and he went and dwelt on Mount Moriah, to till the ground from whence he was created. 24. 0. So he drove forth the man, and established at the east of the garden of Eden, the cherubim and a sharp fword continually turning to keep the way of the tree of life. P. J. So he drove forth the man from the place where he established the glory of his majesty towards the east between two cherubim: before that he created the world, he created the law: he prepared the garden of Eden for the juft, that they might eat and delight themselves with the fruit of the trees, because that they have cultivated in their lifetime the doctrine of the law in this world, and have kept the commandments: he ordained hell for the wicked, which refembleth a tharp fword that confumeth with two edges: he prepared in the midft of it, fparks of fire and hot burning coals to judge therewith the wicked who rebelled in their lifetime against the doctrine of the law. The law is good to him who doeth it, above the fruit of the tree of life, which the word of the Lord hath prepared for him that obferveth it, that he may live for ever, and walk in the paths of the way of life of the world to come. Thereore he drove out the man, and placed the glory of his majefty from of old at the east of the garden of Eden, over above the two. cherubim: two thousand years 'ere yet the world was created, he created the law, and ordained hell and the garden of Eden: he ordained the garden of Eden for the righteous, who fhall eat and fhall delight themselves with the fruit of that tree, because that they have kept the commandments of the law in this world: he ordained hell for the wicked, which is like unto a fword whofe edge deftroyeth on both fides: he ordained in the midst of it fparks of fire and burning coals for the wicked, to take vengeance on them in the world to come, for that they have not obferved the commandments of the law in this world. For the tree of life is the law every one who keepeth it in this world furely liveth, and fhall be established as the tree of life. The law is good to him who cultivated it in this world, as the fruit of the tree of life in the world to come. REMARKS ON THE TOLERATION ACT. : TO THE EDITORS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. GENTLEMEN, No one can lament more fincerely than myfelf the increase of SCHISM, and the prevalence of that wild enthufiaftic spirit which daily adds to the number of those who separate themselves from the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, and who run after ignorant and fanatical teachers. Several of your numerous and learned correfpondents, have lately, with great truth, complained of the increafe of METHODISM, which hath fpread itfelf very widely over the kingdom, and you have laid before your readers fome ftriking inftances of the dreadful effects it hath produced on the minds of the weak and unwary. To endeavour to afcertain the caufe or caufes of this increase, may perhaps not be an unimproving employment for a leisure hour, and may at leaft furnish a few hints for the further confideration of fuch of your correfpondents as have time to inveftigate the topic. It hath occurred to me, that one remarkable cause, amongst others, arifes from the great facility with which any ENTHUSIAST, who feels himself himself "gifted, as he fuppofes with the Holy Ghoft," may propagate his wild and prepofterous notions; by availing himself of the advantages held out by the TOLERATION ACT. Let us turn our thoughts to the confideration of this famous ACT, and inquire what ground there may be for this opinion; and whether, if it should be found correct, fome revifion and alteration of it by the legislature would not be a wife and falutary measure. When WILLIAM III. was placed on the throne of thefe kingdoms, foon after the abdication of it by JAMES II. in the year 1688, that famous ACT OF PARLIAMENT, known by the name of "THE TOLERATION ACT" was paffed into a law in the year 1689, being the first of his reign. The bias which WILLIAM felt towards the DISSENTERS, and some degree of oppofition which he had met with from the members of the ESTABLISHED CHURCH, caufed him to be very defirous of favoring the former, by every means in his power. He endeavoured to take off the Sacramental Teft from DISSENTERS, and thus render them capable of holding places of truft and confidence without it; but this attempt was repulfed in the Houfe of Lords by a large majority. Though baffled in this point, he was more fuccefsful in the toleration of religious worship, which he was fo anxious to procure for his friends. After a confiderable debate, a bill framed for this purpose by the EARL of NOTTINGHAM was paffed into a law, bearing the title of "AN ACT FOR EXEMPTING THEIR MAJESTY'S PROTESTANT DISSENTING SUBJECTS FROM THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, FROM THE PENALTIES OF CERTAIN LAWS."The preamble of this famous law declares it was made for "ease to fcrupulous confciences in the exercife of religion," which it adds, "may be an effectual means to unite their Majefty's Protestant subjects in intereft and affection." Few inftances can perhaps be pointed out which more ftrikingly evince the weakness and infufficiency of human Wisdom, than the one now before us. For an ACT OF PARLIAMENT paffed with the grave deliberation of a whole nation, and poffeffing a majority of votes in its favor, to constitute it a law; and profeffing in its preamble to be a means of "uniting their Majefty's Protefiant Subjects, &c." hath in its effects been productive of more DIVISION and SCHISM, than any other caufe that can be named. Let us proceed to investigate fome of the clauses of the Bill itself. The first claufe declares, that none of the former penal laws made in feveral preceding reigns fhall extend to any perfon," diffenting from the Church of England, that fhall take the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and fubfcribe the Declaration Act against Popery, &c." By the fame claufe" the juftices of the peace at the general quarter feffions are required to tender and adminifter thefe oaths and declaration TO SUCH PER SONS AS SHALL OFFER THEMSELVES to take and fubfcribe the fame, &c." This certainly is a moft exceptionable claufe, and may be juftly regarded as one great caufe of the abundance of enthufiaftic and fanatical teachers, who fo much prevail in the prefent day. The juftices by this claufe are obliged to adminifter the oaths to all perfons indifcriminately who shall offer themfelves, without having, by the law, the fmalleft power of rejecting any candidates, how unqualified or unworthy foever they may be, provided they will declare themfelves to be DISSENTERS," and take fuch * A very learned friend and near neighbour of mine, not long fince, told me that he fuch oaths as this law demands. Can we wonder at the increase of METHODISM When we reflect upon this? Some of the following fections provide that thofe Diffenters who com❤ ply with the condition of this act in taking the oaths and making the declaration aforefaid, thall not be profecuted in any ecelefiaftical court for non-conformity to the Church of England."-Neither fhall they be liable to the "pains and penalties of certain acts made in former reigns by reafon of their PREACHING or OFFICIATING in any congregation for the exercife of religion permitted and allowed by this act," that is any congre gation which profeffes to difent from the Church of England. By thefe claufes PROTESTANT DISSENTERS of every defcription are defended from all moleftation, and may preach their crude and oftentimes unfcriptural notions, whenfoever they pleafe, to the great difturbance of the regular clergy, and the diminution of their congregations, as well as the incalculable injury of thofe credulous perfons who are led away by them. To all this they may, on being expoftulated with, though in ever fo mild a manner, add infult and defiance, and dare the "true thepherd" to drive them from the sheepfold, let them commit what mischief foever they will therein. Can any words defcribe the fenfations of that fincere and confcientious PASTOR of a CHRISTIAN FLOCK, who is thus compelled to fee, with an unavailing and ufelefs regret, the havock thus infolently committed in his fold by the wOLF fearlessly breaking in upon it? He fees the depredation which is committed,-he deplores the wretchedness of his innocent charge,-and he has no power in the flighteft manner to afford relief!! The eleventh fection provides that "every teacher or preacher of a congregation who fhall take the oaths, &c. required by this ACT, fhall be thenceforth exempted from ferving on any jury, being chofen churchwarden, overfeer of the poor, &c." if he hath taken care to have "his name" and the fact of his taking the faid oaths, &c. "recorded in the faid court, for which fixpence fhall be paid to the clerk of the peace, and no more.”. Thus the violent SEPARATIST, is by this clause rewarded with immuni、 ties and privileges (which the honeft CONFORMIST doth not enjoy) for caufing SCHISM in the church, and broaching new and dangerous doc. trines in the Chriftian community. Does not this demand immediate and effectual revifion*? Finally, he was deputed fome time fince by his brother juftices to examine fuch perfons as came to the feffions to be licensed under this ACT as TEACHERS of a PROTESTANT DISSENTING CONGREGATION; and fuch was the deplorable ignorance of one man, that he was unable to give any confiftent account of his religious tenets; at laft, to extricate himself from his dilemma, he afferted that his religious opinions were the fame as thofe of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND!!" *Our worthy correfpondent muft excufe us for entering our caveat against his objection to this claufe, and we are confident that upon re-confideration he will perceive that we do so upon a just ground. So far from the claufe holding out immunities to diffenting teachers, we take it to be a very falutary refraint. Other defcriptions of perfons are exempted from ferving upon juries befides thefe, because it is fuppofed, that in their profeffional character they may be biaffed. Diffenting teachers are as likely to be fo as any others; from the nature of their connexion, and therefore they are properly excluded from ferving. With refpect to their alfo being exempted from ferving parochial offices, as church-warden, overfeer, &c. we think that Finally, each CONGREGATION or ASSEMBLY for religious purposes allowed by this A&t must be certified to the BISHOP of the diocefe, &c. and registered in the faid bishop's &c. court; and all perfons may have a certificate of the fame on demanding it and paying the fum of fixpence. The fundamental error of this ACT OF PARLIAMENT is that a fufficient difcretionary power is not lodged in the breafts of the justices appointed by this ACT to grant licences to diffenting teachers, to reject fuch, as on fair and equitable enquiry, fhall be found unable, from want of fufficient learning, &c. or unworthy from badness of character, &c. to discharge with fidelity and propriety that most important of all functions, a public teacher of religion. The only difqualifications which appear upon the face of this ACT are, thofe of the candidate's being a POPISH RECUSANT," or "denying in preaching or writing the doctrine of the bleed Trinity:" all others, be their religious opinions what they may, are entitled by this law to demand a licence to fpread their poifonous and peftiferous tenets as widely as they please: and as though enmity to the eftablishment was a recommendation to them, they muft "diffent from the CHURCH OF ENGLAND" before they can be intitled to the benefits and immunities held forth by this ACT. Whoever turns his thoughts towards the high and important office of the MINISTRY in the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, is ufually prepared for it by a fuitable education at fome reputable school; in due time he is removed to one of the univerfities, and takes one degree there, at least, before he thinks of offering himself as a candidate for HOLY ORDERS: being thus previously and expenfively prepared, and having attained the age of twenty-three years, he muft look out for fome CURACY or other employment in the church, which is to be approved by the BISHOP, and is called a TITLE: he muft previously send to the bishop a fufficient TESTIMONIAL from three clergymen of his learning, morals, &c. and at the appointed time must attend to be examined by the BISHOP or his CHAPLAIN; and then, if every thing meets the approbation of the BISHOP, he is with PRAYER and the IMPOSITION OF HANDS moft folemnly fet apart for the facred office of the miniftry, and is diligently, faithfully, and according to the best of his abilities to labour in his high vocation. Such is the awful and folemn procefs which every regular minifter of the established church muft undergo, previous to his taking on him that facred office: in all and in every ftage of it the bishop hath the power of rejecting the candidate, and this without being obliged to affign any reafon for it on the other hand, the NON-CONFORMIST, without any education, without preparation, and very frequently, doubtlefs, without defert, if not indeed pofitively unworthy of the high office he feeks, may offer himself at the quarter-feffions, proclaim his diflike to the national religion, offer to take a few oaths, &c. which perhaps he never thinks of afterwards, and may INSIST on being licensed to "teach or preach" in a Chriftian Congregation what religions opinions he will. If he is the loweft and bafeft of mankind, yet provided he complies with the claufes of this Act, he must be licenfed as above, and may propagate what mifchief he pleases under the femblance of religion; and by this law, fhall that no Church of England man can have any objection to it, but has cause rather to rejoice that they are not permitted to hold trufts of fo much importance. EDITORS. be be protected from "all pains and penalties whatfoever." This may be frong language, but it is TRUTH, and moft loudly proves the neceffity of feme reformation in this point! Gentlemen, I hope yourselves and readers will do me the juftice to believe, that nothing but an ardent and fincere regard for that pure part of the Proteftant reformed faith to which we, who are of the Church of England belong, could induce me either to trouble you with these few obfervations, or to enter fo warmly into the caufe as I have now done. Moft firmly am I perfuaded, that, until our legiflators fhall effe&tually revife and alter the feveral provisions of the TOLERATION ACT, we may expect that METHODISM, FANATICISM, and ANTI-CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES of every description will flourish and abound. With you, who feem fo well aware of the dreadful confequences hereof, I need no longer argue on this unpleafing fubject; I fhall only offer my fervent wishes that those who have the power of reforming the abuses, may fee it in the fame light, and very speedily take fuch effectual steps to remove them, as may by God's bleffing, produce the beft and happieft confequences. With my hearty prayers for the fuccefs of the commendable work you have undertaken,-my beft wishes for the happiness and profperity of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND,-and my hopes that all good men will heartily affift you herein, I remain, Gentlemen, with all truth and fincerity, your affectionate brother in Chrift Jefus, June 7, 1802. OBSERVATOR, INSPECTOR AND DOCTOR PRIESTLEY. TO THE EDITORS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. GENTLEMEN, NOT finding the fignature of INSPECTOR in your laft Magazine, I fuffered a fevere difappointment. You promife, however, his "Enquiry into the names of the Deity," in your Supplement, to be published on the 15th inftant;-this, in fome measure, confoles me.-Left your Ma. gazine, to appear on Auguft ift, fhould be without any original matter from his masterly pen, give me leave to supply an extract from one of his works, intituled, by way of pre-eminence, The INSPECTOR." This extract is not in his learned way; it confifts merely of matter of fact ;but it gives us a fact fo curious, and exhibits a fectaty, Dr. Priestley himfelf, bearing fuch ftrong, though reluctant teftimony against Sectarianifm, that I think it cannot but prove acceptable to your readers of the Establishment. 66 In the fummer of 1787 (fays the INSPECTOR) I had a conversation with Doctor Priestley at his commodious and elegant villa near Birmingham;in the courfe of which American politics were introduced. He warmly recommended the American latitudinarian plan of no Church Establishment, but a general and impartial toleration of all religious fects. I pleaded the recency. of the American conftitution; and that no valid argument could be drawn from the ftate of that new country, for fifty years at leaft, until their conftitution should be more thoroughly fettled; and I then fuddenly retorted" Prithee, Doctor Priestley, have you felt no inconvenience in being Jubject to the beck of every old woman in your congregation?"-" No man, Sir, (anfwered he, with warmth) has felt it more feverely than myfelf." "If so, (replied I) GIVE ME AN ECCLESIASTICAL ESTABLISHMENT." This I will Vol. III. Churchm. Mag. July, 1802. D aver |