Today's Blog


Having An Attitude Of Success
Is your glass of water half-full or half-empty?
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Business, Occupations, Professions, & Vocations In The Bible

Since the beginning of time, small business has played an important role in all societies and cultures. It has been a vital part of community as craftsmen, laborers, manufacturers, buyers and sellers exchange wares and talents. From ancient times to modern times, people have lived their lives centered around crafting something of value to use at home and to sell outside of their home. Economies have been perpetuated as they centered around commercial activities and commerce. From ancient Greece and Ethiopia, to ancient India, the ingenuity of humans beings and their ability to design, craft, manufacturer and harvest, have kept countries and kingdoms with food on the table. This has allowed cities, nations and kingdoms to prosper. Economic entrepreneurship has a history of success in every area of the world. It has sustained families, cities and nations as it has created employment opportunities and economic growth. Find out more

Recent Blogs


Thank You for stopping by. Rich Brott is the author of several books on personal finance and business management. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Economics and a Master of Business Administration.
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Read Rich's perspective and biblical framework on all the topics he pens in his blogs, articles, and books. His focus is to present a balanced perspective on all topics, from being diligent, working hard, being productive, as well as learning to save, invest wisely, giving appropriately and becoming stewards of everything including time, talents, bodies, giftings, money, possessions, skills, communication, etc. Take the time to read Rich's Kingdom Perspectives...
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