Imatges de pàgina


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Chriftian charity & comon justice, great props of a Common-wealth.37

Committers of fin, are of two forts.


Complaint is a part of prayer, 31. the reasons thereof.


Contempt of the Law brings in licentiousnesse, & custome of finning.28
Gontempt is à provocation which moveth God to fevere judgments. 72

Contempt is most grievous to mans generous nature

Corruption of justice a dangerous figne of a drooping Common-wealth.
45. Reasons for its...


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Devill, author of Idolatry, temptor to it, and promoter of it.

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F Aftern winds most unwhalfome in Judea,

page 58

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Gluing of

threatning judgment.

Faithuseful both in profperity and adversity.

Fath not rightly grounded is presumption.

Fear mingled with faith is no fin.

Few feeke the true use of riches.

almes doth not purifie ill gotten goods

God's wrath and judgments ts are a burthen to him, and so is his worå

page 292

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bedience, 63.677. & fo are all God's promises to his children 78

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Gods care and providence stoopeth so low as to the regard of our



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