D. Minister of the Con. gregational Church, in Charlestown. Boston. Russell & Cutler. 1807.

The Domestic Chaplain. Being fifty-two short lectures, with appropriate hymns, on the most interesting

subjects, for every Lord's day in the year, designed for the improvement of families of every Christian denomination. By John Stanford, A. M. New York. T. & J. Swords.

On the Unity of Christ's Church. A Sermon, delivered in the townhouse in Middleborough, April 16, 1807, before Christians of several denominations. By Jos. Barker, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Middleborough. Boston. Lincoln & Edmands. 1807.

The Life of George Washington, commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America, through out the war which established their independence, and first president of the United States. By David Ramsay, M. D. author of The History of the American Revolution. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 400. Ornamented with an engrav. ed Head of Washington. Price to subscribers, in boards, $2,50. Providence, R. Island. E. S. Thomas. 1807.

A Spelling Dictionary, divided into short lessons, for the easier committing to memory by children and young persons; and calculated to assist youth in comprehending what they read: selected from Johnson's Dictionary for the use of her pupils. By Susanna Rowson. 12mo. pp. 132. Boston. J. West. 1807.

The New England Farrier; being a compendium of farriery. In four parts. Wherein most of the Diseases, to which Horses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, and Swine are subject, are treated of; with medical and surgical operations thereon: Being the result of many years' experience. Intended for the use of private gentlemen and farmers. By Paul Jewett, of Rowley. Salem.

A Discourse delivered in the First Baptist Meeting House in Boston, on Wednesday, August 19, 1807, by Joseph Clay, A. M On the occasion of his installation to the pastoral care of the First Baptist Church and Society in said town. 8vo. pp. 40. Boston. Manning & Loring.

The Heavenly Footman; or a description of the man that gets to heav. en. Together with the Way he runs in; the Marks he goes by; and Directions how to run, so as to obtain. By John Bunyan. Boston. Lincoln & Edmands. 1807.

Two Discourses on the Perpetuity and Provision of God's gracious Covenant with Abraham and his Seed. By Samuel Worcester, A. M. Pastor of the Tabernacle Church in Salem. Second Edition, revised. To which are annexed Letters to the Rev. T. Baldwin, D. D. on his book entitled The Baptism of Believers only, &c. Salem. Haven Pool. 1807.


Samuel Mackay, A. M. Professor of the French language in Boston, proposes to publish by subscription, a Chronological Abridgment of the French Revolution, from the year 1787 to the year 1792, including the most astonishing events, which distinguish that memorable era; to serve as an introduction to a subsequent uninterrupted Historical Correspond. ence, of about 1500 original letters, written by men of talents, rank, repu tation and honour; which will com. plete a full History of France, from that period, and without chasm, to the peace with Austria, after the battle of Austerlitz.

Dr. Ramsay has prepared for the press a new edition of his History of the American Revolution. He has carefully revised what was formerly published, and added two chapters of original matter: One exhibiting a connected history of the British colonies, now the United States, as far as the same is illustrative of the revolu tion, its origin, principles, predisposing causes, and of such events as prepared the way for the grand event. The last chapter, or rather appendix to the revolutionary history, will contain a brief view of the United States, since the revolution, down so near to the present time as will be suitable. In this chapter the order of time will not be followed, but the order of things connected together in one un. broken view relative to the same subject. The relations between this country, Britain, France and Spain, for example, will be unfolded, each separately from first to last. If the blessings of peace are continued to our country, we may expect soon to be favoured with this valuable and popular work, which has long been out of print.

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