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A Marine Corps Boot: In Cold-War Parris Island

Besides the routine rigors of Korean Crisis training, college-boy Chris Madeira must confront the resentments of his commanding officer.

Summer's Keep

Summer’s Keep compels us to pay closer attention to the tremble of life as it moves through our circumstances; revealing to us the wonder and magnificence of a merciful God.

Marriage Changes Many Lives

Paul Watson wins eight million in a Michigan Lottery. He buys a new house in Florida. Goes to a bank to cash his big check. Meets bank manager Audrey Burton. He wonders why she interests him.

The End of Karma

The End of Karma describes how the concept of karma has evolved over time and liberates it from theory and theology, showing its healing function within the psyche – along with the social, shamanic and spiritual structures that resist letting it go.

What A Life That Was

This book is about the life of a young girl who was born in a valley near the Amazon where school was nonexistence in the every day life of the people who live there.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams