Imatges de pàgina

Here we find ourselves entered on the reign of his prefent Majefty; whom we pray God to continue to preferve, as he has hitherto done propitiously and miraculously! The empire of the Pope received a fatal wound on the expulfion of the Jefuits from all the Catholic states, where they had exercifed their influence for 200 years. And now, as if claims of independency, civil and religious, were no fooner fet up than altered, we fee the Polifh diffidents fecured in their privileges; and our American colonies, after a long and bloody conteft of eight years, gratified with independence. Literary property was decided. A fpirit of riot, masked under the difguife of fanaticifm, committed in London exceffes unknown fince the reign of Richard II.; and how little they were expected may be judged from the little preparation to refift and check them till they had risen to an alarming height. During the united war with France and America, British valour fignalized ittelf by fea and land. Pruflia reftored and preferved the Stadtholder; and tranquillity feemed reftored by a general peace; when war broke out, 1788, between Ruffia and the Porte, and a rapid feries of conquests was made by the former from the latter. When our own country thought itself at perfect amity with all the world, a REVOLUTION as extraordinary as unexpected, pregnant with and productive of every atrocity, and a change of fyftem fatal to Liberty civil and religious, under pretence of preferving both, which has broken down the banners of Faith and Nature, and overturned the foundations of Morality and Juftice, which has fubverted long-established governments, and given in their flead we know not what-fuch a Revolution, the feeds of which had been fown, and its growth nurtured, in Infidel Philofophy-fuch a Revolution broke out in France, pervaded Europe at the point of the bayonet, got footing in Africa; and where or when it may ftop is known only to the Supreme Ruler, who controuls the ocean by a few grains of fand, and employs human means fo fecretly and infenfibly as not to permit them to affume to themfelves the merit of their co-operation.

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Into the opening Century have entered all these horrors. If the rifing generation fuffer a total debasement under their influence, adieu to Names and Characters eminent for virtuous and heroic atchievements! Adieu to Honefty, Benevolence, and every found principle;ill fupplied by affected Philanthropy,, which waftes itself in unbounded extenfivenefs, ftifling the natural affections of domeftic relation, breaking the yoke of restraint from every dependent, whether children, fervants, or others; falfe Tendernefs difclaiming due feverity; Morality which fits eafy on the thoughtlefs mind trained to defpife reftriction; Religion which annihilates its own objects, and to Faith and Hope fubftitutes Frenzy and Despair!

In this dreadful convulfion Europe loft to England all that a nation. whofe naval power is at its zenith could win, the Commerce of the world, and every the moft diftant ifland and comptoir; and that British merchant, who denies his Country her legal claims to a proportion of his income, would deferve to be expatriated to the extremity of the world. At a call the Nation rofe in arms as one man; a Nation of farmers, merchants, men of independent fortunes, and of advantageous occupations, men of fcience, and men of law, and even the minifters of religion, offered their affiftance - to fight, to die, for their Country. Affociations, of which thofe in the laft rebellion had been only emblematic, multiplied on every fide. Twice on the fame aufpicious day has the Sovereign of the British Isles reviewed his loyal



ne fubjects volunteers in his defence; and the Liberty of Great Britain afood the prize of contending ranks in the eyes of all that were dear to her defenders in Hyde-park, as if a fecond Marathon had prefented as itfelf. Thefe were the men that were to have defended Britain, while ber other foldiers fought for Europe. Countrymen and Fellow-citisens-behold what the clofing Century has exhibited to you. Engrave the fpectacle deep in your memories; revolve it in your minds; incultate it on your children; tranfmit it to your pofterity; and refolve with your great deliverer in the opening of the Century to "die for your Country in the laft dyke," and to die free;

Curi funt liberi; cari parentes; carior eft patria.

While SYLVANUS UREAN indulges his apprehenfions from the preveiling temper of the times, he fhall ever congratulate himfelf that his exertions and thofe of his Correfpondents have inculcated better principles, and encouraged better practices; and that, if the fhocking confequence he forebodes is permitted for wife purposes to follow, he fhall not furvive the ruin of his Country.

The Century juft elapfed has feen rife and fall in Europe the following SOVEREIGNS, and their Iffue.

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For those who like to fare better than they now do, and at the fame time to thrive and grow rich. I. The ready penny always fetches the best bargain. He who buys upon trust, must not complain if he is cheated. The fhopkeeper fufpects the customer who buys on truft, and thinks that he means to cheat and never to pay; and therefore he takes good care to be before-hand, and charges high accordingly.

II. The best pennyworth is to be had where most fit together, in the open market; and bargains are often cheaper in the latter end of the day. When honeft men have done their work, it is better for them to go to market than the alehouse.

III. When times are hard, why should we make them harder till? Is it not enough to be taxed once by government, without being twice taxed by folly, thrice by drunkenness, four times by laziness, and so on:-A good man, even in hard times, will do twice as well as a bad man will in the best of times. Let us all then rife up against ourfelves, who thus tax and injure ourselves; and we shall foon find that the times will mend. Let us do good to ourselves at home, and we shall become happy in our own habitations; and learn that it is a true faying, that " God helps thofe who help themTelves."

IV., Time is our estate, it is our most valuable property. If we lofe it, or waste it, we can never-never purchase it back again. We ought therefore not to have an idle hour, or throw away an idle penny. While we employ our time and our property (however fall that property may be) to the best advantage, we shall find that a fortune may be made in any fituation of life; and that the poor man, who once wanted affiftance himself, may become able to affift and relieve others.

V. Indufry will make a man a purfe, and frugality will him find ftrings for it. Neither the pui fe nor the ftrings will coft him any thing. He who has it should only draw the frings as frugality directs; and he will be fure always to find an uteful penny at the bottom of it. The fervants of industry are known by their livery; it is always ⚫ whole and wholefome. Idlenefs travels very leifurely, and poverty foon overtakes her. Look at the ragged flaves of idleness, and judge which is the best master to ferve-Induftry, or Idlenefs.

VI. Marriage is honourable; and the married state when entered into with prudeace, and continued in with difcretion, is of all conditions of life the moft happy; but to bring a wife home, before we have made provifion by our induftry and frugality for her and our children, or to choose a wife, who has not by attention and economy on her part proved herfelf fit to manage a family, is extremely imprudent and improvident. Let, therefore, the young prepare themfelves for the married ftate, by treafuring up all the furplus of their youthful earnings, and they will marry with confidence, and live together in comfort.

VII. Of all idolatry that ever debafed any favage and ignorant nation, the worship of the gin-bottle is the moft difgraceful. The worshiper of the gin-bottle becomes unfit for any thing; he foon rots his liver, and ruins himself and family.

VIII. He who does not make his family comfortable, will himself never be happy at home; and he who is not happy at home, will never be happy any where.Charity begins at home: the husband and wife, who can hardly keep themfelves and their children, should not keep a dog to rob the children of part of their food.

IX. She who roafts or broils her meat, waftes a great part of it on the fire. She who boils it, lofes a third part of it in the water. But when the good wife ftews her meat gently, thickening the liquor with a little meal, ground rice, or peafe and vegetables, and making it favoury with fried onions, herbs, and seasoning, she gets thegood of the whole; her husband and she fare much better, their children thrive and grow hearty and ftout, and their money goes twice as far.

'X. When you flew or boil your meat, if you leave the veffel uncovered, fome of the beft part goes off and is wafted in fteam; and when you make the fire in a wide chimbey, with a large open throat, there is at least twice as much of the heat goes up the chimney as ever comes into the room, to warm the family. XI. Sinning is a very expenfive occcupation.-Afk thofe who have practifed it; they can tell you what it has coft them. The man who attempts to make you laugh at the fear of God, is your worst enemy. In fo doing, he endeavours to teach you to be also your own bitter and irreconcilable enemy for ever, both in this world and in the


XII. Sin is the greatest of all evils; the falvation of the foul, our best good; and the Grace of God, our richeft treafure. Let the poor man find his way to the cheapest market on Saturday, to a place of divine worthip on Sunday, and, like an honest man, go to his work on Monday. Following thefe plain directions, he may be twice happy i happy here, and happy hereafter to all eternity.

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Meteorolog. Diaries for Dec. 1799, and Jan or Belham-Sterne's Originality defended 32
This Iland peculiarly favoured by Providence 3Dr. Johnfon's Similarity to R. Burton noticed 331
Lydiat'sLife illuftrated-Sedley and Valliere 5 Paruits of Architect. Innovation, No. XIX. ib.
Remarks on Epithets ufed by Modern Poetsbid Some Memoranda of Kingfwood, Wiltshire 36
Eafy and effectual Cure for Wens authenticated 6otices delivered to Tenants at Wall difcuffed 39
Criticifm on Novels-Impiety of the Stage ibid. Act 38 Geo. III. c. 52.not fufficiently extenfive q

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Parker of Oxford and his very learned Son 7 Rev. T. Mois, the Author of "The Beggar" 41

Profeffor Hunt-Long Life not to be defred 8Obfervations on the Infidelity of D'Ak nibert 42

Defcription of Garthmill Houfe, Montgomeryth. 9 An humorous Selection from the Newspapers 4:

A Character of Dr. Johnfon by Bishop Horne Welsh Methodils remarkably loval Subjects 45

An additional fupernumerary Pfalm of David 12 The two Dr. Berimans (W. an I) confounded

Hints to the Commentators on the Prophets 130xvgen Gas no new Dicovery in Chemistry 4

The recent Alterations in Lichfield Cathedral 17REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS

An Hofpital for Inoculation for the Cow-Pox 18NDEX INDICATORIUS-Queries anfwered

Banter on the Ufe of the Metallic Tractors ibid. Proceedings of the prefent Seffion of Parlame 167

The Rambler's Re-vifit to Buttermere related 19 SELECT POETRY, Antient and Modern 69--2

Curious Defcription of a Ruftic Annual Dance 21Interesting Intelligence from London Gazettes 7 a

Some Account of Mr. Smith, M.P. for Donegal 24interefting Intelligence from the Faft indies 76

Lilburn Church, Northamptonshire, defcribed 25 A new Monthly Retrofpect of Foreign Affairs 77

Muftration of a remarkable Paffage in Jofhua ib Country News-Fall of Chelmsford Church 7

An Etymological Difquifition on Spain, &c. 26 Bp. of London's liberal Letter to Dr. Parker S.

Effay on the first Introduction of Perriwigs 28 Bp. of Hereford's Letter-Domestic News 81

Notices of William Hunnis and of his Poems 29 Marriages, Deaths of eminent Perfons 82-91

Anachronism refpecting Lady M.W.Montague 30 Bill of Mortality from Dec. 1799 to Jan. 1800 99

A Sonnet by Lady Mary-Wortley Montague 31 The Average Prices of Grain for One Month 9:

MoreParticulars refpecting Mr.Harte's Works ib.Daily Variations in the Prices of the Stocks

Embellished with Perfpective Views of GARTHMILL HOUSE, in MONMOUTHSHIRE;


Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, at Cicero's Head, Red-Lion Paffage, Fleet-ftreet, London:
where all Letters to the Editor are defired to be addrcited, PosT-PAID. 1800.

2 Meteorological Diaries for Dec. 1799, and Jan. 1800.

1 Days N

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1. Gathered a well-blown rofe; another bud upon the fame ftem.-6. The buds of the honeyfuckle turgid and green. Goffamer floats.-7. Blades of the fnow-drop have broke ground.-13. A polyanthus in flower.

N. B. The air, in general, has been fo foft, that the fmall birds have chirped aloud their notes. The effects of the gale, noticed in laft month, have continued to the end of the prefent month. But the ftagnated air has caufed a gloominefs and fogginefs; and the effect of its want of motion of the atmosphere has nearly caufed a famine in the want of bread, the wind-mills being almoft continually at a ftand. The water-mills are nearly in the fame fituation, the water being almoft exhaufted, from unufual drains, and long drought. J. HOLT, Walton, near Liverpool. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE for January, 1800.

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