Imatges de pàgina

Review of Goldsmith's " Traveller," a Poem, in the

Critical Review, acknowl.

1765. The Plays of William Shakspeare, in eight volumes,

8vo, with Notes, acknowl.

1766. The Fountains, a Fairy Tale, in Mrs. Williams's Mis

cellanies, acknowl.

1767. Dedication to the King of Mr. Adams's Treatise on the Globes, acknowl.

1769. Character of the Reverend Mr. Zachariah Mudge, in

the London Chronicle, acknowl.

1770. The False Alarm, acknowl.

1771. Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland's

Islands, acknowl.

1772. Defence of a Schoolmaster; dictated to me for the House of Lords, acknowl.

Argument in support of the Law of Vicious Intromission; dictated to me for the Court of Session in Scotland, acknowl.

1773. Preface to Macbean's "Dictionary of Ancient Geography," acknowl.

Argument in favour of the Rights of Lay Patrons; dictated to me for the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, acknowl,

1774. The Patriot, acknowl.

1775. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, acknowl. Proposals for publishing the Works of Mrs. Charlotte Lennox, in 3 volumes, 4to, acknowl.

Preface to Baretti's Easy Lessons in Italian and English, intern. evid.

Taxation no Tyranny: an Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress, acknowl. Argument on the Case of Dr. Memis; dictated to me for the Court of Sessions in Scotland, acknowl. Argument to prove that the Corporation of Stirling was corrupt; dictated to me for the House of Lords, acknowl.

1776. Argument in support of the Right of immediate and personal Reprehenson from the Pulpit; dictated to me, acknowl.

Proposals for publishing an Analysis for the Scotch
Celtic Language, by the Reverend William Shawl,


1777. Dedication to the King of the Posthumous Works of
Dr. Pearce, Bishop of Rochester, acknowl.
Additions to the Life and Character of that Prelate,
prefixed to those works, acknowl.

Various Papers and Letters in favour of the Reverend
Dr. Dodd, acknowl.

1780. Advertisement for his Friend, Mr. Thrale, to the Worthy Electors of the Borough of Southwark, acknowl. First Paragraph of Mr. Thomas Davies's Life of Garrick, acknowl.

1781. Prefaces, biographical and critical, to the Works of the most eminent English Poets; afterwards published with the Title of the Lives of the English Poets,


Argument on the Importance of the Registration of Deeds; dictated to me for an Election Committee of the House of Commons, acknowl.

On the Distinction between Tory and WHIG; dictated to me, acknowl.

On Vicarious Punishments, and the great Propitiation for the Sins of the World by JESUS CHRIST; dictated to me, acknowl.

Argument in favour of Joseph Knight, an African Negro, who claimed his Liberty in the Court of Session in Scotland, and obtained it; dictated to me, acknowl.

Defence of Mr. Robertson, Printer of the Caledonian Mercury, against the Society of Procurators in Edinburgh, for having inserted in his paper a ludicrous paragraph against them; demonstrating that it was not an injurious Libel; dictated to me, acknowl


1782. The greatest [part], if not the whole, of a Reply, by the Reverend Mr. Shaw, to a person at Edinburgh, of the name of Clarke, refuting his arguments for the authenticity of the Poems published by Mr. James Macpherson as Translations from Ossian, intern. evid.

1784. List of the Authors of the Universal History, deposited in the British Museum, and printed in the Gentleman's Magazine for December, this year, acknowl.


Letters to Mrs. Thrale, acknowl.

Prayers and Meditations, which he delivered to the Rev. Mr. Strahan, enjoining him to publish them, acknowl.

Sermons, left for publication by John Taylor, LL.D., Prebendary of Westminster, and given to the World by the Reverend Samuel Hayes, A. M., intern. evid.

Such was the number and variety of the prose works of this extraordinary man, which I have been able to discover, and am at liberty to mention (1); but we ought to keep in mind, that there must undoubtedly have been many more which are yet concealed; and we may add to the account, the numerous letters which he wrote, of which a considerable part are yet unpublished. It is hoped that those persons, in whose possession they are, will favour the world with them.


(1) This is a strange phrase. What work could it have been that Mr. Boswell was not at liberty to mention? That there was some peculiar meaning here can hardly be doubted. It perhaps may allude to some publications of a Jacobite tendency, written in Johnson's earlier days, and which may have been acknowledged in confidence to Boswell; but this is a mere conjecture. Many of the articles inserted in the foregoing list on internai evidence (particularly those from the magazines) are of very little import ance, and of very doubtful authenticity.-C.

No. VI


[Referred to in Vol. VIII. p. 421.]

[The Note on Dr. Johnson's Portraits being incomplete, I am obliged to Mr. John Murray, Jun., for considerable Additions to the List, which are distinguished by brackets. - C.]

Date of Painting.


Date of

Name. Engraving.

[Prior to A miniature, painter unknown, which belonged to Mrs. John1752. son, now in the possession of Dr. Harwood. See preface, p. xiv.

First engraved for this edition, size

of the original

E. Finden.


A three-quarter face to the left (in an oval); he is dressed in what was styled a seven story wig, and holds a pen up to his eye. This picture apparently painted before any of Sir Joshua's portraits No artist's name or date.]



I. Mr. Boswell's picture; sold at James Boswell's sale for seventy guineas. A three-quarter length. Dr. Johnson seated in an arm chair, which is covered with a tartan, or chequered cloth, at a table with writing materials; pen in his hand.] 4to. for first edition of Boswell's Life J. Heath.


Ditto 8vo. for 8vo. edition of ditto J. Baker.


[Before 1770.

[This picture has been repeatedly engraved for various editions of this work.]

II. a. The Duke of Sutherland's picture, formerly the property of Miss Lucy Porter, at Lichfield. See Vol. III. p. 163. Side face, to right, eyes almost closed, without wig; the arms are raised, showing the nervous habit to which he was addicted, when unemployed, of moving his hands up and down before him, with the fingers bent.

Sir Joshua is said to have had in his mind this attitude and the abstracted expression of Dr. Johnson's countenance, when he painted the Soothsayer Tiresias in his large picture of the Infant Hercules.

Date of Painting.


[blocks in formation]

b. The Duke of Dorset's picture at Knole is a duplicate of the


Folio, mezzotint, very fine

James Watson. 1770

8vo. mezzotint for Sir Joshua's works S. W. Reynolds.
An etching of the head only, from a copy of this picture by

Ozias Humphry

Mrs. D. Turner.]

III. a. Mr. Langton's picture, now at Gunby, near Spilsby, Lincolnshire, the seat of Peregrine Massingberd, Esq., Mr. Langton's second son. A full face, wearing an expression of pain; the hand laid on the breast.

b. Mrs. Piozzi's Picture, now in the Gallery of Sir Robert Peel, Bart., Whitehall, is a duplicate of Mr. Langton's.

There are numerous copies of this Likeness of Johnson: one is at Luton. Madame d'Arblay has another, made by her brother, and touched upon by Sir Joshua.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]



A very excellent line engraving

for the Dict. published by Robinson W. C. Edwards.

Ditto, smaller

8vo. mezzotint, for the works of

Sir Joshua Reynolds


S. W. Reynolds.]

IV. Mr. Malone's picture, now in the possession of the Rev. Thomas Rooper, Brighton. Three-quarter face, to left, kitcat size, represents him as near-sighted, holding a book up close to his eyes, one of which is nearly closed.

This was very displeasing to the Doctor, who, when he saw it, reproved Sir Joshua for painting him in that manner and attitude; saying, "It is not friendly to hand down to posterity the imper. fections of any man." But, on the contrary, Sir Joshua esteemed it as a circumstance in nature to be remarked, as characterising the person represented, and therefore as giving additional value to the portrait.

In an oval 8vo, for Murphy's edi

tion of Johnson's works

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