J. Dolan's Reviews > The God Delusion

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
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it was amazing
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You're either going to love or hate this book, and not solely from a religious standpoint. Impassioned, even imbued, Dawkins holds nothing back, and in his zeal to redress the evils and stupidities of deity-based organized religion, sometimes weakens his argument by overstepping himself and/or exhibiting the very smug self-assuredness he would condemn.
On the whole, however, Delusion is as important a book as you're likely to come across, and in a sane world would be required reading in schools. For one, the more informed the choices we make, the better, not least those touching on the smartest way to lead our lives. Second, for the human race to progress, it becomes essential to distinguish science from superstition; if the thousand years of the Dark Ages taught us anything, it was that. There are those who would usher in a new Dark Age, setting us again back who knows how many centuries.
Then there are men like Dawkins, devoted humanists who with their words and deeds would keep rational thought preeminent and our vision unblinkered. In these parlous times, we maintain otherwise at our peril. Here's to the courage of this book and its author who would dare to be unpopular, who would risk reputation, if not life and limb, being uncompromisingly secular in these demonstrably dangerous unsecular times.

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July 27, 2016 – Shelved

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