Imatges de pàgina

3 Christ is that stone, rejected once, And numbered with the slain;

Now raised in glory, o'er his church Eternally to reign.

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4 This is the day the Lord hath made:

O earth, rejoice and sing; With songs of triumph hail the morn, Hosanna to our King!

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The Lord's Day; or, Delight in Ordinances.

1 WELCOME, sweet day of rest,
That saw the Lord arise ;
Welcome to this reviving breast,
And these rejoicing eyes!

2 The King himself comes near,
And feasts his saints today;
Here we may sit, and see him here,
And love, and praise, and pray.

3 One day amidst the place

Where my dear Lord hath been,

Is sweeter than ten thousand days
Of pleasurable sin.

4 My willing soul would stay
In such a frame as this;
And sit and sing herself away
To everlasting bliss.


L. M.


The Sacrifice of the Heart.
1 WHEN, as returns this solemn day,
Man comes to meet his maker, God,
What rites, what honours shall he pay?
How spread his sovereign's praise abroad?

2 From marble domes and gilded spires
Shall curling clouds of incense rise?
And gems, and gold, and garlands deck
The costly pomp of sacrifice?

3 Vain, sinful man! creation's Lord
Thy golden offerings well may spare:
But give thy heart, and thou shalt find
Here dwells a God who heareth prayer.


С. М.


Christ in the midst of his People.

1 ON the first Christian sabbath eve,
When his disciples met,
O'er his lost fellowship to grieve,
Nor knew the scripture yet-

2 Lo, in their midst his form was seen,
The form in which he died;
Their Master's marred and wounded mien,
His hands, his feet, his side.

3 Then were they glad their Lord to know And hailed him, yet with fear ;-

Jesus, again thy presence show;
Meet thy disciples here.

4 Be in our midst; let faith rejoice
Our risen Lord to view,
And make our spirits hear thy voice
Say, 'Peace be unto you.'

5 And while with thee in social hours
We commune through thy word,
May our hearts burn, and all our powers
Confess, 'It is the Lord.'

29. С. М.


After Divine Service.

1 AGAIN our ears have heard the voice
At which the dead shall live ;
O may the sound our hearts rejoice,
And strength immortal give!

2 And have we heard the word with joy?
And have we felt its power?
To keep it be our blest employ,
Till life's extremest hour.

30. С. М.


The Good Seed. After Sermon.

1 ALMIGHTY God, thy word is cast
Like seed into the ground;
Now let the dew of heaven descend,
And righteous fruits abound.

2 Let not the foe of Christ and man
This holy seed remove;
But give it root in every heart,
To bring forth fruits of love.

3 Let not the world's deceitful cares
The rising plant destroy;
But let it yield, a hundred fold,
The fruits of peace and joy.

4 Nor let thy word, so kindly sent
To raise us to thy throne,
Return to thee, and sadly tell
That we reject thy Son.

5 Oft as the precious seed is sown,
Thy quickening grace bestow;
That all whose souls the truth receive,
Its saving power may know.


8 & 7s M.


Before or after Sermon.

1 LORD of nature, source of light,
In pity view thy world below;
Guide our erring footsteps right,
Through these scenes of guilt and wo.

2 Grant thy Spirit! By thy kindness
Let our errors be forgiven;
Heal our sins; dispel our blindness ;
Then, conduct us safe to heaven.

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1 Now may he who from the dead
Brought the shepherd of the sheep,
Jesus Christ, our king and head,
All our souls in safety keep.


2 May he teach us to fulfil

What is pleasing in his sight;
Perfect us in all his will,
And preserve us day and night.

33. 8 & 7s M.

Hymn of Dismission.


1 LORD, dismiss us with thy blessing,
Hope and comfort from above;
Let us each, thy peace possessing,
Triumph in redeeming love.

2 Thanks we give, and adoration,
For thy gospel's joyful sound;
May the fruits of thy salvation
In our hearts and lives abound.


8 & 7s M.



1 MAY the grace of Christ our Saviour,
And the Father's boundless love,

With the holy Spirit's favour,
Rest upon us from above.

2 Thus may we abide in union
With each other and the Lord,
And possess, in sweet communion,
Joys which earth cannot afford.

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