Your Royal Munificence to his furviving Family; whofe hereditary Loyalty and Affection to Your Sacred Perfon, and thankful Senfe of Your Bounty, are too great to be expreffed in other Words, than thofe of the moft fervent Prayers, by YOUR MAJESTY'S Moft Dutiful and Devoted Subject and Servant, JEMIMA CONYBEare. My Brethren, count it all Joy when ye fall in- Knowing this, that the Tryal of your Faith And Potiphar, an Officer of Pharaoh, Cap- tain of the Guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the Hands of the Ifraelites which brought And the Lord was with Jofeph, and he was a And Jofeph was Thirty Years old when he flood before Pharaoh King of Egypt: And Jo- feph went out from the Prefence of Pharaoh, SERM. But when Herod's Birth-day was kept, the Daughter of Herodias danced before them, Whereupon be promifed with an Oath to give And fhe, being inftructed of her Mother, faid, Give me here John Baptift's Head in a And the King was forry: Nevertheless for the SERM. |