Imatges de pàgina

observe, you must do it? You may go and play.

what you are able to do; but We have no I can't" here.

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3. Samuel went away with more confidence in his own powers than he had ever felt before. The next day he began business. A boy less than himself was called to set him a copy of letters, and another heard him in grammar. He read a few sentences, that he could perfectly understand, to the master. Thus, by going on steadily and slowly, he daily made sensible progress.

4. His father kept him at the same school for some years, and had the satisfaction to find him making steady and gradual improvement. He afterwards made a respectable figure in business, and went through life with credit and usefulness, without a genius. Diligence and perseverance overcome all difficulties.



Par-tic-u-lar-ly, especially, distinctly.
Per-mis-sion, consent, leave, allowance.
In-tél-li-gent, knowing, sensible, learned.

Pen'-i-tent, sorry for a crime, contrite, humble.
Suc.ceéd-ed, accomplished the object desired.

From what is additional derived? How many other words can you think of that are derived from add? What kind of word is we've? Won't? What is the opposite of former? Towards? Evening? Gathering? Does this lesson contain any polysyllables.

The Two Brothers.

1. "IT is a long way home-a very long way," said Robert; "do you see how dark it grows, Frank?” "Well, what if it does grow dark?" said Frank, "we've

got Fido with us." "Yes," said Robert; "but Fido may leave us, and then what shall we do?" "Fido won't leave us," observed Frank; "no, not he. Here, Fido! Fido! good fellow."

2. Fido felt not the fears which distressed Robert and Frank, particularly the former; and at the call of the latter, the faithful dog came bounding towards the two brothers, and having licked their hands, and jumped upon them, as if to shew them his regard, he again turned and scampered towards home. "You are a good dog," said Robert-his face lighting up, to see how little fear Fido seemed to feel.

3. "We must walk a little faster," said Frank. "I can't go faster," said Robert; “I am already almost wearied out. What will become of us?" "Have courage Robert," said Frank; "it will not help us any to worrythat only makes bad, worse.” "I know it," replied Robert; "but it grows dark fast, and do you see how the clouds come over? It will soon rain." "The rain wont hurt us," said Frank.

4. Such was the conversation of Frank and Robert Morrison on the evening of an autumnal day, as they were returning from a walk into the woods after chesnuts. The day had been fine and clear, and they had gone abroad by permission of their mother. But she had admonished them, on leaving home, not to venture too far, and to return early. The boys had no intention to disobey this kind injunction; but, unconsciously, they had wandered to a considerable distance; and they found night coming on while as yet they were some miles from home.

5. The gathering clouds now poured down their rain, and the winds began to roar through the woods, with louder and still louder note. At the same time the darkness increased, and rendered it difficult for the lads to proceed with their usual step. All at once, Robert broke forth: "Where is Fido, Frank? He has left us he is certainly gone."

6. "I guess not," said Frank; "he won't leave ns--

no, not he;" at the same time, however, he felt his heart beat somewhat faster than usual. "Fido! Fido!" again he called; at the same time, both the boys listened. "Do you hear him Frank?" inquired Robert. 7. "Whist!" said Frank, turning his ear in a direction somewhat opposite to that of home; "I thought I heard a rustling this way." "But pray, ," said Robert, "can Fido have missed the way?" "Let us both call together," said Frank. "Fido! Fido!" both now unitedly called, as loud as they were able, and again and again renewed the call; but they could hear nothing, save the roar of the wind, and the falling of the rain.

8. "This is strange!" said Frank. "I told you so," said Robert. "Oh, dear!" "I don't give it up yet," said the more courageous Frank; "Fido will never leave us." "Perhaps he has gone home," said Robert, "to let father know about us."

9. "May be," said Frank; “but—well, I'll try one way more: I never knew it fail;" at the same time, bringing his two hands together in a circular form, thus making a hollow within, by means of which, on blowing with his mouth at a little aperture between his two thumbs, he produced a loud shrill whistle.

10. "Blow still harder," said the reviving Robert, as he listened to the sound. "I'll make him hear," said Frank, "if he be any where in this region," raising the sound by many degrees above his first effort.. "Hark! hark!" said Robert, as Frank was repeating the whistle; "I hear something." 'He's coming, he's coming," said Frank; "I thought I could fetch him."


11. "He deserves whipping," observed Robert “Let us first see what he has been about," said Frank. By this time, Fido came bounding towards them, and was soon at their feet. It was quite dark, but they could discern that he carried something in his mouth. "What is it?" asked Robert.

12. Here, Fido, Fido, good fellow," said Frank; "here, let us see." Fido now wagged his tail, and laid down before them an animal, which he had caught.

"It's a woodchuck," said Robert. "No," said the more intelligent Frank; "it is a rabbit. Why, Fido," said he in a tone of reprimand, "Fido, how could you

serve us so?"

13. Fido wagged his tail, and crouched, and licked Frank's hand, as if quite penitent. He loved the boys, and was a faithful dog. But he had started the rabbit, and, for the time his instinct had got the better of his judgment.

14. He could not well forego the pleasure of the chase, and had kept on, "till he had run it down." He had succeeded, and was on his return, when the well known whistle broke upon his ear. That gave additional speed to his already rapid movements, and soon, as we have already related, he came up with the lads. 15. The boys felt too much rejoiced at his return to complain more of Fido; "but," said Frank, "you'll not escape us again, old fellow;" and with this, taking a string which he happened to have in his pocket, he fastened one end round Fido's neck, and taking hold of the other, proceeded with his more youthful brother towards home.



In-ter-rúpt-ing, stopping any one, hindering.
At-tac'hed, fond of, united by affection.
In-strúc-tions, orders, commands, directions.
Sál-li-ed, rushed forth, hurried, went.
Lún-tern, a case for a candle or lamp.

What kind of word is pursuing? From what is it derived? How many other words are derived from pursue? What is the opposite of tighter? Softly? Breaking? Courageous? Sagacious?

The two Brothers, (continued.)

1. "ISN'T it time for the boys to get home?" asked Mrs. Morrison of her husband, as the day began to draw towards its close. "Nearly," said Mr. Morrison; "they'll be in soon, I think." "I told them not to go far, and to return early," observed Mrs. M. They'll come soon," repeated Mr. M.

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2. Another half hour passed by, and little was said. But the anxious mother, during that period, was several times at the window, or the door, to see if they were in view. "Mr. Morrison," said she, "would it not be well for William, our hired man, to go in quest of the boys?"

3. "I am not sure," replied Mr. M.; "it would be quite uncertain whether he would find them. They may easily come by a different route from that which he might take."" But would it not"-"Did Fido go with the boys?" inquired Mr. M. interrupting. "I do not know," replied Mrs. M.

4. William, is Fido at home?" inquired Mr. M., stepping to the kitchen. "I have not seen him sir," replied William; "I believe he went with the boys." "I think they'll do well enough, then," observed Mr. M. to his wife, as he closed the door. "The dog is much attached to the boys, and"—

5. "Would he be likely to guide them home, in so dark a night as this?" inquired Mrs. M. "With ease," said Mr. M. "If no accident has befallen them, and Fido is with them, I have little apprehension but that they will arrive safely." The hours wore heavily away at Mr. Morrison's; and, as they passed, and the storm became still more violent, the anxieties of the family naturally were greatly increased. The kindhearted William repeatedly offered to take the lantern, and go in quest of them.

6. Mr. M. thought it could answer but little purpose. "May be, sir," said William, "they'll see the light,

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