'Ancient Ballads, Dr. Percy's, ix. | Arches, comparative strength of se- Ancient times, folly of praising, at the Anderson, Dr. Robert, his 'Life of Anderson, Mr., his 'Sketches of the Angel, John, his 'Stenography,' iii. Anne, Queen, Johnson touched by, Anne, Queen, wits of her reign, vii. Annihilation, vi. 293. ; vii. 140. 'Animus æquus,' the, not inheritable, Anonymous writings, vii. 248. Antiquarian Researches, vii. 189. • Apology for the Quakers, Barclay's, Apology, Johnson's readiness to make 'Apotheosis of Milton, not written by Johnson, i. 155. Apparitions, ii. 106. 180. 313. ; iii. 175. micircular and elliptical, ii. 116. Argument, Johnson's, on Schoolmas- Argument and testimony, viii. 281. Argyle, John, fifth Duke of, v. 95. Argyle, Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess Aristotle, saying of, vii. 361. His 194. 213. 220, 220 n.; viii. 69.71.; | Arkwright, Sir Richard, ix. 148. Appetite, riders out in quest of, ix. Appius, Cicero's character of, applied Applause, vii. 379. Arbuthnot, Dr. John, ii. 208.; iv. 37. Armidale, iv. 159. 307. Armorial bearings, iii. 215. Arms, piling of, why insisted on, vii. Armstrong, Dr. John, ii. 112.; vi. 259. ations on Insanity, vi. 319. Artificial ruins, v. 214 n. Asaph, St., Bishop of. See Shipley. Auchinleck estate, v. 126, 127 n.; vi. 34. 323. Auchinleck, Lord, Boswell's father, Auchnasheal, iv. 150. Author, rarely hurt by his critics, vii. 'Author, the Young, a poem by Ashburton, Lord. See Dunning. Assize, maiden one, vii. 96. Author, Virgil's description of the Association of ideas, vii. 136. Authority, parental, ix. 7. Astle, Thomas, keeper of the records | Authors, i. 304.; iii. 54. 276. ; iv. 55. in the Tower, i. 177. Johnson's Astle, Rev. Mr., Johnson's advice to, 305, 306.; ν. 288. ; vi. 136, 327.; vii, B. Aston, Elizabeth, i. 85. ; iii. 32.126.; | Bách y Graig, v. 200, 200 n. v. 330.; vi. 100. 105.; vi. 267.; Astley, Philip, vii. 293, 293 п. Atheism, ix. 40. • Athol porridge,' viii. 53. 'Atlas, the race-horse, v. 195. Attack, advantages which authors Attorneys, iii. 141. ; v. 84. Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, iv. Badcock, Rev. Samuel, viii. 411, 411 n. Johnson's letter to, viii. 355. Bagpipes, v. 47. Baillie, Dr. Matthew, his recommend- ation of card-playing, v. 157 п. Baker, Sir George, viii. 359. Balance of Misery, viii. 305.; x. 291. Avarice, v. 48.; vi. 159. 193.; vii. Balcarras, Earl of, vi. 208 n. Ball without powder, vii. 355. Ballantine, George, ii. 126. Bankes, Mr., of Dorsetshire, i. 161. Barbauld, Mr., vi. 28. ; viii. 291, 291 n. Barclay, his 'Ship of Fooles,' ii. 25. defence of Johnson's Shakspeare vi. 303 316.379.; ix. 158. letters to, ii. 128. 138. 150. His His for murder, iii. 98, 98 n. 99 n. Barnard, Dr., provost of Eaton, ix. 9. Y 19 n, 20. 60. Johnson's letter of in- Barnes, Rev. Joshua, v. 124. ; vii. 366. town, vii. 55, 55 п. Baron Hill, the seat of Lord Bulkeley, v. 108 n. Barretier, John Philip, Johnson's Life Barrington, Hon. Daines, ii 980; Barrow, Dr Isaac, his sermon against pulsation occasions death by at- Barry, Spranger, the actor, i. 227 n. 'Bas Bleu, Hannah More's poem of, Bashfulness, viii. 316. 'Bastard, Savage's poem of the, i. 191. Bat, formation of the, vii. 202. lege, his Lectures, i. 78. Batheaston vase, Horace Walpole's Bathurst, Allen, first Earl, vii. 208. 277, 278.; 285 n.; viii. 20.; ix. 11. 'Batrachomyomachia,' first edition 'Battle of the Pigmies and Cranes,' 'Baudi Epistolæ, v. 203. Religion' recommended by John-Bell, John, of Hertfordshire, iii. 165. 175. 219.; ix. 141. 321. Behmen, Jacob, iii. 137, 137 n. Baxter, Richard, viii. 232.; ix. 141. Bell, John, of Antermony, his 'Tra vels in Russia, iii. 46, 46 n. son, viii. 232. 238 n. 124.; viii. 152. 260. Poets, vi. 241. Bellamy, George Anne, actress, ii. 82. ; Baxter, William, his 'Anacreon,' v. Bell, John, his edition of the 'British 'Bayes,' character of, iii. 200, 200 п. Bears, v. 291. Beatniffe, Richard, Johnson's letter Beattie, Dr. James, i. 245 n.; iii. 163. 165. 169. 173, 173 n. 232. 235. 302. 310. ; ν. 105. 328. ; vi. 205. ; vii, 336. ; viii. 79. 352. His letter to Boswell, viii. 239. 'Bellerophon' of Euripides, ii. 25. Benevolence, an excuse for drinking, Benevolence, Johnson's, vi. 256. ; ix. Benevolence, human, vi. 168. iii. 173. Johnson's letter to, vii. ❘ Benserade, M. de, ' à son lit, ix. 25. 336. His 'Essay on Truth, ix. 64. Beauclerk, Topham, i. 102. 296, 297.; Bensley, Mr., actor, iii. 35. Benson, Mr., auditor, his monument Bentley, Dr. Richard, iii. 54.; iv. 191. Beauclerk, Lady Sydney, v. 23. Beaumaris Castle, v. 208. Berenger, Richard, iii. 38. ; vii. 100 n.; Beresford, Mrs. and Miss, viii. 283. Cloyne, ii. 262.; iii. 148. His theory, vi. 307, 307 n.; vii. 374. Beaumont, Sir George, i. 13 n.; vii. Berkeley, Dr. George, Bishop of 16 n.; ix. 261. Beaumont and Fletcher, v. 275. 'Beauties of Johnson, i. 250.; viii. Berwick, Duke of, his 'Memoirs, vii. bed recommendation to read, ix. His letter on a passage in Johnson's 142. Johnson's Life of, vii. 237 viii. 25. 179. Bibliotheca Harleiana, Johnson's Blackmore, Sir Richard, iii. 117.; 1x account of, i. 175. Bibliotheca Literaria, v. 206, 206 n. Bidder, George, the calculating boy, Bigamy, iv. 230. Bindley, James, i. 180. 196 n.; vii. 176 n.; viii. 171 n. 212 n. Biographer, duties of a, vi. 294; ix. 'Biographia Britannica, vi. 317, 318 Biography, iii. 198.; iv. 78.; vi. 76. Biography, literary, of England, John- Blackstone, Sir William, his 'Com- vi. 19.; vii. 377, 377 n. Blair, Rev. Robert, his poem of 'The Blaney, Elizabeth, i. 32.; viii. 378. Birch, Rev. Dr. Thomas, i. 152. 173. 45. 214.; iv. 281. Johnson's Greek epi- | Blasphemy, literary property in, iv. Birds, migration of, iii. 289. Blackfriars' Bridge, ii. 116. * Black Dog, vii. 301, 301 n.; x. 266. Blacklock, Dr. Thomas, the blind Bleeding, Johnson's objection to pe- Blenheim, v. 33. 214. ; vi. 81. Boarding-schools, ix. 52. 20. Boethius, 'de Consolatione Philoso Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first |