Imatges de pàgina
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tion for "Granting an additional sum of | present with our own hands our Gränt of Supply, which concludes the labours of the ses200,000l. to the Duke of Wellington." sion,

Mr. Whitbread very handsomely supported the motion.


State, with respect to its agriculture, ship ping, and finances.

"In the ordinary course of our proceedings, much of our time has been occupied in disJune 26.-Sir W. W. Wynne sug-cussing measures of great importance to the gested, that the precedent of the grant the Duke of Marlborough ought to be followed, and that the Duke of Wellington, "We have endeavoured so to regulate our and his heirs, in commemoration of his Corn Laws, with prudence and firmness, that splendid victory, shonld annually pre- protection and encouragement may be given sent to the Crown a flag, with the fleur-to the agricultural interest of every part of the

J de-lis embroidered on it. He also thought that there should be some graut of crown lands to the noble Lord and his succes


United Kingdom, without endangering the prosperity of our trade and manufactures. We have endeavoured also to derive new means of maritime strength, from the valuable resources of our Indian possessions. And after

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said the Crown lands did not afford an ade-devising and preparing such plans for adjustquate property. The delivery of the flag was agreed to [but, if we are correct, it is to be a tri-coloured flag.]

Duke of Cumberland.

ing the public revenue and expenditure, as might suit a period of returning peace, we have been called upon, by nnlooked for events to renew our exertions and sacrifices upon most extended scale of war.


66 Scarcely had we closed our contest with July 3.—The Chancellor of the Exche- America, and scarcely had the Congress of quer moved the second reading of a Bill Vienna laid the first foundation of those arfor allowing H. R. H. the Duke of Cumrangements which were destined to consolidate berland an addition of 6,000 per annum. the peace of Europe, when, in direct contraon occasion of his marrage with the Prin-vention of the most solemn engagements, the cess of Salms.

It was urged against this bill, that, the Duke had already an ample income (say 20,000l. per annum), that his marriage was disapproved of in the most illustrious family; that it had never appeared in the Gazette; that very unfavourable rumours, as to personal character, were afloat: that to vote the money was to approve the marriage:-that moral character was of infinite value; and, that a lady who was not expected to appear at Court, could not incur additional expences: the income was already sufficient for the Continent.

Proposed to read the bill that day three 126 months:-For the amendment

Against it

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The bill lost by a majority of one.
July 4.-The thanks of the House to the
Duke of York, voted, for his exertions
during twenty years; by which the dis
cipline of the British army had been
'greatly improved, &c. &c.

The session was closed on Wednesday,
July 12, by the following speeches:

The Prince Regent came to the House
at two o'clock. The Speaker of the House
of Commons, attended by the Members
appeared at the bar, and delivered the fol-
lowing speech :—

"May it please your Royal Highness "We, his Majesty's faithful subjects, the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland, in obedience to your Royal Highness's commands, attend your Royal Highness; and, according to our ancient privilege, we crave leave to

disturber of Europe and destroyer of the human race re-appeared upon the throne of France; and the world was once more in arms.

"In the short space of three months, by rapid strides, the fate of Europe has been again brought to issue; and the conflict was tremendous; but the result has been glorious. The most warlike nations, headed by the most renowned commanders, have met in battle; and, as Britons, we have the triumphant satisfaction to know, (however much that triumph may be saddened by private grief), that it is now no longer doubtful, to what name, and to what uation, the world will henceforth ascribe the pre-eminence, for mili tary skill and unconquerable valour.

"To consecrate the trophies, and perpetuate the fame of our brave countrymen who fell ia that unrivalled victory, we have declared to be our ardent desire: and it will be the distinguishing glory of your Royal Highness's days, to erect in the metropolis of this Empire such a lofty and durable monument of their military renown, and our national gratitude, as may command the veneration of our latest posterity.

"Great, however, and glorious as this vic. tory has been in itself, it is not to the joint exertions and heroic achievements of the British and Russian arms in that memorable con

fict, that we must limit our admiration,-we have also to contemplate with equal pride and satisfaction its immediate consequences, military, political, and moral.

"We have seen the illustrious Commanders of the Allied Armies advancing at once into the heart of France; and Paris, twice van quished, has again opened her gates to the Conquerors.

"The Usurper of a throne, which he has twice abdicated, has sought his safety in an ignominious flight; and the rightful Sovereign of France has once more resumed the sceptre of his ancestors.

"With those awful scenes passing before us, we may presume also to hope, that the period is not now distant when the hand of Providence will finally extinguish the remaining efforts of that guilty and perfidious spirit of dominion which has so long raged without control, and restore to desolated Europe the blessings of peace and justice.


calculable woes to Europe. Under such cir. cumstances, you will have seen with just pride and satisfaction, the splendid success with which it has pleased Divine Providence to bless his Majesty's arms, and those of his Alhes. Whilst the glorious and ever-memorable victory obtained at Waterloo, by Field Mar. shals the Duke of Wellington and Prince Blucher, has added fresh lustre to the characters of those great Commanders, and has exalted the military reputation of this country beyond all former example it has at the same time produced the most decisive effects on "But, Sir, whatever may be the final issue the operations of the war, by delivering from of these great transactions, we look forward invasion the dominions of the King of the Newith confidence to their satisfactory conclu- therlands, and by placing in the short space of ion, under the auspices of your Royal High-fifteen days, the city of Paris and a large ness; and we doubt not of the happiest results, part of the kingdom of France, in the military from the same Councils which have planned, occupation of the Allied Armies. Amidst and the same hands that have executed, those events so important I am confident you will wise and vigorous measures which have been see how necessary it is, that there should be hitherto crowned with such signal success. no relaxation in our exertions until I shall be “On our part, it is our humble duty to enabled, in conjunction with his Majesty's strengthen the means of your Royal High- Allies, to complete those arrangements which ness's Government; and towards effectuating may afford the prospect of permanent, peace that purpose, we, his Majesty's faithful and security to Europe." Commons, do this day present to your Royal Highness a Bill, intituled "An act for enabling his Majesty to raise the sum of six millions for the service of Great Britain ;" to which, with all humility, we intreat his Majesty's Royal Assent."

The Prince then gave the Royal Assent to the bill, and delivered the following speech from the throne :—

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"Gentlemen of the House of Commons, "I thank you for the very liberal provision you have made for the services of the present year. I deeply lament the continuance and increase of those burdens which the great military exertions of the present campaign, combined with the heavy arrears remaining due for the expenses of the former war, have rendered indispensable, and which his Majesty's loyal subjects, from a conviction of their necessity, have sustained with such exemplary fortitude and cheerfulness. You have already seen, however, the fruit of the exertions which have been made; and there can be no doubt that the best economy will be found to result from that policy which may enable us to bring the contest to the most speedy termina. tion."

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"My Lords, and Gentlemen, "I cannot close this Session of Parliament without again expressing my deep regret at the continuance of his Majesty's lameuted indisposition. At the commencement of the present Session, I entertained a confident hope, that the Peace which I had concluded in conjunction with his Majesty's Allies, would meet with no interruption; and that, after so many years of continued warfare and of unexampled calamity, the nations of "The brilliant and rapid success of the Aus Europe would be allowed to enjoy that repose trian arms at the opening of the campaign for which they had been so long contending, bas led to the restoration of the kingdom of and that your efforts might be directed to alle- Naples to its ancient sovereign, and to the viate the burdens of his Majesty's people and deliverance of that important portion of Italy to adopt such measures as might best pro- from foreign influence and dominion. I have mote the internal prosperity of his dominions. further the satisfaction of acquainting you, These expectations were disappointed by an that the authority of his Most Christian Maact of violence and perfidy, of which no parallel jesty has been again acknowledged in his cacan be found in history. The usurpation of the pital, to which his Majesty has himself resupreme authority in France by Buonaparte, paired. The restoration of peace between in consequence of the defection of the French this country and the United States of Ame'armies from their legitimate Sovereign, ap- rica has been followed by a negotiation for a peared to me to be so incompatible with the Commercial Treaty, which I have every reageneral security of other countries, as well as son to hope will be terminated upon condiwith the engagements to which the French tions calculated to cement the good undernation had recently been a party, that I felt I standing subsisting between the two countries, had no alternative but to employ the military and equally beneficial to the interests of both. resources of his Majesty's dominions, in con--I have great pleasure in acquainting you, junction with his Majesty's Allies, to prevent the re-establishment of a system which experience had proved to be the source of such in

that the labours of the Congress at Vienna have been brought to a conclusion by the signature of a treaty, which, as the ratified

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tions have not yet been exchanged, could not,
be communicated to you, but which I expect
to be enabled to lay before you when I next
meet you in Parliament —I cannot release you
from your attendance without assuring you,
that it is in a great degree to the support
which you have afforded me, that I ascribe the
success of my earnest endeavours for the pub-
lic welfare; and on no occasion has that sup-
port been more important than in the course
of the present Session.—In the further prosecu-
tion of such measures as may be necessary to
bring the great contest in which we are en-
'gaged to an honourable and satisfactory con-
clusion, I shall rely with confidence on the ex-
perienced zeal and steady loyalty of all classes
of his Majesty's subjects; and they may de-
pend on my efforts to improve our present ad-
vantages in such manner as may best provide
for the general tranquillity of Europe, and
maintain the high character which this
country enjoys amongst the nations of the



tleman, and was by him led to devote him-
self to the Ministry. In August 1791 he
was admitted to Queen's College, Cam-
bridge, under Dr. Milner. He pursued
his studies with great ardour.
He was
ordained in 1795 by Bishop Porteus; and
became curate to Mr. Newton. In a few
months he was appointed Chaplain to Fort
William in Bengal. He went out to India
in a ship with two young ladies; one of
whom afterwards became his wife. The
College of Fort William was founded in
1800, Mr. B. was appointed Provost and
Professor of Greek and Latin Classics.
His station afforded him opportunity for
obtaining information, as well as commu-
nicating it; and he distinguished himself
principally by his remarks on the tremen-
dous and bloody idolatry of the Hindoos;
and by the discovery of a nation of Chris-
tians still extant in India, though dating
their origin from the earliest times. His
accounts of these have been set before our
readers. His wife died on her passage to
England, to superintend the education of
her children. Dr. B. soon followed her;
and after his arrival published works which
made a strong impression on the religious
public. In furtherance of the pious design
for propagating the Gospel among the
Heathens, he laboured without intermis-
sion, and at length died in that exercise of
Christian philanthropy.

more upright man: he perfected worsted spinning by water-machinery, and the power-loom for weaving stuffs and cottons: in short he never attempted any thing too difficult for his profound science and great perseverance to accomplish, and has left the cotton-spinning manufactory at Tutbury in a state of excellence not surpassed by any in the kingdom.

Feb. 9. At Broxbourne, Herts, where he was superintending an edition of the Scriptures for the use of the Syrian Christians, Rev. CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN, D. D. (of Queen's college, Cambridge, M. A. 1796.) By the death of this accomplished cholar and truly exemplary Divine, the Christian world has sustained an irreparable loss. To genuine piety, liberality of April 9.-JOHN BOTT, Esq. aged 81, of sentiment, and deep scriptural erudition, Tutbury, Stafford, senior partner in the was united in him a remarkable apostolic house of Messrs. John Bott and Co. This simplicity of mind and character. "Be-country never lost a better mechanic, or hold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile," was the exclamation of all who knew him. His whole life was a comment on those words of our blessed Saviour, "Wist ye not that I must be about my father's business?" Deeply versed in the Oriental languages, he conceived he should best promote the honour of God, and the happiness of mankind, by enabling" every man to read the Holy Scriptures” in his own tongue. Peculiarly interested in sup. plying a want of these to a Church which, by a gracious Providence, had been preserved from the times of the Apostles in nearly its original purity, he was engaged in that labour of love to his last moments. Dr. Buchanan was born in the neighbourhood of Cambuslang, in Scotland, about 1768. His father died when he was young. He came while a youth to London, and was for some years articled to a solicitor in the city; 'during which time he was by no means serious. At length hearing Mr. Newton, of St. Mary's Woolnoth, he formed an acquaintance with that gen

April 17. In Boswell-court, Careystreet, BRYAN CROWTHER, Esq. member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, and surgeon to the Bridewell and Bethlem Hospitals. He was the author of two professional works, entitled "Observations on the Disease of the Joints, called White Swelling; with some Remarks on Scrofulous Abscesses," 8vo, 1797; 2d edit. 1808; and "Practical Remarks on Insanity, with a Commentary on Dissections of the Brain of Maniacs," Svo. 1811.

At Edinburgh, WM. CREECH, Esq. bookseller, late Lord Provost of that City,

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where for nearly half a century he was in France for a long time. This work well known to almost every family. He which is considered as his chef d'œuvre, was was the son of a most respectable Clergy-written while he was pursuing his studies man, the minister of Newbattle. After a at the University; and it was afterwards complete classical education, he was, in adopted by that Establishment as the only early life, at different times, on the Couti-translation which seemed to prove the nent; and succeeded, in the year 1771, to affinity between the two languages. His that part of the business of his early friend study of, and partiality to Virgil, gave him and patron Mr. Kincaid, at that time his the idea of writing a counterpart to the Majesty's Printer for Scotland, which was Georgics, under the title of Les Jardins." not connected with the patent of King's | Virgil's great effort was adapted to the simPrinter. He continued in this business plicity of the antique taste, and primitive forty-four years, and was concerned in all manners: Delille endeavoured to introduce the principal publications during that in his 'Jardins' ail the luxuries of modern time. He was frequently in the Magis- civilization. He wished to connect grantracy of the City of Edinburgh and was deur and opulence with a taste for those solicited in 1811, to accept the office of simple pleasures which tend to the embelLord Provost, to which from his habits and | lishment of a country residence. His poem, advanced time of life, he felt himself then it is asserted, led to the abolishing of that unsuited, but he yielded to the wishes of unnatural symmetry which prevailed in his friends in the Town Council. Mr. laying out of French estates, and to the inCreech was well fitted to be an ornament troducing of romantic parks, similar to to society: with a mind highly gifted and those which embellish the landed property improved, he possesed the most pleasing of the English. He afterwards, at rather manners, and that habitual cheerfulness an advanced period of life, translated the and playfulness of fancy which rendered Eneid, by which his former well-carned his company fascinating. He was an ex- faine was by no meaus deteriorated. His cellent and an elegant scholar; and al'Hommes des Champs' was written after he though, from the extent of his business, as had visited antient Greece, and seen, from one of the most eminent booksellers of his Constantinople, the most magnificent day, and his many social engagements, he prospects which Nature offers to the sight had little leisure to direct his mind to any of man, For many years he occupied his deliberate literary work, yet the light leisure in writing a variety of poems, all of pieces and essays which frequently came which acquired a deserved celebrity; but, from his pen, evinced the elegance of his the work, which, in the latter periods of taste, his knowledge of character, and his his career, made the most noise in France, capability of a higher attainment in compowas a translation of Milton's Paradise sition. Several of these Essays, were af Lost,' of which our country has become so terwards collected into a small volume, proud, ever since she was enabled to discoentitled "Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces." ver its transcendant merits. In this atMr. Creech enjoyed the correspondence tempt, Delille is generally considered to and confidence of most of the great literarybe a freu imitator of an unequal but unpacharacters who flourished in Scotland from about the middle to the end of the last century.

M. DELILLE, was the most distinguished poetical author France has produced. M. Campenon, after condoling with the Class on the loss of so great a poet, gives this history of his literary efforts “Attracted by the beauties of the immortal Virgil, he attempted, at an early age, to translate the Georgies into French verse; in which he so completely succecled, that the whole host of French critics of that day combined to run him down; but they could only blame him for following his original withexcessive fidelity, without adding to it sacriligeous embellishments. This translation, drew from Frederick the Great the foi lowing remarkable expression that it was the most original work which had appeared

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rallelled model." His other principal poems were "Inquisition," "Pity," "Conversation," and "The Three Kingdoms of Nature." Like most other Authors, however, he appears to have left to his posterity nothing but his writings; which, as his Eulogist justly observes, "Death cannot destroy, nor Time annihilate." He died at Paris in 1814.

Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN was born at Southampton, about 1748, and educated at Winchester with a view to the Church; but his fondness for musick frustrated the intentions of his friends, and impeiled him to repair clandestinely to the Metropolis at the age of 15 years. The precocity of his talents was remarkable; at 16, he brought out at Covent Garden, an Opera of two acts, "The Shepherd's Artifice," written and composed by himself. For some time after

writer of that severe and unjust invective
against Mr. Pitt, in the second number of
the Rolliad, which begins
"Pert without fire, without experience sage."
He afterwards changed his political con-
nexions; but it was not till after his return
from Lille, whither he had gone in 1797,
with his friend Lord Malmesbury, that he
became personally acquainted with Mr.
Pitt. At the first interview, two men of
wit, the friends of both, amused them-
selves with allusions to the Rolliad, which,
as they probably intended, visibly embar-
rassed Mr. Ellis. Mr. Pitt turned round,
and with a smile said, in a manner full of
grace and good-humour,

this, he was principally engaged in composing musick for the productions of others; for Love in the City, Lionel and Clarissa, The Padlock, The Jubilee, The Installation of the Garter, and The Christmas Tale. In 1768 he was the original Mungo in The Padlock, in which, as well as in Ralph in The Maid of the Mill, and other characters, he displayed much originality of conception. The Circus was built for him and hewas manager of it for two seasons. He afterwards erected a small theatre in Leicester-street, Leicestersquare, where for many years he gave a new species of entertainment, in which he was the sole writer, composer, and performer. It was for these exhibitions that he produced his songs; and in this line, whether we consider the number or the merit of his He instantly relieved Mr. Ellis from his performances, he was perhaps never equal-embarrassment; and both were probably. afterwards amused by the applications which the verses immediately following might have suggested,

66 Immo

age, et à primâ dic hospes origine


"Insidias, inquit, Danaûm, casusque tuorum, Erroresque tuos."

led. His services in this way procured him the notice of Government, and a pension of 2001. a year; of which, however, he was deprived on a change in the Administration. Embarrassments obliged him to dispose of his theatre in Leicester-street; and some To pardon merely political pleasantries, time afterwards he opened a music-shop in or even invectives. is an effort of placabilithe Strand. This speculation proved un- ty, which did not require so safe and unfortunate; and a commission of bankruptcy assailable a greatness as that of Mr. Pitt. left him completely destitute. His si- It was Mr. Ellis's singular fortune to have tuation having reached the ears of a few been also engaged in another collection of gentlemen to whom he was almost un-political pleasantries, "The Anti-Jacoknown, they held a private meeting, and bin," with two colleagues of brilliant taproposed a public subscription for him. lent, with whom he continued in affectionSuch a sum was raised as enabled the trus ate friendship the rest of his life. In 1790 tees to secure a moderate annuity for Mr. he published the first edition of the "SpeDibdin, his wife, and daughter; the prin- cimens of English early Poetry," which, cipal being reserved for the two latter after with the enlarged edition in 1801, and the his decease. He died at Camden Town," Specimens of English early Romances," after experiencing long and severe bodily infirmities; leaving, besides the widow and daughter already mentioned, two sons, well known in the theatrical world. His works are very numerous.

At Paisley, in his 100th year, JAMES Dow, the only survivor of a party who volunteered from the parish of Beith for the suppression of the Rebellion, in 1745, under the command of the celebrated Dr. Witherspoon, then minister of that place.

April 10, died in Connaught-place, aged 70, G. ELLIS, Esq. of Sunning-hill by which event Society and Literature have been deprived of one of their ornaments, and his friends have lost a man peculiarly formed to feel and to inspire the warmest sentiments of friendship. One of his earliest attempts in literature was a share in the celebrated series of political satires, entitled, "The Rolliad," also "Probationary Odes," &c. Mr. Ellis was the

formed an important contribution towards that growing study of our antient literature, which has breathed a youthful spirit into English Poetry. His Essays on the formation and progress of the English Language, are models of abridgement, in which useful information is shortly and modestly communicated, without inaccuracy or obscurity on the one hand, and without pretension or pedantry on the other. In the Abridgement of the old Romances, these prolix tales are rendered more amusing by a gentle sneer, which is constantly visible through the serious narrative, and which enlivens the perusal without destroying the interest. In the Preface and Appendix to the Tableaux of his friend Mr. Way, are to be found some of the purest and most classical passages of Addisonian composition which this age has produced. Mr. Ellis had been employed for some time on a Life of the late Mr. Windham, which was intended to accompany some works of that gentle

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