An Alphabetical TABLE of the principal heads A good conscience declares a mans faith to himself, 225. and a godly conversation to others. 226 C. Chriftian charity & comon justice, great props of a Common-wealth.37 Committers of fin, are of two forts. 283 Complaint is a part of prayer, 31. the reasons thereof. 32 Contempt of the Law brings in licentiousnesse, & custome of finning.28 Contempt is most grievous to mans generous nature Corruption of justice a dangerous figne of a drooping Common-wealth. 43 Devill, author of Idolatry, temptor to it, and promoter of it. F Aftern winds most unwhalfome in Judea, page 58 Gluing of threatning judgment. Faithuseful both in profperity and adversity. Fath not rightly grounded is presumption. Fear mingled with faith is no fin. Few feeke the true use of riches. almes doth not purifie ill gotten goods God's wrath and judgments ts are a burthen to him, and so is his worå God's wrath and judgments are a burthen to the Prophet that utters them in respest of his fidelity to him that sends him, 9. And in re- spect of his zeale, ibid. And in respect of his compaffion. God's wrath and judgments are a burthen to the people to whom they - are fent, both to the penitent, 10. and to the impenitent. God fometimes fufpends the fucreffe of his fervants prayers. God doth himself take notice of the peoples fins,and acquainteth his Pro- Gad doth hear the complaints of such as have just cause to complaine of violence, to execute his judgments upon them that offend, 59. Rea page 292 bedience |