D Printed for J. NICHOLS, Red-Lion-Paffage, Fleet Street; 1797. [v] ADVERTISEMENT. THE following Sermons were com pofed for the particular edification of three congregations, confifting of perfons in the middle and lower ranks of life; without the moft diftant idea of their ever being fubmitted to general criticifm. They They are now reluctantly produced to the world, not for the credit of the writer, but for the benefit of his five unprovided daughters. The Author's reputation ftands on a much firmer bafis: a long life uniformly devoted to the interests of facred learning, and the advancement of Chriftian virtue. The Editor trufts that he may fafely rely on the candor of the Public for those proper allowances which a posthumous Publication, under the aboveftated circumftances, feems to claim : not doubting but that it will readily extend I |