Imatges de pàgina

He'll give them out strength for their day,
Their wants he will surely supply:
He ravens and lions can tame,

All creatures obey his command;
Then let me rejoice in his name,

And leave all my cares in his hand.


How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?
Must I for ever mourn?

How long wilt thou withdraw from me,
Oh! never to return?

How long shall anxious thoughts my soul,
And grief my heart oppress?
How long my enemies insult?

Lord, send me quick redress.

Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd,
To thee, my God, ascend,
Who to thy servant in distress
Such bounty didst extend.


HEARTS of stone, relent, relent,
By the cross of Christ subdu'd;
See his body mangled, rent,
Cover'd with a gore of blood!
Sinful soul, what hast thou done?
Murder'd God's eternal Son!

Yes, our sins have done the deed,

Drove the nails that fix'd him there,

Crown'd with thorns his sacred head,
Pierc'd him with the soldier's spear,

Made his soul a sacrifice,

For a sinful world he dies.


I THIRST, but not as once I did,
The vain delights of earth to share;
Thy wounds, Immanuel, forbid

That I should seek my pleasures there. It was the sight of thy dear cross First wean'd my soul from earthly things, And taught me to esteem as dross

The mirth of fools and pomp of kings.

I want that grace that springs from thee, That quickens all things where it flows, And makes a wretched thorn, like me, Bloom as the myrtle, or the rose.


JESUS is mine! I'm now prepar'd
To meet with what I thought most hard;
Yes, let the winds of trouble blow,
And comforts melt away like snow,
No blasted trees, or failing crops,

Can hinder my eternal hopes;

Tho' creatures change, the Lord's the same; Then let me triumph in his name.


IN ev'ry trouble sharp and strong,
True faith to Jesus flies;
Its anchor-hold is firm in him
When swelling billows rise.

His comforts bear our spirits up,
We trust a faithful God:
The sure foundation of our hope
Is in a Saviour's blood.

Loud hallelujahs sing each soul
To thy Redeemer's name;
In joy, in sorrow, life, and death,
His love is still the same.


JESUS is the chiefest good;
He has sav'd us by his blood:
Let us value nought but him,
Nothing else deserves esteem.

Jesus gives us life and peace,
Faith, and love, and holiness;
Ev'ry blessing, great or small,
Jesus for us purchas'd all.

Jesus therefore let us own;
Jesus we'll exalt alone:
Jesus has our sins forgiv'n;
Jesu's blood has bought us heav'n.


JESUS, our outward wants relieve;
But O, the food immortal give,
Our hungry souls to fill!
Sustain us by thy pard'ning grace,
And lead us, thro' this wilderness,
To thy celestial hill.


I WILL lay me down to sleep,
And safely take my rest;
Me commend to Jesu's grace.
And as upon his breast,
So, if Jesus please, I'll sleep
While troops of angels are my guard,
O, my Shepherd, love and keep,
And be my great reward.


I No more at Mary wonder
Dropping tears upon the grave,
Earnest asking all around her,

Where is he that dy'd to save!'
Dying love her heart attracted;
Soon she felt his rising pow'r;
He, who Mary thus affected,

Bids his mourners weep no more.


JESUS invites his saints

To meet around his board:

Here, pardon'd sinner, sit, and hold
Communion with thy Lord.

For food he gives his flesh;
He bids us drink his blood;
Amazing favour! matchless grace!
Of our redeeming God.

Let all our pow'rs be join'd,

His glorious name to raise; Pleasure and love fill ev'ry mind, And ev'ry voice be praise,


I CANNOT bear thine absence, Lord;
My life expires if thou depart:
Be thou, my heart, still near my God,
And thou, my God, be near my heart.
O`dearest Lord, in thine embrace

Let me resign my fleeting breath;
And with a smile upon my face
Pass the important hour of death.


LET the world their virtue boast,
Their works of righteousness;

I, a wretch undone and lost,
Am freely sav'd by grace:
Other title I disclaim,

This, only this, is all my plea,
I the chief of sinners am;
But Jesus dy'd for me!

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