Imatges de pàgina

son is he? They say unto him, give place to the devil. Let him The son of David. He saith unto that stole, steal no more; but rathem, How then doth David in ther let him labour, working with spirit call him Lord, saying, The his hands the thing which is good, Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou that he may have to give to him that on my right hand, till I make thine needeth. Let no corrupt commuenemies thy footstool? If David nication proceed out of your mouth, then call him Lord, how is he his but that which is good to the use son? And no man was able to an- of edifying, that it may minister swer him a word, neither durst grace unto the hearers. And grieve any man, from that day forth, ask not the Holy Spirit of God, wherehim any more questions.

by ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind with-one to another, tender-hearted, for

The nineteenth Sunday after
The Collect.

GOD, forasmuch as

please thee; mercifully grant that Christ's sake hath forgiven you. thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts, through

The Gospel. St. Matt. ix. 1. JESUS entered into a ship, and

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. passed over, and came into his The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 17. own city. And behold, they brought HISI say therefore, and testi- to him a man sick of the palsy, lyfy in the Lord, that And Jesus, seeing hence-ing on a bed. ye forth walk not as other Gentiles their faith, said unto the sick of walk, in the vanity of their mind; the palsy, Son, be of good cheer, having the understanding darken-thy sins be forgiven thee. And ed, being alienated from the life of behold, certain of the scribes said God, through the ignorance that is within themselves, This man blasin them, because of the blindness of phemeth. And Jesus, knowing their heart: who, being past feel- their thoughts, said, Wherefore ing, have given themselves over think ye evil in your hearts? For unto lasciviousness, to work all whether is easier to say, Thy sins uncleanness with greediness. But be forgiven thee? or to say, Arise, ye have not so learned Christ; if and walk? But that ye may know so be that ye have heard him, and that the Son of man hath power have been taught by him, as the on earth to forgive sins, (then saith truth is in Jesus: That ye put off, he to the sick of the palsy) Arise, concerning the former conversa- take up thy bed, and go unto thine tion, the old man, which is cor- house. And he arose, and departrupt according to the deceitful ed to his house. But when the lusts; and be renewed in the spi- multitude saw it, they marvelled, rit of your mind: and that ye put and glorified God, who had given on the new man, which after God such power unto men.

The twentieth Sunday after
The Collect.

is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour for we are memof ALMIGHTY and most merbers one of another. Be ye angryful God, of thy bountiful and sin not let not the sun go

down upon your wrath: neither goodness keep us, we beseech


thee, from all things that may hurt those servants went out into the us; that we, being ready both in highways, and gathered together body and soul, may cheerfully ac- all, as many as they found, both complish those things which thou bad and good: and the wedding commandest, through Jesus Christ was furnished with guests. And our Lord. Amen. when the king came in to see the The Epistle. Ephes. v. 15. guests, he saw there a man who EE then that ye walk circum- had not on a wedding garment. spectly, not as fools, but as And he saith unto him, Friend, wise, redeeming the time, because how camest thou in hither, not the days are evil. Wherefore be having a wedding garment? And ye not unwise, but understanding he was speechless. Then said the what the will of the Lord is. And king to the servants, Bind him be not drunk with wine, wherein hand and foot, and take him away, is excess; but be filled with the and cast him into outer darkness: Spirit: speaking to yourselves in there shall be weeping and gnashpsalms and hymns and spiritual ing of teeth. For many are callsongs, singing and making melody ed, but few are chosen. in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; sub


The twenty-first Sunday after

The Collect.

RANT, we beseech thee, mer

mitting yourselves one to another Giful Lord, to thy faithful peo

in the fear of God.


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The Gospel. St. Matt. xxii. 1. ple, pardon and peace; that they ESUS said, The kingdom of may be cleansed from all their sins, heaven is like unto a certain and serve thee with a quiet mind, king, who made a marriage for his through Jesus Christ our Lord. and sent forth his servants to Amen.


call them that were bidden to the The Epistle. Ephes. vi. 10. wedding and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other MY brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of servants, saying, Tell them who his might. Put on the whole arare bidden, Behold, I have pre-mour of God, that ye may be able pared my dinner: my oxen and to stand against the wiles of the my fatlings are killed, and all devil. For we wrestle not against things are ready: come unto the flesh and blood, but against prinmarriage. But they made light of cipalities, against powers, against it, and went their ways, one to his the rulers of the darkness of this farm, another to his merchandise: world, against spiritual wickedand the remnant took his servants, ness in high places. Wherefore and entreated them spitefully, and take unto you the whole armour slew them. But when the king of God, that ye may be able to heard thereof, he was wroth: and withstand in the evil day, and havhe sent forth his armies, and de-ing done all, to stand. Stand therestroyed those murderers, and burnt fore, having your loins girt about up their city. Then saith he to his with truth; and having on the servants, The wedding is ready, breast-plate of righteousness; and but they who were bidden were your feet shod with the preparanot worthy. Go ye therefore into tion of the gospel of peace; above the highways, and as many as ye all, taking the shield of faith, whereshall find, bid to the marriage. So with ye shall be able to quench all

the fiery darts of the wicked. And continual godliness; that, through take the helmet of salvation, and thy protection, it may be free from the sword of the Spirit, which is all adversities, and devoutly given the word of God: praying always to serve thee in good works, to the with all prayer and supplication in glory of thy name, through Jesus the Spirit, and watching thereun-Christ our Lord. Amen. to with all perseverance, and sup- The Epistle. Phil. i. 3. plication for all saints; and for me, THANK my God upon every that utterance may be given unto remembrance of you (always me, that I may open my mouth in every prayer of mine for you all boldly, to make known the mys-making request with joy) for your tery of the gospel; for which I fellowship in the Gospel from the am an ambassador in bonds: that first day until now; being confitherein I may speak boldly, as I dent of this very thing, that he ought to speak. who hath begun a good work in The Gospel. St. John iv. 46. you, will perform it until the day HERE was a certain noble-of Jesus Christ; even as it is meet THE man, whose son was sick at for me to think this of you all, beCapernaum. When he heard that cause I have you in my heart, inJesus was come out of Judea into asmuch as both in my bonds, and Galilee, he went unto him, and in the defence and confirmation of besought him, that he would come the Gospel, ye all are partakers of down and heal his son; for he was my grace. For God is my record, at the point of death. Then said how greatly I long after you all in Jesus unto him, Except ye see the bowels of Jesus Christ. And signs and wonders, ye will not be- this I pray, that your love may lieve. The nobleman saith unto abound yet more and more in him, Sir, come down ere my child knowledge, and in all judgment: die. Jesus saith unto him, Go That ye may approve things that thy way, thy son liveth. And the are excellent, that ye may be sinman believed the word that Jesus cere, and without offence till the had spoken unto him, and he went day of Christ; being filled with the his way. And as he was now going fruits of righteousness, which are down, his servants met him, and by Jesus Christ, unto the glory told him, saying, Thy son liveth. and praise of God.

Then inquired he of them the hour The Gospel. St. Matt. xviii. 21. when he began to amend: and they PETER said unto Jesus, Lord, said unto him, Yesterday, at the how oft shall my brother sin seventh hour, the fever left him. So against me, and I forgive him? till the father knew that it was at the seven times? Jesus saith unto him, same hour in the which Jesus said I say not unto thee, until seven unto him, Thy son liveth; and him- times: but until seventy times self believed, and his whole house. seven. Therefore is the kingdom This is again the second miracle of heaven likened unto a certain that Jesus did, when he was come king, who would take account of his out of Judea into Galilee.

servants. And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto The twenty-second Sunday after him, who owed him ten thousand talents. But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded ORD, we beseech thee to keep him to be sold, and his wife and thy household the Church in children, and all that he had, and

The Collect.


payment to be made. The ser- who walk so, as ye have us for an vant therefore fell down and wor-ensample. (For many walk, of shipped him, saying, Lord, have whom I have told you often, and patience with me, and I will pay now tell you even weeping, that thee all. Then the lord of that they are the enemies of the cross of servant was moved with compas-Christ; whose end is destruction, sion, and loosed him, and forgave whose god is their belly, and whose him the debt. But the same ser- glory is in their shame, who mind vant went out, and found one of earthly things.) For our converhis fellow-servants, who owed him sation is in heaven, from whence an hundred pence; and he laid also we look for the Saviour, the hands on him, and took him by Lord Jesus Christ; who shall the throat, saying, Pay me that change our vile body, that it may thou owest. And his fellow-ser-be fashioned like unto his glorious vant fell down at his feet, and be- body, according to the working, sought him, saying, Have patience whereby he is able even to subdue with me, and I will pay thee all. all things unto himself. And he would not; but went and The Gospel. St. Matt. xxii. 15. cast him into prison, till he shouldHEN went the Pharisees, and


then into en his fellow-T took counsel how they might servants saw what was done, they entangle him in his talk. And they were very sorry, and came and told sent out unto him their disciples, unto their lord all that was done. with the Herodians, saying, MasThen his lord, after that he had call- ter, we know that thou art true, and ed him, said unto him, O thou wick-teachest the way of God in truth, ed servant, I forgave thee all that neither carest thou for any man: for debt, because thou desiredst me: thou regardest. not the person of shouldest not thou also have had men. Tell us, therefore, what compassion on thy fellow-servant, thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give even as I had pity on thee? And tribute unto Cæsar, or not? But his lord was wroth, and delivered Jesus perceived their wickedness, him to the tormentors, till he and said, Why tempt ye me, ye should pay all that was due unto hypocrites? Show me the tributehim. So likewise shall my heaven-money. And they brought unto ly Father do also unto you, if ye, him a penny. And he saith unto from your hearts, forgive not every them, "Whose is this image and suone his brother their trespasses.

The twenty-third Sunday after
The Collect.
GOD, our refuge and strength,
who art the author of all god-
liness; be ready, we beseech thee,
to hear the devout prayers of thy
Church; and grant that those things
which we ask faithfully, we may
obtain effectually, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Epistle. Phil. iii. 17.
RETHREN, be followers to-
gether of me, and mark them


perscription? They say unto him, Cæsar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's; and unto God the things that are God's. When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.

The twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity. The Collect. LORD, we beseech thee, ab. solve thy people from their offences; that, through thy bountiful goodness, we may all be delivered

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from the bands of those sins which issue of blood twelve years, came by our frailty we have committed: behind him, and touched the hem Grant this, O heavenly Father, for of his garment: For she said withJesus Christ's sake, our blessed in herself, If I may but touch his Lord and Saviour. Amen. garment, I shall be whole. But The Epistle. Colos. i. 3. Jesus turned him about, and when E give thanks to God, and he saw her, he said, Daughter, be the Father of our Lord Jesus of good comfort, thy faith hath Christ, praying always for you, made thee whole. And the wosince we heard of your faith in man was made whole from that Christ Jesus, and of the love which hour.) And when Jesus came into ye have to all the saints; for the the ruler's house, and saw the minhope which is laid up for you in strels and the people making a heaven, whereof ye heard before noise, he said unto them, Give in the word of the truth of the Gos-place: for the maid is not dead, pel; which is come unto you, as it but sleepeth. And they laughed is in all the world, and bringeth him to scorn. But when the peoforth fruit, as it doth also in you, ple were put forth, he went in, and since the day ye heard of it, and took her by the hand, and the maid knew the grace of God in truth. arose. And the fame hereof went As ye also learned of Epaphras, our abroad into all that land. dear fellow-servant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ; who also declared unto us your love in the spirit. For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not TIR up, we beseech thee, O cease to pray for you, and to desire Lord, the wills of thy faithful that ye might be filled with the people; that they plenteously bringknowledge of his will in all wis-ing forth the fruit of good works, dom and spiritual understanding; may by thee be plenteously rewardthat ye might walk worthy of the ed, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord unto all pleasing, being fruit- Amen. ful in every good work, and in

The twenty-fifth Sunday after
The Collect.

For the Epistle. Jer. xxiii. 5.
EHOLD, the days come, saith

the Lord, that I will raise unto


creasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, un- David a righteous branch; and a to all patience and long-suffering, King shall reign and prosper, and with joyfulness; giving thanks un- shall execute judgment and justice to the Father, who hath made us in the earth. In his days, Judah meet to be partakers of the inherit- shall be saved, and Israel shall ance of the saints in light. dwell safely and this is his name The Gospel. St. Matt. ix. 18. whereby he shall be called, THE WHILE Jesus spake these LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSthings unto John's disciples, NESS. Therefore, behold, the behold, there came a certain ruler, days come, saith the Lord, that and worshipped him, saying, My they shall no more say, The Lord daughter is even now dead; but liveth, who brought up the children come and lay thy hand upon her, of Israel out of the land of Egypt; and she shall live. And Jesus but, The Lord liveth, who brought arose, and followed him, and so did up, and who led the seed of the his disciples. (And behold, a wo-house of Israel out of the north man, which was diseased with an country, and from all countries


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