Imatges de pàgina

ion concerning the Dictionary, which you are preparing for the press. From the specimens which we have seen, we entertain very favorable thoughts concerning the work; and believe, that, if completed as it has been begun, it will excel the best Dictionaries in our possession, and throw important light upon our language.

We sincerely regret, that you have so many obstacles to encounter, par

ticularly so many prejudices, in an undertaking, which, we think, will be honorable to you, and useful to the public. We are sir, yours, &c. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, President. JEREMIAH DAY, M. and P. N. Prof. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, Professor of Chemistry.

JAMES L. KINGSLEY, Professor of Languages.



American Artillerist's Companion, or, Elements of Artillery. Treating of all kinds of fire arms in detail, and of the formation, object, and service of the Flying or Horse Artillery. In two octavo volumes.


companied with a quarto volume containing sixty seven plates, with their explanations. The volumes embellished with portraits of General G. Washington, and the Author. By Louis De Toussard, member of the society of the Cincinnati; late lieut. col. adjoint to the general staff in the armies of H. I. and R. M. late lieut. col. commandant of the second regiment, and inspector of artillery of the United States. Price $16 handsomely bound and lettered. Philadelphia, C. & A. Conrad, 1809.

An Oration delivered June 21, 1809, on the day of the author's induction into the office of Bartlet Professor of Pulpit Eloquence in the Divinity College, at Andover. By Edward D. Griffin, D.D. Boston, Farrand, Mallory, and Co. 1810.

A Sermon at the Inauguration of the Rev. Edward D. Griffin, D.D. Bartlet Professor of Pulpit Eloquence in the Theological Institution in Andover, June 21, 1809. By Samuel Spring, D.D. Boston, Farrand, Mallory, & Co. 1810.

A Journal of Travels in England, Holland, and Scotland, and of two passages over the Atlantic, in the years 1805 and 1806. In two volumes. By Benjamin Silliman, Professor of Chemistry and Natural History in Yale College, New Haven.

A Compendium and Digest of the

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NEW EDITIONS. Elements of Moral Science. By Professor James Beattie, LL. D.

of Moral Philosophy and Logic in the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen. In two volumes. Philadelphia, Hopkins & Earle, 1809.

Tales of Fashionable Life, by Miss Edgeworth, Author of Practitical Education, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, Essay on Irish Bulls, &c. In two vols. containing Ennui and Almeria. Boston, J. Eliot, Jr. 1810.

Don Sebastian; or, The House of Braganza. An Historical Romance. Four volumes in two. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1810.

Letters from Warburton to Hurd; or, Letters from a late eminent prelate to one of his friends. First American edition. New York, E. Sargent, 1809.

The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement, proposed to careful examina

tion. To which is added, an Appendix, containing a view of consequences resulting from a denial of the Divinity of Christ. By Stephen West, D.D. Pastor of the church in Stockbridge. Boston, Farrand, Mallory, & Co. 1809.

Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels, forming a complete history of the origin and progress of discovery, by sea and land, from the earlier ages to the present time, preceded by an Historical Introduction and Critical Catalogue of Books and Voyages and Travels; and illustrated and adorned with numerous engravings. Parts 1 and 2. Philadelphia, Kimber and Conrad, 1810.

Rees' New Cyclopædia,or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Volume 12. Part 1. Boston, West and Blake, agents.

A Series of Discourses, on the Principles of Religious Belief, as connected with Human Happiness and Improvement. By the Rev. R. Morchiad, A. M. of Baliol College, Oxford, junior minister of the Episcopal Chapel, Corogate, Edinburgh. Bradford & Inskeep, Philadelphia,and William Mc Ilhenney, Boston, 1810.

Hints on the National Bankruptcy of Britian; and her resources to maintain the present contest with France. By John Bristed. New York, E. Sargent, 1809.

An Essay on the Law of Usury by Mark Ord, Esq. Barrister at law. Third Edition. Comprising the later decisions in England, Ireland, and America, By Thomas Day, Esq. Counsellor at Law, Hartford, 1809.

The History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts, in the year 1786, and the Rebellion consequent thereon. By George Richards Minot. Second edition. Boston, J. W. Burditt & Co. 1810.

Marmion; a Tale of Flodden Field. By Walter Scott, Esq. second edition, elegant, miniature.

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Mills Day, New Haven, proposes to publish by subscription, an edition of the Hebrew Bible, without points, from the text of Van Der Hooght. Carefully correcting the few typographical errors which occur by a comparison with the large Bible of Kennicott.

A new edition of Lord Hale's Treatise DE JURE MARIS, &c. and DE PORTIBUS MARIS, with notes referring to late decisions in the American Courts; some of which have never been published. By DANIEL DAVIS, Solicitor General of Massachusetts, is in preparation for the press, to be published by Farrand, Mallory, & Co. Suffolk Buildings, Boston.

Hopkins and Earle, Philadelphia, are preparing to print Discourses on the Diseases of Children. By N. Chapman, M. D. Honorary Member of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, &c. &c. To be comprised in one vol. 8vo. and will treat both of the Acute and Chronic Diseases of Children. Will be printed on a fine paper and new type, at $2,50 in boards.


We have received H. on the State of Infants. Though the author's reasoning is ingenious and candid, we doubt whether the piece is calculated to be so generally useful, as to warrant its insertion.

The poetry communicated by Orian has too many inaccuracies.

W. on the evil of sin shall appear in our next.

Ruminator, Biblicus, and a letter to an infidel, are under consideration.

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MR. GILPIN's natural parts were very good. His imagination was lively, his memory retentive, and his judgment solid. By unwearied application he had amassed a great store of knowl. edge; but it was chiefly such as had some relation to his profession. His temper was naturally warm; but, through divine grace, he was enabled to correct this infirmity. Though his disposition was serious, yet he was usually very cheerful, and his behavior was almost always frank and affable. He was a candid interpreter of the words and actions of other men; and when he spoke of them, he was particularly careful to say nothing which might prove unnecessarily hurtful to their reputation. To the opinions of others, however different from his own, he was very indulgent. He regarded moderation as one of the most genuine effects of true religion in the heart. He was therefore an enemy to all intolerance and though he thought the opposition of the dissenters to the established church to be wrong, VOL. II. New Series.


he thought it equally wrong to molest the quiet separatist. His regard to truth was strict and undeviating. He disdained all those little arts and evasions, which men are apt to vindicate on grounds of expediency; and his character in this respect came at last to be so well understood, as greatly to enhance his weight and influence with all who knew him. The lustre of his other graces was much increased by his unfeigned humility. To conquer pride, is one of the highest triumphs of religion; and this conquest his religion achieved in a very signal degree.

One of the most remarkable features in the character of Mr. Gilpin, was his conscientiousness. Motives of personal convenience or present interest appeared to weigh as nothing with him. When he entered on the care of a parish, it immediately engrossed his main attention, even to the exclusion of his favorite pursuits of learning. He had naturally a strong propensity to retirement; but thinking the life of a recluse to be oppos3G

ed to the principles of christianity, he resisted this inclination, and would hardly even afford to old age the needful repose. Of popular applause, as far as it respected himself, he was regard. Jess he valued it, however, as a means of usefulness. The good will of his people he felt to be one step towards gaining their attention; and on that account he prized it highly. He was bold in reproving vice; and his unblameable life, and the seriousness and tenderness of his ad. dress, strongly enforced all he said. Knowing the low capacities and limited information of his people, he studied to adapt both the language and the argu. ments of his sermons to their apprehensions; and hence the effects of his preaching are said to have been often very striking.

When Mr. Gilpin first undertook the care of Houghton, he saw that the duties of the pastoral office were very generally neglected. The greater part of the clergy paid no attention whatever to the spiritual concerns of their flock; and of those who were not chargeable with the utter disregard of their ministerial obligations, many expended their zeal in vehement opposition to the sectaries, and in defending the external constitution of the church from their rude attacks; while others were almost wholly occupied in discussing the more abstruse and speculative points of religion. Few manifested a due solicitude to see their people growing in faith and holiness. Mr. Gilpin's first care gain, if possible, the affections of his parishioners. To this end, without using any servile compliances, he became all things

was to

to all men." He was kind and courteous to all. He bore with the infirmities of the weak, the violence of the passionate, and the doubts of the scrupulous. He was at the same time unwea ried in his pastoral labors. He was not content with reading the prayers of the church, and de. livering a discourse to his people from the pulpit: he instructed them in private, and from house to house; and encouraged them to apply to him in all their doubts and difficulties. His sympathy won their hearts; and even his reproofs were given in so gentle and friendly a manner, that they did not offend in the degree which might have been expected. He devoted himself, in a peculiar degree, to the improvement of the younger part of his flock; think. ing it a more hopeful task to rear them in habits of piety, than it would be to turn them from hab. its of vice when once contracted. For all who were in affliction, he entertained a lively concern; and he was so well skilled in the art of administering consolation to them, that he was always hailed in the house of mourning as a messenger of good. In short, as a minister of Jesus Christ, the progress of his people in the knowledge and love of God was his grand aim; and success in this object constituted the great source of his happiness.

Mr. Gilpin, however, did not, confine his labors to his own par. ish, extensive as was the sphere of his exertion. Every year he used regularly to visit the most rude and uncultivated parts of the northern counties, where he en. deavored to call the savage borderers, among whom hardly any other man would willingly have

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trusted himself, from their predatory course of life and irreligious habits, to a knowledge of God, and of their duty both as citizens and as Christians. His warm and affectionate man. ner, joined to the plainness of his style, arrested their attention; and his efforts among them proved highly beneficial. In these excursions, which he generally made about Christmas, as he had then a better chance of finding the people disengaged, he often suffered great hardships, through fatigue and the severity of the weather. But he underwent all cheerfully, in the hope that it might please God to make him the instrument of good. His disinterested labors among them produced a general veneration of his name, even on the part of those who did not profit by his ministry. In consequence of this, when on one occasion his horses were stolen, it was no sooner known that they belonged to Mr. Gilpin, than the thief returned them, confessing his crime, and declaring that he did not dare to retain them after he had discovered who was the own. er of them.

Nor were Mr. Gilpin's endeavors to civilize this people limited to itinerating among them. He used every year to bring several of their children with him to Houghton, and there he educated them at his own expense; a practice which tended much to lessen the prevailing barbarism.

In his charities he was liberal-nay, considering his means, I might almost say, profuse. Indeed, in his distributions he had no measure but the extent of his income. He called no part of

it his own, but readily bestowed it for the service of others, not as if he were granting a favor, but paying a debt. His extraor dinary benevolence gained him the title of the Father of the Poor, and made his memory revered for many years in the country where he lived. He ap propriated sixty pounds a year, sometimes more, to the maintenance of poor scholars at the university. Every Thursday throughout the year, he caused a quantity of meat to be dressed for the poor; and had a supply of broth prepared for them daily. Twenty four of the poorest were his constant pensioners. He al ways kept a stock of clothes by him, that he might clothe the naked, while he fed the hungry. And he took particular pains to inquire into every case where he suspected distress, that the modesty of the sufferer might not prevent his obtaining relief. But the use to which he applied his money still more freely than to any other, was that of encour aging the exertions of industri. ous people, especially of those who had large families. When they lost a horse or a cow, and were unable to repair the loss, or were about to settle their chil dren in the world, his purse was always opened to aid them. He likewise paid great attention to the state of the jails, and was not only anxious to give the prisoners suitable instruction, but to relieve their wants. has been known to carry his charity so far, as, on the public road, to take off his cloak, and give it to a half naked traveller: and on another occasion, when he was travelling, one of the horses in a team that was pass


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